They stole my dreams when they broke my wings
What reason does a dove have left, to sing
If not for the joyous days of flight?
Dark rage held me within its blackest night
Sending an arctic blast of seething wrath
Into my already tragic path
Pain gripped my heart like icy fingers
Where a pool of tears still lingers
Sheeting a crystal trail of shimmering tears
It’s tragic, the burdens a she -dove bears
The secrets held within my soul
Of tragic deeds that did unfold
Tossed too soon, from the protective nest
Among the thorns and rocks, no peace, no rest
Crippling my joy, wounding my happiness
Never did I give up the search for tenderness
Wake up, little dove, run away and hide
There’s no safe place from the wolves for you to reside
Without the power given to soar so high
Without the strength to coo & sigh, she’ll die
The dreams held within a dove’s gentle cote
Become a distant echo of dreams, remote
Unable to feel the sun’s warmth from the sky
A dove’s song fades, her heart will wither and die
Hope springs eternal, it’s said
From vivid imagery in my head
To penetrate my frigid heart
and light a tiny, flickering spark
Save this dove, little spark of hope
She has the right to sing
Even without her precious wings