Chapter 1: First Day Surprises

Chapter 1: First Day Surprises

A Chapter by Shayne Plunk

Our main character, Darien, meets a new boy at school that is unique from anyone he has ever met.



"You're late, bro," Riku said, getting into the passenger's seat of my gold Chevy Monte Carlo and throwing his bag into the back.


"Hey, if you want to get to school on time, drive yourself, Riku," I replied, laughing. He was in a good mood, despite the fact that it was the first day of school. His yellow aura was as usual; golden, bright and shifting in shape and size. The activity that it showed told me the excitement he possessed.


As we pulled up to the school, I noticed someone that I had never seen around before. We live in such a small town that every new person is acknowledged. I figured that it must have been the son of the new family that had moved into town over summer break.


His hair was black as a raven, and waved all the way down his back, stopping just shy of his waist. He was dressed smartly in well-fit black jeans and a button-up white shirt that was unbuttoned slightly at his collar. I could see his bright green eyes from all the way across the parking lot. His soft and beautiful face was truly something to behold.


"Darien!” Riku almost yelled, "Snap out of it." My head jerked in his direction, but my eyes were still glued to the boy as he walked into the school building.


"Come on," Riku stressed, grabbing my shoulder. "We have to get to class."


I slowly turned to Riku, my eyes wide and full of excitement. "What?" He asked, confused.


"That boy!" I exclaimed. "Riku! He had a silver aura!"



"So, are you ever going to explain what that means?" Riku questioned as the end of our second period class, American History, drew near.


I drew a deep breath and then sighed. "I already told you, Riku," I said somewhat loudly. The teacher cleared her throat, signaling that I needed to quiet down. I turned back to Riku and whispered, "I have never seen a silver aura before, except for my own, of course."


"Yeah," Riku said slowly, "I got that part, but what does it mean?"


"Well, I don't know exactly," I replied, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Riku. "But I think that it has something to do with psychic abilities," I finished, trying to stop him from looking at me like he was. The bell began its shrill ringing, and everyone got up to leave. Riku stood and just shook his head.


"Well, let me know if you come up with anything else," he said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. I just nodded, eager to get to my next class; eager to see if he was there.


I followed Riku out of the classroom, emerging into the overstuffed hallway. Students pushed and shoved their ways to their next classes, and several just leaned against the lockers, refusing to go to class on time. Through all of the people and the jumbled colors of their auras, I could see one that did not blend in with the rest.


My heart raced as I noticed the silvery aura nearing my second period classroom, Advanced Biology. It disappeared through the doorway, and I rejoiced in my head. Its not that I expected to talk to him, or even be acknowledged by him. However, just knowing that there was someone in this sleepy little town that had powers like mine made me content in the strangest way.


I neared the door, and my legs felt weak. I wasn't sure why he had that effect on me, because I had only seen him once. But there was something so familiar about him, even at that passing glance. His aura seemed so warm and welcoming in a way that I couldn't explain.


I entered the door, and I saw his silvery aura once again, swirling about his body like a metal in liquid form. He smiled as he talked with the teacher; a teacher who's class I had been in many times for various subjects. I moved to the seat I usually took in his classes, sat my things down, and slid into the chair, still hypnotized by his entire being.


"You can have any seat that is open, Mr. Alexander," I heard the teacher, Mr. Parlier say.


"Thank you, sir," I heard the boy respond. "I think I'll take the seat over there." I looked up at the exact moment that he pointed to the seat next to mine. I froze. Our eyes met, and a strange image came to my mind.


In the moment that our eyes met one another, a picture of an Asian boy appeared in my mind's eye. His hair was jet black and cropped in a style traditional to Japan. His aura was that of a "gifted one", as I had learned it was called. That same silver aura that "Mr. Alexander" had. I noticed that his eyes were not the brown color that was normally seen in those of Asian decent. His eyes were a bright, emerald green. I had seen those eyes before. They were the new boy's eyes.


"Hello," I heard a soft voice say to the left of me. I snapped out of my vision and turned to look at him. My heart pounded in my chest, and I knew that I was blushing. "My name is Quinn," he continued, smiling, sitting down his bag and slipping into the chair just a few feet away.


"I... I'm Darien," I stammered, trying to defog my head. His green eyes mesmerized me, as did his voice. It was so soft and calming, as if I had heard it a thousand times before.


