![]() Chapter 5: Meditation, ReincarnationA Chapter by Shayne Plunk![]() As Darien and Quinn discuss the reasons for their visions, a conclusion is made.![]()
“Hello, Darien,” Quinn said, standing on the steps just outside my front door. Riku had left at about 10, leaving me a few hours to clean up the house before Quinn arrived. Last night had been so strange, and I had intended to ask Quinn about it.
“Hi, Quinn,” I said, stepping aside to let him into the house. “We have some stuff to talk about.” He stepped into the house, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was wearing a black pants and a black shirt, which did wonders for his body. His hair was down again, cascading beautifully down his back.
“I would say that we do,” he said, smiling. I moved over to the couch and sat down, and asked him to take a seat, too. He sat down next to me, waiting for what I had to say.
“Last night I had an odd dream,” I started, looking into his eyes, searching for his reaction. They flickered, letting me know he knew something. “About Akira and Sora. There was something out of the ordinary,” I concluded, pausing for his input.
“The okiya,” he said, smiling. “Sora was a maiko,*” he continued, and I was surprised that he knew as much of the culture as I did. I nodded, and he continued. “Akira had come to visit, and the woman, Izumi, allowed it, though it was against her better judgment.” Sadness tugged at my heart. “But she wanted Sora to be happy, even if it broke the laws of the geisha**.”
I just nodded. There was nothing I could say. I felt like Sora was trying to tell me more, but he couldn't. I tried to hold on to my composition, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Tears began to well up in my eyes, and Quinn moved closer, pulling me into his chest. I took a few deep breaths and willed the tears away. I sighed, and sat back up, looking into his eyes again.
“Thank you, Quinn,” I said, smiling to show that I was okay. “That empathy that I told you about seems to include those from the past as well. Sora is trying to show me what he felt, and I am sorry if my tears worried you.”
“Last night, I felt like it was the two of us sitting there in the okiya, not Sora and Akira. I don't really know what that could mean, Quinn. Part of me is scared to know, and part of me can't wait to find out,” I confessed, feeling anxious.
“I felt the same,” he said, placing his hand on mine. “I believe in you,” he smiled, and the dream flashed through my head to when Akira said the same thing to Sora. “I believe that we can figure this out.”
I smiled as he looked at me. With his reassurance, there was no way that I could worry about what was to come. He made me believe that it would all be okay, and we would get through it together.
“I think we need to find out why Sora and Akira are trying to contact us, though,” I said, still wondering why we were seeing what they saw.
“Well, I have been thinking about that as well, and I think I have a conclusion.” I looked at him, urging him to continue. He took a deep breath, in what seemed like an attempt to prepare himself for what he was saying. “I don't want this to sound too off-the-wall... However, I think that the best, most 'logical' explanation would be that we are their reincarnates,” he said, looking to the floor.
I was relieved when I wasn't the only one to come to that conclusion. Reincarnation was very “logical” thought. Memories and feelings were kept, but buried deep within the heart. It was said that these could be released if the person is very in touch with their sense of self.
“That does make sense,” I admitted, “But how do we find out the rest of the story?” I asked, desperate to know how the lives of Sora and Akira went.
Past lives are learning experiences, in some ways. Though you may not remember, you instinctively know what to do, and what not to do. I was anxious to find out where Quinn and I may end up, and looking into the lives of Sora and Akira was a must.
“So, I suggest we do some meditating. If we do, then we may be able to tap into those old memories that we have,” Quinn said.
“That is probably our best bet. Sora and Akira seem desperate for us to remember, so it shouldn't be too hard,” I smiled. Suddenly, I remembered what I meant to ask him about.
“Quinn?” I asked, looking up into his eyes. “Can you explain why I saw you in my window sill last night after my dream?” I smiled, letting him know that I wasn't mad at him, and that he wasn't in trouble.
“Well,” he said, blushing and looking down at his feet, “I was just making sure that you were okay.” I furrowed my brow, confused as to what he meant. He looked up, saw my questioning look, and smiled. “I can astral project,” he said, which cleared up everything.
