Red on Arrival Pt. 4

Red on Arrival Pt. 4

A Chapter by Stephen Caldwell

Chapter 63: Red on Arrival Pt. 4





          Trevor chased him all the way to the side of a street where he stopped. “I saw him.” He said when Jamie was pointing out that he’d parked. Trevor reversed and moved up behind him. “What do you think we’re getting into over here bruh.”

            “I couldn’t tell you. But, I can say that its strange it would be this close to my house.”

            Trevor looked out over the bed of David’s truck and jumped out. Jamie followed. He ran up to David and asked who’s house it was. He said some chicks. So in they went, or, rather to the front door. A large-black faceted thick wooden door with a big cut circular knocker and black handle. They trudged inside one-by-one. Trevor was apprehensive because he didn’t know the people that were there. When he got inside this didn’t subside. He stayed in the living room until he could no longer stand being by himself and walked into the kitchen to see who all was in there besides the two he’d seen when he walked in. He had no idea who any of them were. So, when David walked over and told him that he was collecting money for the beer, Trevor immediately handed him a ten and didn’t say another word. It was rather unorthodox way of exchange since he clearly understood what he was doing but not that he was that he was acting the way he was. Trevor pushed his way to the other side of the room. He felt like he could breathe better over there. Then he got one of the drinks from one of the guests that was handing them out, though they hadn’t gotten theirs yet. He drank it slowly, odd for him normally, he undid the zipper of his hoodie and struck up a conversation with Jamie, this last for about forty-five minutes. That’s when David walked back in with their beer.

            Now, Trevor was standing on the other side of the room, back toward the door to the living room. He waited for Jamie to walk through and then opened up his case along with the rest of them, and drank many of them. They were all good and drunk. He ran his hands over the cold wet can and flicked beads of water off a few times. After a minute of chugging, David had gone outside. Then again, he busted through the door and called them. “We have to go!” he screamed. “Whoa! What’s going on?” he asked. “No time. We go now.” he said in his off-color tone of voice. “Trevor let’s go!” he said again and Jamie went with them. “What’s the deal!?” Trevor yelled when back in the alley where they parked. He waited for a reply from him. He didn’t say anything. Jamie stood there with eyes wide open, David obviously had an irate stress in his demeanor that let them know something was awry. “Nothing much except I just killed someone…” he told them. “Uh…. What….” Trevor leaned and said cooly. “What was that?” Jamie said. “I accidentally hit someone with that… stuff that we can do…”

            “Oh s**t.” Trevor said with a lackadaisical amazement. “So what you’re telling me is that you killed the guy you went out on the porch with?”

            “He kind of faded without a trace. I put my hand on his shoulder blade like I do when I talk important stuff and he just went poof.”

            “Oh God damnit.” Trevor said loudly. He looked at David who looked at him. Then he looked at Jamie who was staring at David. Likewise, Trevor had to speak up or else they all would have to answer for a missing person. Trevor waited a juncture of seconds and then said, okay let’s leave.” They got in their cars. “What happened to your ride? Were you going to get one?” he asked Jamie. “Yeah, we can meet her at the park again.”

            “Whatever you say man.” Trevor headed off to the park again. Within minutes he was picked up. Where had David gone? Trevor decided to call him. “Yeah?”

            “Hi.” Trevor said. “Where are you?”

            “Ummm… I went back in the house to pick up the case of beer. I started off for your house after that.”

            “Oh. I’m not there yet. I dropped Jamie off at the park. Should we go back to my house?”

            “Yeah, let’s do that.” He said. “Right.” Trevor ended the call. “Wow. What now.” he said to himself. He turned on the radio and drove for his home. He took an alternate route around the place where they’d been before, which was really more of a get together than anything. But, besides that he jetted down side streets till he made it back. Lining steps further than David, he pulled into his driveway. Trevor wasn’t sure why David had parked in his driveway, but it made him sort-of uneasy. He disregarded this sentiment and hung out his door, holding his head in his hands and distressing that way. Hoping to get inside soon, he didn’t dilly dally with formalities with David considering he’d been with him most of the night. “What are you trying to do now?” he asked. Waiting for an answer. “I’m loosening up. I’m drunk and still wound up for some reason. I can’t shake it.” He said.

“Yeah, I bet, it’s not all the time that you accidentally. Well… you know.” He said wavering. He couldn’t quite spit it out. Trevor hung onto his cell phone the whole time. Waiting for a chance to look over his calls and texts from today and night. David stood wearily outside his truck, likely waiting for Trevor to speak of something relevant. Trevor turned to him and asked how long it took to get here. He said five minutes. If instead he’d asked him what he did to make that happen, he would’ve gotten a different answer. All it took was for Trevor to stay silent for a while for David to get aggravated. He shook Trevor and said, “What am I going to do, man?”

“I don’t know alright. Give me some time. What do you think we should do?”

“I think we should get the f**k out of here.” He said. Trevor thought for a moment. “Why is that? No one knows what went down. If we just keep quiet and find a place to gather the remaining intercessors we can beat this thing.”

“What do you mean this thing? What are you talking about? Is this some kind of game to you?”

“No, no it’s not. So how about it? What do you think? I think we should keep going. Let’s go until there’s nothing left of this.” He told his partner. “If what you’re saying is true, then we have to kill more of those things right? Like that thing that threw me through the woods earlier. Am I right?”

            “You got it. Now shut up. You’re shouting.” He said. David unfolded onto the curb. He knew he was right. “What to do… what to do…” he squirmed, waiting for an answer from anything. Trevor didn’t have one. “So can we call it a night?” he asked much later. “If you think so, I am tired.” He relinquished. “Likewise.” He said. “I’ll meet you at your house tomorrow. Be there. If we can take out that thing that tore you up tonight then we’ll be a great deal further than we are now.”

            “Whatever you say boss man.” Was all he mouthed as he got back in his truck and went away. “Ugh.” Trevor gasped and went in his own house after checking the car for any problems or items he forgot. “If this ever ends I’m going to be broken before its done.” He thought and lay his head down to sleep. Right on que he wandered into his dreams for them to carry him away.

© 2016 Stephen Caldwell

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Added on December 22, 2016
Last Updated on December 22, 2016

Living Virtues


Stephen Caldwell
Stephen Caldwell

Concord, NC

Musician. Writer. Humble. Tattooed. Loving. Hating. Human. more..

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