“So... Darien,” Quinn said, pausing for a smile before saying my name, “Tell me about yourself. What are you like?” Another dazzling smile.

I wasn't very good at making small talk, but I gave it a shot. “Well, um... I like to listen to music,” I said, laughing nervously. “Its one of the only things that keeps my sane in this little town.”

“I can understand that. I love music, too.” His pencil rolled over toward me. I went to stop it, reaching over to grab it for him.

Suddenly, it felt like electricity was coursing through every part of me. I felt the warmth of his hand on mine, my hand still holding the pencil. I looked over at him, and the same image of the boy appeared in my head.

“Sorry,” I said quietly, turning my head to hide my reddening cheeks. As I felt the blush fade, I turned back to see him smiling, a look of curiosity on his face. His eyes seemed to glow, even in the dim lights of the classroom.

“No problem,” he said, coolly. “As I was saying, I like music a lot, too. What do you listen to?”

I was still a little shocked from the series of events, but I looked at him and managed to speak. “I listen to a lot of different bands,” I said, hinting that he needed to prepare for all of the music I was about to list. “I like the band My Chemical Romance, but I hate people who sound like them. I like a lot of modern Japanese music, like Gackt. I also like the old sounding Japanese music. I like just about any music as long as it sounds good to me.”

“Ah, I see. I like My Chemical Romance and Gackt, too. The sound of the shamisen is also calming to me. So, I guess you could say that we enjoy many of the same things,” he laughed.

The way that he spoke was so formal; so classic-sounding. He spoke with a certain elegant flair. His voice was very crisp and he pronounced his words in a very specific way. However, behind that, his voice was velvety and smooth.

“Wow, thats neat” was all that I managed.

Of all of the people that were in this classroom, I was the one that Quinn was talking to. For some reason, he sat next to me instead of Sophia Floros; sat next to me instead of the tall, skinny, green-eyed blond. I smiled.

“Something funny, Darien?” Quinn asked, catching the smile on my face.

“Oh... It was nothing. Just a funny thought,” I said, reassuringly.

“Alright,” he began, “If you insis--” While in mid-sentence, the bell to go to our final class rang. He simply stopped and smiled.

“Well then, I will so you tomorrow, Darien,” he said, standing to leave. I turned my back to him for a minute to grab my things, and when I turned around, he was gone. All that was left in his place was a small sliver of paper with a 7 digit number scrawled on it. My face flushed, and then turned red.


I took the small paper and put it into my pocket, and made a mental note to add the number into my phone later. Sophia shot me an evil look. She is one of the most popular girls in our school. She is of Greek decent, and she is beautiful. However, with beauty like hers comes a huge ego and longing for control.


It took me a second to realize why she was glaring, but then I figured out what it was exactly. Quinn had sat with me. We had been talking all period, and he had not paid her any mind. I smiled to myself and kept walking.




I walked into my forth period class, Spanish, still hazy from the events of the last block class.

"Hi, Darien!"A high-pitched female voice said as soon as I stepped in the door. I turned to see Celia, my only other friend, standing by a desk. Her hair was short, cut in an "emo" style, spiked in the back. It was dyed black, and had blonde streaks throughout it.

I smiled warmly and walked toward her. "Heya, Celia. Good thing we have at least one class together," I said, thankful to see her after the long summer.

Celia had been gone all summer on vacation in France. Her parents were extremely wealthy, and treated her to anything that she wanted, even if she wasn't serious. Near the end of the school year last year, she jokingly said that she wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. The next day, her family informed her that they would be going on a 3 month long trip to France.

“Yeah,” she replied. “I had fun in France, but... I really missed you and Riku. E-mails just don't compare to seeing the people you are trying to talk to.”

I nodded and smiled, then looked for a seat. There weren't any adjoining seats left. I sighed, realizing that I would have to sit away from my only friend in this whole classroom.

I walked to the corner seat, Celia following me.

“So, what did you do this summer? Anything weird happen?” She asked, leaning against my desk as I sat down.

“Celia, a lot of weird things happen to me. All the time. I can't really recap the whole summer,” I replied, laughing.

“Well, let's be rude, then,” she snapped. Just as she did, our Spanish teacher walked in, babbling in Spanish.

“Celia, tomas tu asiento,” (Take your seat) she said, her Spanish accent crisp. Celia moved away from me, agitated.