Astral projection was an ability that I had always found interest in. The ability to leave one's body to act as a spirit. Watching loved one's, exploring the world, deep meditation; all, and even more, were possible with projection. I had suspected that the moment I saw him, but making sure never hurt.
“Thank you,” I said, leaning over to kiss him on the lips. Waves of electricity and excitement flooded me as we touched. Though the kiss was brief and I pulled away within a few moments, the repercussions were tremendous. My heart was set pounding once again, and my cheeks flushed.
“For what?” He asked, giving me the same questioning look I had given him minutes before.
“For checking on me,” I said, smiling. He pulled me close, and I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat there for what seemed like minutes, just listening to each other breathe. I could hear the thumping of his heart, and it was relaxing to me. It was almost like I was in a trance, and I could have sat there forever, feeling the warmth of his arms.
“Hello?” I heard a voice ask. “Anyone home?”
“Yeah, mom, we're in here!” I yelled back.
Quinn and I stood up as mom walked into the room. Her eyes lit up, and it was the opposite of last night. Today, she expected Riku to still be here, but she got Quinn. She rushed over to where we were, and beamed. Apparently she approved.
“Hello, Mrs. Balfour,” he said, his voice deep and velvety, “It's nice to meet you.” He extended his hand to her, which she shook, and shot me a look of approval.
“Nice to meet you too, Quinn,” she said, smiling. She took a step back and looked at the two of us standing next to each other, beaming. “So,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts, “Will you be staying for dinner?”
“I would love to, Mrs. Balfour,” he said, gleaming smile taking my breath away. “If Darien would like me to, of course,” he continued, turning to me.
“Of course,” I answered, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. I looked away from him, and my face reddened a little. It was all too easy to blush around Quinn.
“Fantastic,” mom said as the walked toward the kitchen, “I'll go and get started right now.”
“We'll be in my room, mom,” I yelled taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.
We walked into my room, and I closed the door behind us. Mom trusted me, and I loved that trust. It wasn't something I would be breaking anytime soon, however. The ability to be alone with Quinn is what I was hoping for, ever since that first day. Now that last night had given me a taste, I wanted more, even if it was just a talk.
I turned to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck, instinctively. I looked up into his shimmering green eyes, and I saw Akira once again. While I did want to know their story, I wondered if I would ever be able to see Quinn without seeing Akira, as well.
“Quinn,” I began, smiling, “Thank you for everything.” I pressed my lips to his, enjoying the currents of electricity pulsing throughout my body. I began to pull away slightly, not wanting to go too far, but he moved forward and pressed his back to mine, kissing me twice, then pulling away himself.
“No,” he said, chuckling softly, “Thank you, Darien.” He laughed, shaking his head. “And you seem as drawn to me as I am to you.”
All I could do was nod and blush. I looked down to my feet, trying to hide the redness of my face. His hand cupped my chin, and his brought my face up to his own. He planted a kiss gently on my forehead. I laughed a little, and moved closer, placing my head on his chest.
He slipped his arms around me, rubbing the small of my back, sending shivers up and down my body. Not that I could complain. His embrace was too warm to deny. I opened my eyes, and there was a flash of light again.
The cheery blossoms, the kimono... Akira; they were all there again. I sighed internally, wanting to have a normal time with Quinn. However, I knew that these visions were important, too. As this thought crossed my mind, the vision disappeared.
“I wish they would give us something that is more important,” I said, sighing outwardly this time, keeping my head on Quinn's chest. He chuckled, his chest vibrating slightly.
“Perhaps it is important,” he replied, moving his hand to the middle of my back and rubbing there softly. “Maybe we just don't understand it yet.” I immediately felt bad for saying that. I hadn't considered it.
“And I guess they are trying,” I concluded, moving my arms from his neck, and wrapping them around his waist. “Quinn?” I asked, keeping my head buried in his chest. I took in his sweet scent, and it was like heaven.
