Little girl, all alone. So young and precious. Little does this girl know soon her childhood will be taken in the middle of this night. As she lays asleep he will crack her door open and do unthinkable things to the little girl. Soon she will be a child no more...soon she will be depressed and hurt and scarred.
The deed is done. She is now in pain. She lays in bed with her clothes ripped, her heart racing, and bruises on her body. Her childhood was taken and her heart was breaking. "Was I a bad girl? Did I do something wrong." She would ask herself. But she didn't deserve it...
Fast forward two years:
Little girl now a teenager. Beautiful in almost every way. Except one...she hurts herself. She makes the blood run down her legs. She lets the past get to her. She lets the sly comments get to her. She lets all the hate in. Everyone says things, but they don't know what she had been through.
This once beautiful little girl, is now scarred and broken.
And no one would guess that the little girl was me...
very sad story. in my own opinion, i think any man who would even think of killing such childhood should be shot in front of the public to give a lesson to any others trying to do such inhuman deeds. even animals would never do such awful deeds as we people would.
i loved the story, i admire your courage to think to write about such an awful experience..
Being a male and reading true life episodes such as this makes me so dang furious that there are guys out there that do inexcusable things like that to any defenseless child. It makes my blood boil, and I really hope there is a special place in hell for those guys.
You have done well to bring this to the surface. Thank you.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
It's just the truth so why not share? I mean sure it hurts to get it out there, but others do feel m.. read moreIt's just the truth so why not share? I mean sure it hurts to get it out there, but others do feel my pain.
I thought this was going to be about taking a little girl like shopping or something. I hate tearing to someone's story or poem I'm not used to talking to. I wish to tell you that I could not relate and have not seen it, or even had friends DIE because of the horror inflicted upon them from their parents of boyfriends!! ....I can't. Some of MY poems will explain those parts away in one way or another. Sucks that you "cut". I was sticking knives in me, needles in the groin, cutting off the tips of my fingers with saws...up to my nail... no sign anymore because I also use to sew them back on and then shove a tack into the end and wear gloves to school!! Sometimes, I'd have to wear two pairs because the gloves would soak with blood, and in the Winter it freezes!! You find someone who doesn't "look for answers", but rather finds constructive ways to divert and champion your decisions and interests.... THAT is someone who will remain. Not the temporary fixes you will accidentally find solace in. Beautiful story, dark, nasty, familiar, frightening, and very often....yes..... very often if you stay off the drugs or away from those you demean you, you are going to be an incredible girl on EVERYBODY'S radar!! lol I don't know how old you are or too much care..... but your avatar is deceptively beautiful!!! Don't change the way THAT girl looks. xoxo -Mark
It takes a ton of courage to admit you are a cutter but I will admit I am in the same position you are in. I'm a cutter and alone. I know how it is to be alone. If you want someone to talk to I'm here for you. I won't betray or hurt you I promise!
I takes courage to write from those deep places. The tale brings sadness upon the heart, as all such tales like this do. Yet, it is far better to let the words grace the pages freely, than dance with the devils inside, forever shrouded by despair. I pray the past can remain in the past now, and that each day forward is filled with a brighter light, than those before.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you but I'm not sure the darkness will ever find the light.
Touching. It caught me off guard, with such an unassuming title I expected it to be some kind of flowery story. But no, instead it was an honest piece. Thank you for sharing. I'm at a loss for words, really.
A bit different but yes. I'd rather not discuss it publicly but if you'd like to PM me, I'd be more .. read moreA bit different but yes. I'd rather not discuss it publicly but if you'd like to PM me, I'd be more than happy to talk. :)
Hey umm I'm courtney. I'm one of those that no matter how many times you tell her she's pretty she won't believe it. Well on here no one knows me so I can put my heart out there. I feel music, writing.. more..