Music Of Annisquam.

Music Of Annisquam.

A Poem by Eabani

I grew up on this river and there are too many stories to tell. Just suffice it to say that I loved every moment of it.


Here I lay upon the smooth rivers bank
Resting under the protection of white birch
Tasting the scent of spring on old Cape Ann
As if being reborn in the late April sunshine


Here thoughts and memoirs drift on the current
Washing away on coppery green wave crests
Watched by Snapdragon eyes gently drifting
Wafting in the sweetness of a juniper breeze


A brushed sedate glow of dusk mirroring light
Painting the currents of the Annisquam River
Lying in the peaceful and intrepid stillness
I wonder if I’ve found a moment of perfection


Softly baptized by the tepid evening drizzle
I see the silvery notes fall to break the surface
Playing the sweet libretto of rain and river
A rising crescendo of new life awakening


Here I find peace upon the placid rivers bank
Lost in memory amidst honeysuckle moments
It’s here that my spirit remains eternally young
Ever blossoming in the late April moonlight

© 2012 Eabani

My Review

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This is contentment: not of the outside lying looking up kind, but resting in the still inside experience of just being. Your place reads beautiful. ' Washing away on coppery green wave crests ~ Watched by Snapdragon eyes gently drifting ~ Wafting in the sweetness of a juniper breeze '

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 3, 2012
Last Updated on May 5, 2012



Belleair Bluffs, FL

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