Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Emma Hiscock

Chapter four

Nyela walked slowly to her door, it had rained earlier that afternoon and the smell brought back memories of her childhood. When she and her father would wonder the palace grounds after rain, she would run ahead giggling as she jumped around in the puddles careful not to get her gown too wet as to disappoint the officials.

“You have to see this Ny,” Mason spoke impatiently, grabbing her hand pulling her forward. They ran down countless steps avoiding maids and butlers scurrying around the palace.

The got to the largest window in the palace overlooking the gates of the Kingdom. Nyela could see the guards returning on foot but something was different. They held two - what she assumed to be - children. Nyela could tell they were from Earth; they wore “modern” clothing as the humans called it. None had shown up in the Kingdom of Wiliona and Deltria as the portals connecting them had yet to open. But lands far away had visitors - they held amazing technologies.

Concerned Nyela frowned, “do you think the Queen will go easy on them?”

Mason scoffed.

“She will execute them for being on her land without citizenship; she won’t care if it’s due to the portal opening before we are prepared for it.”

She could tell he was angry; his cheeks sunken, hands gripping the ledge so tightly the white of his knuckles showed. Her stomach dropped. The human side of her angry at what treatment was to come.

“She is half human herself! Hell; she kills fae while celebrating the half breeds humanity! Surely she wouldn’t kill them!” Nyela said in a loud whisper, the anger evident on her face as Mason studied her. Her face fallen, she had turned pale; her tongue darting out to lick her dry lips. He reached for her hand squeezing softly. He backed away.

“We’ll figure a way to help them.” He pledged half kneeling.

She gave a small smile ushering him upright before anyone saw. She patted his cheek softly, before returning to her rooms to change as the Queen will want to see her. Mason watched her leave smiling to himself knowing he’d follow his that girl to the ends of every world in existence, knowing she would do the same for him.

A knock rung throughout Nyela’s quarters.

“I’ll be right with you,” she answered draping the black cloak over her burgundy dress.  

Stepping down from the mirror she walked over, adjusting the loose bun on the back of her neck she opened the door.

“Your presence is require Lady Darkness,” the guard said eyeing her, she eased a curl from her face, smirking.

“I’ll be right there.” She shut the door in his face, turning to grab her boots.

Alex and Ryan marvelled at the marbled palace walls as they were taken into a large throne room. They were still being held as they approached a woman with sleek white hair. It was straight with a white golden diadem atop of her head bejewelled with what looked like rubies. She was tanned, her slender nose pointed at the tip, her full lips dawned the same ruby colour as the jewels on the crown of her head.

She stepped forward, her white silk gown, which matched her hair, almost washed her out, producing a toilsome sight to behold on the eyes. Alex’s breath hitched though intimidating; the Queen held a beauty, it might have been in her warm eyes despite her cold face.

“Hello there, children I am Queen Adrienna; ruler of Wiliona, I see you come from Earth!” She circled them, her regal voice echoed through the bare room.

Alex scanned the area, two guards beside the throne and four - what Alex could only guess to be - lords standing to the right of them. Two more guards were stationed on either side of the entrance, there was no possible way out of this situation. The guards holding them both did not help their position.

The Queen tutted before stopping behind the two teenagers. The guards roughly spun them round to face her.

“Hmm, what should we do with the humans?” She questioned he red lips quirking into a sly grin.

“You’ll do nothing to us! We’ve done nothing wrong.”  Ryan yelled, his fists clenched beside him.

“Keep going and I’ll let Lady Darkness handle you.” It was supposed to be a threat but it didn’t stop Ryan from laughing out loud along with Alex. The queen just smirked as she rounded them once again. They watched as the lords and guards visibly shifted uncomfortably at their outburst.

The doors to the throne flew open, Alex and Ryan turned so quickly the guards almost tripped over.  Two what seemed to be guards walking in, they were dressed differently in black tunics, high boots and knives on each side of their belt.

Mason smirk as he felt Nyela walking behind him and Zeke, another hunter.

Ryan and Alex squinted as they watched a hood figure emerge between the two front people, Lady Darkness sauntered into the room. Alex noted how graceful she looked while still looking menacing. They knew it was a woman as they heard the click of her heels and the burgundy dress she was wearing became visible as she removed the hood, stopping just in front of Ryan and Alex.

There was a smirk on her dark lips, almost the colour of her dress, her hair was back and loose curls shaped her face.  Her brown eyes flickered as she bowed before the Queen.

“Lady Darkness, meet our new human friends,” Queen Adrienna spoke fictitiously, walking past the humans towards her treasured assassin.

