The Hunters

The Hunters

A Story by EmmyReich

"What do you mean?" Janice Harris asked her father as he sat at his desk in front of her. Jerry Harris was a large man at six foot four and very muscular. He was a professional line backer in football in his younger years but has long since retired. A knee injury knocked him out. He set his glasses on his desk, better showing his daughter his dark brown eyes and the seriousness in them.
"Janice," Jerry sighed, "You know why I can't let you move away from me without me following you."
"Dad!" Twenty four years old and still having to listen to her controlling father, Janice stood irritated, "I'm an adult now. I can do what I want!" She was much smaller than her father. She took after her mother. She was a small woman with a slight frame.
"Janice, I am not going to have this conversation right now," Jerry crossed his arms across his broad chest, "You know the rules of our people and you have to abide by them just as much as everybody else!"
Janice stormed from his office and to her room and Jerry watched her go. He sat and looked at a picture of his wife and daughter on his desk. Blonde hair fell down past Janice's shoulders and it set off her green eyes. Sarah's hair was in a bob but she had the same green eyes. Every time Jerry looked at his daughter, he was reminded of his wife, Sarah, and how she passed. The Harris family was a part of a secret organization called the Hunters. They hunted another type of people that they often referred to as the Rogues. The Rogues were a people who were born with certain abilities that could help them take over the world. Their minds were more often than not very sharp and everyone of them had a certain ability. Some were great at persuading people. Others were good at being the right person for every job. Others were good at fighting. And they were all rash and thought they were better than the other humans in the world. 
********************************************************************************************************* Jerry was the first Hunter. He started when he was in high school and he discovered the Rogue's existence. He'd met Sarah Johnson who knew about them but didn't know what they could do about it. She didn't like what she'd heard about them as she dug for more information. Jerry never could get out of her how she'd heard about them. Then, the night of their senior prom, they had their first personal run in with a Rouge. The man was a twenty five year old brute that wanted Sarah. Jerry wasn't going to let the giant take her while he was still breathing and he put up a fight. That fight put him in the hospital, but Sarah had helped and used a trashcan lid to knock the guy out. From that moment on, they knew what they had to do. They recruited as many as they could and now Jerry ran the Hunters chapter in the mid-west of the USA. 
He ran it alone because Sarah was killed three years ago by a Rogue. It was a fighter and Sarah and Janice had been out on a mission. Jerry was supposed to have been with them, but their oldest son had called him needing help with another job. That turned out to be the biggest mistake of his life. He returned home after helping Blaine with his job of tracking a Rogue and neither Janice or Sarah were home. They had been sent out on a simple observation mission. They were to follow this guy and see if they could find their headquarters. That was all and it was only for a few hours. He'd been gone much longer than that. He tried calling their phones and neither one of them answered. 
"Dad?" it was his second youngest, their middle child, Corey. They had three children, Blaine, Corey, and Janice.
"Yes Corey, what is it?" Jerry answered gruffly. His head lay on his desk.
"Where's Mom and Janice?" Corey was twenty four at the time. 
"I don't know," Jerry said honestly as he raised his head, "They were supposed to have been home by now."
"You don't think something happened, do you?" Corey sat in the chair and leaned back, trying to feign a nonchalance he didn't feel.
"I just have no idea and I'm a little concerned," Jerry said rubbing his face. Blaine came home later and they paced the house, unsure of what to do. Two days passed like that and they tried to find where they cold have possibly gone. But of course, they had no luck. Blaine had been calling their phones repeatedly when there was a knock at the door. Jerry and Corey were out wandering the streets, looking for the Rogue they were supposed to have been tracking. 
Blaine hung up the phone and set it on the table. He answered the door but there wasn't anyone there. Until he looked down and he slapped his hand over his mouth to stifle his scream. His mother's dead body lie on the front porch just at his feet. He fell to his knees and cradled his mother's body as he cried. 
Jerry and Corey returned and found him like that and they fell into a grief so deep that they almost forgot about Janice. Until the phone rang a few hours later.
"Hunter," the ominous voice on the line said, "Did you enjoy your gift?"
"Who is this?" Jerry spat into the phone. 
"Just a friend," he said, "Or not. Depends on how you look at it."
"Did you kill my wife?"
"Not me. An associate of mine," the stranger said, "But I do have another gift for you that's your prize in this competition."
"Competition?" Jerry was puzzled.
"Dad! Don't listen-" Janice's panicked voice was cut off by a scream.
"Janice!" Jerry yelled and Blaine and Corey stood quickly, "You listen to me you-"
"No, you listen to me," the man cut him off, "You will do exactly as I say or I'm going to kill your precious daughter. You won't even be able to recognize her when I'm done with her."
"Dad, no. Stay away! It's a trap!" Janice managed to get out.
"Will someone gag that child!"
"I'm not a child! I'm twenty one year-" there was a muffled scream. Jerry hung up. He couldn't listen to his daughter being tortured. 
"Dad, we have to do something!" Blaine said.
"Don't worry," Jerry hurried into his study and rummaged through a closet, "We're going to."

To be continued

© 2014 EmmyReich

Author's Note

Let me know what you think! But don't be jerks about it...

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Added on August 20, 2014
Last Updated on August 20, 2014



Plainfield, IN

I've been writing for myself and my family and friends for years. I've got an awesome husband and he supports everything I do. And he doesn't even like to read! more..