“What do you think will happen when we find everything out?” I wasn't sure what would happen when everything was remembered. Would we lose ourselves and become Sora and Akira? Would we still be us? Or would they just fade away?
“I don't know,” he said, which was somewhat unassuring. “But I do know that we'll make it through it no matter what,” he finished, making me smile slightly.
“Would you like to sit down?” I asked, motioning to the couch against the wall behind him.
He nodded, and kissed the top of my head. He moved to sit down, and he patted his leg a couple of times.
“You can lay your head in my lap,” he offered, smiling as always. “You look like you could use a little sleep.”
I nodded, and thanked him as I got comfortable. His lap was comfortable, and as I lay there, he stroked my hair lightly, and hummed a tune that I found familiar. I closed my eyes, and a state of semi-sleep took over.
I could still hear the humming, feel Quinn's soft touch, and even the fabric beneath my head. However, it was like I was in two places. I could hear music playing; a calming melody that was played in ancient Japan. I knew all too well what this meant.
“Darien, hon, dinner's ready,” I heard mom call, waking my from my partial slumber. I sighed slightly, and sat up. There, Quinn met me with a smile, and a quick kiss. It had been a nice little rest, and coming back into consciousness to a kiss was pretty nice, too.
Quinn walked over to the door and opened it, letting me step through. He then shut it behind him and followed me down the hall, and into the kitchen. The whole kitchen smelled wonderful. Quinn pulled the closest chair out for me to sit down, and pushed it back up as I sat down.
“What a gentleman,” I thought as he took his seat next to me.
“I made lasagna and garlic bread,” she said, sitting our plates down in front of us. She grabbed the drinks we had out of the refrigerator, and sat them on the table. “Take whatever you'd like, Quinn,” she said, smiling warmly.
We made small talk, laughed, and ate the amazing food that mom had thrown together. I couldn't deny that it was fun. Mom seemed to really like Quinn, and Quinn seemed to like her, too. It was unbeliveable how well the night had been going.
"Quinn, would you like to stay over," mom asked. I almost dropped the dishes I had been carrying over to the sink. I caught myself before my arms went limp, though. I turned and gave her a questioning look, to which she responded with only a smile.
“Nice meeting you,” he called back just as she left, walking back into the living room. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. He pressed his lips to my neck, and I gasped a little. I turned around, putting my hands on his waist.
“You know, it's hard to be good with you doing that,” I laughed, kissing him softly.
“I'm sorry,” he said, smiling, “It just comes naturally.” There was a comfortable silence hanging in the room. We enjoyed just looking at each other; being close to one another.
“I think we should try to see what they will tell us today,” Quinn suggested.
“Meditation?” I asked, positive that it was a sure fire way to allow Sora and Akira the ability to show us what they needed to.
“Yes,” he answered, putting his lips on my forehead for a moment. “I think laying down would be best,” he continued. “Or the couch... That could work, too.”
“Well,” I started, “Mom said we had to stay out here if you wanted to spend the night.”
Quinn just smiled, he walked to the couch and sat down. He turned sideways, and allowed me to sit between his legs, laying my head back on his chest. I pressed my ear to it, hearing his heartbeat thumping softly.
“Comfortable?” he asked, stroking my hair softly.
“Very,” I responded, loving his warmth enveloping my body.
“Good. I think they are ready, too.”
We closed our eyes, concentrating on the images we had been getting all along. Before long, I was thrust into the world that Sora had been trying to show me the whole time.
*A maiko is a “dance girl”, or a geisha in training.
** As could be assumed from the last chapter, the geisha had rules against lovers. They were dedicated to their clients, and no one else.
© 2009 Shayne PlunkAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 2, 2009 Last Updated on December 8, 2009 Author![]() Shayne PlunkTNAboutMy name is Shayne, and I am 19 years old. I am gay, and live with my boyfriend in an apartment close to my family in a small town. I used to write only poems about love and romance, pain .. more..Writing