![]() Got You BackA Chapter by Emylia Senna![]() Mya gets Alex back![]() I was walking out to my car,
emotionally raped to numb. I almost didn’t even notice the dog tag on my left
mirror. I just so happened to see it when I was unlocking the door. I was
hesitant. I knew a lot of people would be cruel enough to trick me into thinking
it really meant something. I read the message “Will you be
mine 1 more time”. I recognized the tag.
It was the same exact tag I got when . . . Alex asked me to prom. I checked the
back for the Pet-SmartR sign. There it was . . . along with a
number. There’s no way Alex would ever do something this sweet to ask a girl
out, let alone an ex-girlfriend. This was either a trick or a very far-fetched
wild dream. I got in my car as to hide from
anyone who could be watching ready to make a fool out of me. I dialed the
number. Ring . . . ring . . . ring . . . “I was hoping you’d call.” The voice was familiar, but wasn’t
mocking me like I thought, “Who is this?” “Look out your window.” I cautiously looked out the left
window. There he was. Alex Samuels. My jaw detached itself from the socket so
it hung there motionless to the sight of his appearance and smile at me. I had the feeling of disbelief
numbing my whole body to modesty. I got out of my car as he came up
to me. I could barely look at him. Our conversations were always so
heart-breakingly awkward; I hated them. I knew I was expected to be the first
to speak. “Pet-Smart?” He chuckled, “Yeah. I . . . uh . .
. I was hoping it’d remind you of . . . us.” I nodded, “it did . . . it’s almost
painful to remember knowing it’s gone.” He squinted confused with a
covering smile, “You didn’t read the message?” “I did . . .” “And your answer is?” It took a lot for me to say this,
but my heart, my gut, and my head finally had the same answer, “. . . okay.” He smiled. It made me smile with
the giddy feeling I had the day he asked me out a year and two months ago. He hugged me. I almost forgot the
feeling of his embrace. When he pulled away, he had the same analytical look he
used to have. “Why?” I suddenly asked. “I have my reasons, but can we just
enjoy the moment, and talk specifics Saturday.” “Saturday? What’s happening
Saturday?” “A date with you.” I rolled my eyes at his funny
cheesy line. He knew I hated cheesy but he loved doing it anyway. “Okay, where?” “Anywhere.” I remembered something, “Can we
actually go viral?” He laughed, “Yes, of course, baby.” There’s one mistreat that I got
back. I was coming back to life. Everything that happened . . . doesn’t matter.
I had reason to rejoice again. He kissed me. When I got home, the relationship
request was waiting for me on Facebook. I got what I wanted. Alex was happy and
now so was I. I always knew the things that were most painful for the time
being would be the best thing for you in the long run. © 2013 Emylia Senna |