'Suspended by strings of love a jewel, For the, I shall be an eternal fool.' - What an elegant piece of writing. You have an amazing talent- this intricate piece touched my heart. & I truly enjoyed the Shakespearean style.
'Release thy self from thine constant sorrow,
Release Past unfit of such divinity,
And when finished, my heart you may borrow,'
Pure brilliance- I really love this piece. Thank you for sharing your work.
Thank you, I'm pretty sure this is my strongest work thus far, and is by far my favorite, I'm glad y.. read moreThank you, I'm pretty sure this is my strongest work thus far, and is by far my favorite, I'm glad you like it so much, I actually got emotional myself while writing it, and then reading it aloud in front of a group, again thank you
12 Years Ago
I had to read it several times- and then read it to a friend... ;) It really is a wonderfully wri.. read moreI had to read it several times- and then read it to a friend... ;) It really is a wonderfully written piece.
Well done! I too have tried to walk in the footsteps of sonnet writers. It is a slippery slope indeed. Sometime people just don't get what it was that you were going for...for me that ok though...I think one should be able to take away what they want form any of my works. Again Well done! :)
an artist isn't in the rite if he doesn't find that of himself that doesn't want to be found, not saying i have, were all striving, take a walk, dont eat, maybe dont sleep a couple nights, find yourself insane and you will find the center of your expression
ya got potential
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I might just have to try that, might make for interesting piece self dixcovery and all, but thank y.. read moreI might just have to try that, might make for interesting piece self dixcovery and all, but thank you very much for reading and the advice.
'Suspended by strings of love a jewel, For the, I shall be an eternal fool.' - What an elegant piece of writing. You have an amazing talent- this intricate piece touched my heart. & I truly enjoyed the Shakespearean style.
'Release thy self from thine constant sorrow,
Release Past unfit of such divinity,
And when finished, my heart you may borrow,'
Pure brilliance- I really love this piece. Thank you for sharing your work.
Thank you, I'm pretty sure this is my strongest work thus far, and is by far my favorite, I'm glad y.. read moreThank you, I'm pretty sure this is my strongest work thus far, and is by far my favorite, I'm glad you like it so much, I actually got emotional myself while writing it, and then reading it aloud in front of a group, again thank you
12 Years Ago
I had to read it several times- and then read it to a friend... ;) It really is a wonderfully wri.. read moreI had to read it several times- and then read it to a friend... ;) It really is a wonderfully written piece.
I am a newly self-discovered poet from Winston-Salem, North Carolina and I created this
page to share my work and hopefully become discovered enough to become published, well there you have it the r.. more..