Full moon

Full moon

A Story by Mira-chan

I would like your criticism~ dont worry, I can take bad reviews. And I just wrote this randomly out of boredom in school today so forgive me if its bad xP;;


Mira quietly came out from behind the tree, looking happy and cheerful. "Hey arte!" she called out forward. She smiled and started sprinting towards her vampire lover. He wrapped her up in his arms and whispered into her ear, "I’ve missed you, Darling." She blushes and buries her head into his neck


Artemis Takes this moment to his advantage and bites deep down into Mira’s neck. Mira gasped but settled down. she’s gotten used to the random bites she received from him. Artemis took his fangs out and kissed her quickly on the nose


Mira backed away slightly from him flinging her long black hair over her shoulders.


Mira's purple eyes started to glow brightly for a unknown reason, Artemis looked strangely at her. "What is happening to you?" she giggled and said "I'm about to transform, silly!"

She pointed up to the full moon in the sky. Artemis looked up and frowned. he hated seeing her become a ugly wolf-like creature


Mira smiled as her nails started to grow longer and her hair longer, her face shriveling into a small snout. her ears perked up and started to grow hair all around her body. she looked at Artemis with puppy filled eyes and howled.


Artemis smiled "C'mere Mira, love" He Teased. Mira annoyingly growled at the way he called her. like she was his pet.

© 2012 Mira-chan

Author's Note

I just want to know what you think of my "Writing style" ~ i know im not very good, and maybe you have some tips =o ?

My Review

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I actually think you have a great writing style. You set up the scene really well as well as the characters' emotions. Hope to read more soon!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 13, 2012
Last Updated on December 13, 2012
Tags: werewolf, vampire, love



//Hiding//, LA

Im just a noob writer ^_^;; Trying to grasp the basics :3 more..
