Love the way you describe this person with “qualities” instead of “physical characteristics” . . . to me, this is a much deeper way to see another person. Your message takes an unexpected turn toward the end, but a twist that is familiar to me. At my old age, I’m only observing becuz I can’t take anymore disappointments/hurts. I love that your narrator is being realistic without a self-pitying tone (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Story of my life > for some time > until we eventually met face to face
Able to hear her voice touch her face
Feel her close as we danced
Laugh together at each others silly jokes
Now she doesn't laugh just says "that's stupid", which I ignor
We belong together
I really liked this poem..Actually , this is a thing which happens with most of us..You described everything so nicely and the title , it was just perfect..I really liked your poem..And actually you sounded so true that many can easily relate themselves with it...
Keep on writing...
i have done this...saw someone, thought about her to myself, wanting to make contact---and maybe doing that in some slight way, without really committing to going for her---and then seeing her with another, knowing i missed my convey that frustration well here.
What a beautifully aching passing of time. There is the joy of life rising, of love's inspiration, and then the cold winter of distance and disappointment that comes to steal the dreams. Painful, powerful...
It's interesting though how I often find myself observing and then wondering if what they see in the one they like sees in return what we have already seen in them so clearly? I can relate so strongly to this. Disappointing, yes, but perhaps better that they can't yet see what we see so easily in them that they haven't seen or so much as noticed in us?
Incredibly expressive poem and thank you for sending the rec for me to read it. I always love writing like this. Something I felt but couldn't put into words - that you have flawlessly.
so beautiful work, love your style so much. very interesting and sad too..
"Disappointment rising,
too late once again."
it hurts when it comes to this part
Love the way you describe this person with “qualities” instead of “physical characteristics” . . . to me, this is a much deeper way to see another person. Your message takes an unexpected turn toward the end, but a twist that is familiar to me. At my old age, I’m only observing becuz I can’t take anymore disappointments/hurts. I love that your narrator is being realistic without a self-pitying tone (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Alternative, shy, loves music.
I typically keep to myself, and am not very expressive.
But when I write, it's like I'm some place else.
I've been gone for a while, and I'm working on getting back.. more..