“Please do educate them on what happens when they misbehave.” She smirked touching Nyela’s shoulder and squeezing briefly as a warning to behave herself.

“Yes my Queen.” She stepped forward; producing the small knife from the inside of her cloak. Approaching the young man in front of her, bringing the flat side of her knife to his neck. She let the cool metal slide smoothly towards his collarbone without nicking any flesh. “A few things may happen; I’m an expert in knives and poisons. Behave or you may find I have accidently slipped something into your next meal.”

Nyela’s threat was meaningless to her but not to the Queen and certainly not the man, he was perspiring, almost gasping for air.

She pulled her knife away and locked eyes with the young girl next to him, her blonde hair was stuck to her face with sweat and she looked frightened. She smirked and walked back beside the queen.

Play your part right Nyela and you may have a chance to save these humans.

“What, may I ask my Queen, will you do with them?” Lord Dyer asked, eyeing the prisoners with curiosity.

“My dear Lord Dyer, I feel execution seems like a good option.” The Queen sighed as though it was a difficult decision although everyone in the room could see though the act.

Alex’s stance faulted, she fell to her knees with a cry. Ryan looked to his twin feeling her pain. He couldn’t let her die, the desperation written on his face.

Nyela held her head high and put on her best stone face as she cleared her throat. Everyone in the room turned for Lady Darkness.

“My Queen, I believe I have a better punishment for their intrusion.” She had practiced this speech in her room, letting Mason know if her plan in a hushed whisper while he was outside her door.

In support of her plan, Mason arranged to have himself and another hunter enter with Lady Darkness as a show of support in the decision.

“Yes Lady darkness, do continue we are all ears!” The Queen announced, annoyance laced in her tone, Nyela took no notice and began explain herself.

“I believe these two humans look in great  physical condition, the young man here seems very strong as well as the girl. Set them up as hunters, humans have done nothing but love us, we celebrate them my Queen, don’t you think the kingdom would be displeased with you act of violence against the humans? They are half of our population after all.” The Queen sat on her throne in thought. After a few moments she agreed with Nyela.

“Okay, you have a point, whatever shall we do with them?” The Queen considered, eyeing the two humans suspiciously.

“Train them as hunters, your greatness,” Nyela ushered the two men behind her.

Zeke someone Nyela and Mason trusted spoke for them, “my Queen,” he bowed deeply, “permission to speak?” he asked graciously.

“Granted continue.” Sitting straighter in her chair she was all ears.

As Zeke began to explain how much the hunters needed some new blood, Nyela watched the humans in front of her. It was clear her assumption of them being children was wrong. She would only assume they were a few years younger than her. They both looked exhausted - the girl was shaking slightly and the boy was paler than when she first entered. She wondered if he would soon faint.

“Your request will be heard the council, Lady Darkness. Zeke, I appreciate the idea, and we will let everyone know the outcome tomorrow. As for the prisoners lock them up. See that they are fed.”  

Nyela bowed.

“Thank you my Queen,” she almost let the disgust at the way she treated them like animals show but she kept her composure. She exited the throne room with Mason and Zeke at her heels.

Alex let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding; standing back upright the guards began to push the both of them toward the large white doors of the room.

After a few minutes of walking, they were lead to a staircase of light grey stone. It grew colder - it dawned on them both that they will be heading underground.

“Stand here,” the man ordered, grabbing the keys and unlocking the cell door.

As soon as the door to the cell swung open the guards shoved them inside before locking the door.

The guard who had held onto Ryan the out a pleased grunt, “boy I’m glad that’s over. I could use a feed.” He commented to Alex’s guard, nodding in agreement the other guard lead him back up the stairs.

‘How are you feeling?” Ryan asked Alex she hadn’t spoken a word since being in the cell, Alex could hear the concern in his voice but she couldn’t concentrate on anything.

The way Lady Darkness, as they call her hesitated before stepping up to Ryan. The queen had so clearly threatened her with a touch of the shoulder. But the woman was so calm and intimidating her face was hard, she was young, Alex could tell as much but something seemed off.

Who are you? Why would you try and save us?

© 2018 Emma Hiscock

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Added on March 7, 2018
Last Updated on March 7, 2018
Tags: Fantasy, Young Adult, Teen Fiction, New Adult, Fiction, Romance, Friendship, Mystery, Magical Realism.


Emma Hiscock
Emma Hiscock

Melton, Victoria, VIC, Australia

20, Make-up Artist. Hi, I've been obsessed with reading and writing my whole life i hope you'll like some of the work i publish on here. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Emma Hiscock

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Emma Hiscock