Tragedy #1 The boy of tomorrow

Tragedy #1 The boy of tomorrow

A Story by EndlessHorizons

A boy who sees the future but can do nothing about it.

 The doctors tell him that he's insane. The kids his age say the same. At this point in time even his parents have accepted his so called "insanity" but not Loraine. Loraine is different, she was the first one to talk to him and the only one to believe him. When he saw the shop in flames five minutes before, Loraine believed him unfortunately nobody else did and that's why it burned down to the ground. When Ms. Creug's dog went missing he found it but with did the people do? They blamed him, they said he hid it and then "found" it in order to gain some sort of respect. There really was no final straw. It was a series of events that led to the town's people hating him. In the end the only one who stood by him was Loraine. Even when he was sent to the asylum, she would still visit him weekly. Even his parents had decided to come bi-weekly. 
He looks outside hoping to spot a plane. A blue jay lands on a tree limb just outside his window. His fellow inmates walk around in a complete trance ,the drugs having gotten to them. Luckily he was good at regurgitating the damn pills. He looks back outside and notices a cat on the branch just but a few feet from the blue jay. It stalks its prey and edges closer and closer to it. The poor bird is unsuspecting. The cat reaches it's prey and snaps it up in it's mouth all in one quick motion. He closes his eyes and reopens them. The cat slowly crawls towards it's prey only this time he taps on the window and the bird having been startled, fly's away just barely avoiding the cat. He was getting better at it. Knowing when something was a premonition and when it was real life. The trick was to close his eyes for a few seconds and then reopen them. If it was a vision then what he just saw plays out again. If it's the present... well then not much you can do about it. He looks towards the clock, one hour remains before Loraine comes to see him.

     He eagerly awaits closing his eyes to picture her. He begins to see something strange. He sees Loraine driving down the winding road that leads to the asylum. She has a rose tucked between her ear and her hair. A trucker drives on the same road, only coming from the opposite direction. They don't see each other coming. He opens his eyes and lets out a huge gasp. Struggling to get any air whatsoever into his lungs. He silently prays to himself that whatever he just saw is nothing more than his cruel imagination. He looks towards the clock and waits. An hour passes by and his whole body lets out a huge sigh as he sees her walk through the door and towards him. He closes his eyes and reopens them several times just to make sure. After confirming that it's really her, they begin to talk and embrace each other as they usually do.  He studies her beautiful face and looks at her auburn colored hair. He loves everything about her but he notices something strange. She does not have a rose in her hair. Before he can ask her about it they realize that their time is up and that she must go. Without her an hour was an eternity and with her there it went by in just a few seconds. He watches her walk past the guard who has a bouquet of flowers. The guard hands her a rose and she tucks it between her ear and her hair. He watches in horror as she walks out the door and into her car. 
As she drives down the winding road towards the trucker, he can do nothing more but let out a scream so loud that even the heavens covered their ears.

© 2015 EndlessHorizons

Author's Note

try to ignore any grammar problems, since it is my first draft.

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Added on May 27, 2015
Last Updated on May 27, 2015
Tags: tragedy, future, sad ending