irrefutable proof

irrefutable proof

A Story by Woody

a wife is filing for a divorce. she's got solid proof that her husband's two-timing her.


Serendipity was almost sure her husband, Ian, was cheating on her. The clues kept piling up and have become impossible to ignore. A woman simply knew those things. 

It is a common knowledge that God created Man with five senses but chose to endow women with a sixth sense to make up for her “weakness”. Hah! Weakness. That’s a laugh, isn’t it? I should know. I’ve been shackled to one for over a quarter of a century. If women were given half a chance to run the world, and I mean really run the world, it would be a much better place to live in. I’m sure the ladies will not contradict me on that. I mean, look at the “home”. Clean, smelling nice, everything in its proper place. But I digress.

Serendipity cast a surreptitious glance at her husband. Just look at him, pretending to watch David Letterman show but was in actual fact in a world of his own. How could he not laugh a single time if he’d been really watching? Another proof, if ever she needed one, that he was thinking of her. God, she’d gladly give ten years of her life to know what the s**t looked like. Actually it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to shed ten years off her life. Maybe Ian found her old. She sighed and returned to her “Elle” magazine. 

Hardly a minute into the article she was reading, Serendipity’s eyes misted and her mind wandered again. She started mentally ticking off all the evidence she had so far. First there was the lipstick on the shirt. Then the feminine perfume. The blond hair on the jacket. Every time she confronted him with a new piece of evidence he would deny it and come up with some c**k-eyed explanation. 

Serendipity’s decision was made. She was filing for divorce. She was not bringing up those little petty clues in court. Oh, no. she had two solid arguments even the stupidest judge would not reject. One was that she was sure one of her children was not his. And the clincher was that on many occasions when a storm was raging in the night and they were in bed, every time lightning flashed behind the window pane of their bedroom, Ian would jump up in bed not quite awake and, wild-eyed, would shout out:


If that’s not good proof, I don’t know what is.

© 2014 Woody

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"If women were given half a chance to run the world, and I mean really run the world, it would be a much better place to live in" - lol ! That's quite a statement and my response is that it depends on the woman ! for example, anyone like me, who lives life in the most uncomplicated way attainable, with few ties or responsibilities, doing what I want when I want, while lacking any form of materialistic pretense, might plunge the planet into chaos because so many don't know how to play nice ! You have a well developed writing style that makes for a good read, which to me is what writing is all about. I laughed at the character's names but the scenario is familiar and credible. Interesting twist at the end - see what infidelity does ? :) Penny

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thanks for stopping by Penny. I was half joking about women running the world. see, Man was given a .. read more
just Penny

10 Years Ago

LOL...and none taken :)


"If women were given half a chance to run the world, and I mean really run the world, it would be a much better place to live in" - lol ! That's quite a statement and my response is that it depends on the woman ! for example, anyone like me, who lives life in the most uncomplicated way attainable, with few ties or responsibilities, doing what I want when I want, while lacking any form of materialistic pretense, might plunge the planet into chaos because so many don't know how to play nice ! You have a well developed writing style that makes for a good read, which to me is what writing is all about. I laughed at the character's names but the scenario is familiar and credible. Interesting twist at the end - see what infidelity does ? :) Penny

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thanks for stopping by Penny. I was half joking about women running the world. see, Man was given a .. read more
just Penny

10 Years Ago

LOL...and none taken :)
I admittedly got a bit of a chuckle from this one. I mean, if nothing else... what a bloody absurd name? Serendipity? It is almost as bad as this guy I knew named "Worthy". There are however, two notable issues with this story. First, the tense is inconsistent; you fluctuate from present and past, and it makes the story difficult to attach to. Pick one, and then go through the story and get your verb tenses consistent. Next, some of the sentences read awkwardly, tweak the syntax, and comb the story for unneeded and repeated words to help it flow better. Also, writing convention states that two spaces are put between sentences; I recommend doing this, since as is, this story is blurring and more difficult to physically read than it needs to be. Sorry if I sound nit-pickey, I have done almost nothing but copy-editing for my own work the last week; so my mind is obsessed about the small details.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

boy, I'm all covered in bruises! you're a tough reviewer, Nusquam. but I'll never thank you enough f.. read more
Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

I don't have enough time to try and make people feel warm and fuzzy when I am trying to help them im.. read more

10 Years Ago

thanks again Nusquam. I appreciate you taking the time.
Woody, Another great ''Story/joke'' but I must admit I have heard that one before. A good read none the less. my only critisism is the font (again) it was to bold for me.
Good job.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thanks a lot Will. sa I think I told Marie once, some of the stories are mine from start to finish. .. read more
Will Neill

10 Years Ago

jokes are subject to plagiarism, other wise all the comedians would be in jail (maybe they should) I.. read more

10 Years Ago

oh yes I had. and had a good laugh, believe me.
Very funny. I love the ending. But if Serendipity believe one of her children is not Ian's, then she hasn't been faithful to him either.

I caught the refernece to "proof" in the last sentence.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

no, no. that's my "real" nickname. family and friends have been calling me Woody since I don't know .. read more

10 Years Ago

I like the name Engluva, but I like Woody Allen too. You do kind of resemble him.

10 Years Ago

apparently, I looked a lot like him before I grew the beautiful moustache you see in the pic. my wif.. read more
Lol....I have to confess that women tend to be a little paranoid.......okay a lot paranoid .Another great one Woody :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

much obliged M'lady. yes I know. I'm married to a paranoid. I'm constantly walking on eggshells.
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago are welcome Woody :)
A neat little story with big substance. I would love to know what the real truth as.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thank you Aunty. the truth? I'm afraid that being a man, I'll have to side with poor Ian. she's para.. read more

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 8, 2014
Last Updated on June 13, 2014
Tags: faithfulness, cheating, proof, clues, evidence



Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

ok, time for an update I think. my old friends have come to know me pretty well, I trust so this is for the new comers. I'm a Tunisian 60-year-old teacher-cum-translator, book worm who enjoys writing.. more..

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