A Poem by Madison R. Forest
Broken, I sing the nereiads farewell. 
helios you are the sun and i am broken icarus
icarus like a wingtorn dove
helios and your flames embrace me
icarus ( i tried to be an angel) but your golden eye lunged through my waxwing ruse
helios and i lay naked before you, i am dying
© 2013 Madison R. Forest
An interesting take on the story of Icarus. I am a huge lover of mythology, and this tale in particular is one of my favorites. This is a very concise piece, which I appreciate--you used the languge well.
I am wondering, however, about the transition of voice...in the beginning, you have Helios striking down Icarus (as was in the mythological tale), and then at the end, it seems almost as if the sun is laying naked before Icarus and dying--if this is intentional, I thing the concept is unique and I would just like to see it fleshed out a little more. I guess there was a lot of voice transition here, and I am just assuming that each stanza is from the POV of the entity named, i.e. Helios and Icarus...? Anyway, other than this little issue, this was a very interesting piece to read and I do love your poetic voice.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Ah, yes I see there is some confusion there. The poem is actually told from Icarus' point of view, a.. read moreAh, yes I see there is some confusion there. The poem is actually told from Icarus' point of view, and the repeating of the names is done in a more musical manner. I am surprised by the lack of poetry regarding the story of Icarus and the Sun, there are so many ways to interpret it, and it's extremely interesting. Thank you dearly for taking the time to review my poem ♥
1 Review
Added on August 2, 2013
Last Updated on August 2, 2013
Tags: romance, love, helios, icarus, angel, bird, wings, fly, flying, sun, sky, god, greek, mythology, greek mythology, death, drama
Madison R. ForestMontreal, Canada
.Madison Roy Forest.
I used to be LadyEphoectica, but I reset my account for various reasons. Glad to be back ♥ more..