Celia, on top of her already quite odd personality, had a rather bad temper. She snaps at you, even if you are only joking. Despite her oddities, I loved her like a sister. I just smiled to myself and shook my head as she walked off. She would forget about her anger before the end of the period.

As the period continued, I watched Celia's aura calm down, her anger abating. Just as I had predicted, her anger was gone by the time the period ended. The shrill sound of the final bell broke the silence in the classroom, waking up the students who had been sleeping. I, as always, was the last one out of the classroom, saying goodbye to the teacher on my way out.

I walked through the halls, hoping to catch one more glimpse of Quinn before he left, but as I made my way to the parking lot, I didn't see him once.


"Hey, bro. How was your day?" Riku asked, leaning against the passenger side door.


"Better than I could have ever hoped," I replied, climbing into the car, a huge grin plastered to my face.


I drove Riku to his house, which was right down the road from mine, all the while telling him about what happened. The vision I had when Quinn looked at me, him sitting next to me in Advanced Biology while there were plenty of other seats, and about Sophia's dissatisfaction with it all. He just shook his head and climbed out of the car.


"Too far in, Darien, too far in," he said, smiling. "See you tomorrow."


I drove to my house and found it empty, and I flopped down on the couch and pulled out my MP3 player. I began listening to music, just laying back and thinking about my day. No matter what I did to drown out the thoughts of Quinn, I couldn't. No amount of music would work.


It wasn't until my mom walked through the front door that I realized it was 7 o'clock.


"Hi, honey," mom said, greeting me warmly. "How was school?"


"It was fine," I replied, smiling. A vision of Quinn came to mind and I smiled a little wider.


"I know that smile," she laughed. "You met that new boy, didn't you? Oh, what was his name? Quinn?"


"How do you know him?" I asked quickly, blushing afterward. I had a tendency to speak to quickly when someone mentioned a boy that I liked. Mom caught it and smiled knowingly.


"I met him in the grocery store. He asked if I was your mother. I was kind of surprised that he knew. Well, then again, we do look quite a bit alike." I laughed, even though that struck me a bit strange.


"Well, I am going to make dinner," she said, carrying her bag of groceries to the kitchen.


The rest of the night was fairly uneventful. At dinner, I sat with my mom and picked at my spaghetti. She just smiled. She understood how I acted when I found a new love interest, so she didn't pry. I thanked her for dinner, complimented her on her cooking, and headed up to my room.


Even though it was very early, it had been hectic enough for me to call it a day. As I laid down for bed, I thought about Quinn's aura. Its familiarity seemed like it should be memorable, but I just couldn't bring anything to mind. The way it swirled and pulsed was unique. A rhythm that I recognize, even though I don't recall ever seeing anything like it.


I also found it strange that he knew my mother. My mother and I look nothing alike, even though she likes to think that we do. Her dark hair and dark eyes are a perfect contrast of my sandy-blond hair and blue eyes. On top of that, our faces are completely different, too. I found Quinn asking her if she was my mom out of the blue like that a little odd.


I pulled out my phone, found the little scrap of paper, and entered the number into my contact list. I turned off the phone, and decided to stop trying to think about it for the night. I clicked off my nightstand lamp and rolled over. I was asleep before I got completely situated.

© 2009 Shayne Plunk

Author's Note

Shayne Plunk
If there are any inconsistencies , just let me know so I can fix the book! Also, any grammatical errors or spelling errors are possible, so keep your eyes peeled!

My Review

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I'm finding this book very interesting! The first person P.O.V. is really cool, especially from Darien's P.O.V! I really like it so far! I'm going to keep reading! The details and descriptions are great, as well as the dialogue, flow, and vibe of the book! :D

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh, and I like the new additions. Great character development. Can't wait for the third chapter! =]

There was only one grammar error that I could find: "In the moment that our eyes met one another, {a} picture..."

Posted 15 Years Ago

well done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Hmm, still digging it. Haha. Man, you really know how to make the reader wonder about what's next to come. And I thought it was spelled aurora? Oh, guess we leanr something new everyday.

Anyways, thanks for the writing this; it's entertaining.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on May 7, 2009
Last Updated on September 11, 2009


Shayne Plunk
Shayne Plunk


My name is Shayne, and I am 19 years old. I am gay, and live with my boyfriend in an apartment close to my family in a small town. I used to write only poems about love and romance, pain .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Shayne Plunk

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Shayne Plunk