wow... that is all I can say. In this one poem you have basically described my life, I know it sounds cliche and all that but you have. I love it, I love how you have captured the truth of our being, the truth of what we think and the truth of what we can do. As humans we can cause great harm but also great pleasure. Thank you :)
i think you pretty much covered all the bases for me here. this is quite witty and very well written. the right justification made me a little loopy after several lines, but i think it makes a point, so, well done!
Very uncomfortable views of life to say the least, I like the way you formatted it to the right, which makes it a bit off kilter as the feeling I got after this read. So true, these I've said before, you are wise beyond your young years. This is an excellent write Mehak.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
Mehak, I read already a lot of you, and this one speaks to me.... It's simply great how you make statement here. It's an overal quote of your own, thank you for sharing this...
Negativity has always been easier to express than's like we just naturally relate to the negativity easier than the positivity...such is the way of the's not right or fair, but that's humanity for you...a cynical statement to be sure but every word of it is true...well done :)
we never mean-then the reason why it happens
great style you have used in this it reads nicely and with meaning
We never love without a reason-unless we mean to let go-thoughts to ponder
thank you for sharing
Great layout and presentation, which ( I think) is important for a good poem. And I like the subtle reflection and wisdom of this, astounding for such a young person. Very good poem.
wow... that is all I can say. In this one poem you have basically described my life, I know it sounds cliche and all that but you have. I love it, I love how you have captured the truth of our being, the truth of what we think and the truth of what we can do. As humans we can cause great harm but also great pleasure. Thank you :)
Assalam-u-alaikum. Mehak, from Kashmir, India.
I got introduced to Writer's cafe just two years, ago, I'm 18, now.
Like colors, life is an illusion, too. Look inside of you, the devil you hide, the.. more..