![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Emma S Retzer7:00 am *Beep
beep beep* It can’t be morning already. I feel like I just fell
asleep. SNOOZE. *Beep beep beep* Uhh, I swear Mondays are going to be the death of me!
SNOOZE. *Beep beep beep* NOO! “Andrea, that’s the third time, enough. Don’t make me
force you out of bed!” Hostile, damn. “Kay, dad. I’m up!” I crawl out of bed,
rubbing my eyes to wake up. I open my closet door and start scavenging through
my clothes. Pulling out this shirt and that dress immediately rejecting them.
Mondays are not meant for dressing “cute.” This is good enough for today. Straight light blue jeans,
my new sneakers, and a plain black V-neck. I’m not much of a make-up girl, but
a little rose blush and black mascara, I’m good. My light brown hair waves
naturally, so I usually run a brush through it and I’m ready. I trudge downstairs with my backpack on one shoulder and
throw it on the couch. My dad stands in the kitchen waiting for his coffee to
be ready. I grab the box of fruit loops and a carton of milk and make myself a
bowl. I sit down to eat as my dad pours his freshly brewed
coffee into a mug. He sits to my left and stares at me. I try to ignore him but
that doesn’t work. “Are you going to school today or am I going to get another
call from the principal?” He asks still staring at me. “Yeah, I’ll go to school, don’t worry.” I avoid eye
contact with him at all cost. “I mean it, Andrea! I’m not doing this with you…” “I said I’ll go, drop it.” I take my half eaten cereal
and put it in the sink. Storming out of the kitchen, I grab my backpack and
slam the door shut behind me as I leave the apartment. Downstairs waiting for me is my best friend Michael. We
met in second grade when he transferred to public school from a private one and
have been best friends ever since. Michael towers over me as he is about five
foot nine and I’m only at five foot three. He runs his hand through his blonde
messy hair like he doesn’t own a comb. He looks at me concerned. “You look
pissed. Fight with your dad again?” I stare at him. “No, everything is just hunky dory! What
the hell do you think?” We start walking down the sidewalk as he speaks. “What
was it about this time?” I try mocking my dad with a whiny voice, “Go to school,
Andrea. I’m done with this, Andrea.” I return to my own voice, “I’m so done
with this and him!” “Are you going to school today?” Michael looks at me
concerned. “Hell no. Let’s go see a movie.”
********** 8:00 am No one ever tells you that being a parent is going to be
this hard. Every morning I go to work pissed off and worried because there is a
good chance that my seventeen year old daughter is out roaming the streets of
New York alone. It starts taking a toll on a person especially when they can’t
sleep at night from stressing that much. There are days I think my stress
levels are starting to affect my work. “Hey, Ricky!” A familiar voice shouts behind me. Shawn
Turner is running to catch up as I walk into the doors of our workplace. I hold
the door open for him as he slows to walk through. Following behind, we both
head for the elevators. His short red hair sits perfectly on his head without
any kind of product whereas mine is disheveled and streaked with grey
throughout all the black strands. I look at my reflection through the metal
elevator doors, noticing the wrinkles on my forehead and bags underneath my
eyes. “Man, you look like s**t.” “Stress tends to do that to a person! I don’t know how
much more of this I can take, honestly.” I look down as the doors open with a
beep. We both step on with other workers and I press the button for the 96th
floor. I can feel Shawn staring at me, but neither of us speaks the entire
elevator ride up. People get on and off at various floors which makes this trip
long and almost unbearable at times. Finally, the doors open on our floor and we push our way
out through all the traffic of workers and clientele. Shawn’s desk is right
across from mine, which is how we got acquainted so much. We sit our stuff down
and prepare for work. “What are you going to do about your daughter?” Shawn has
stopped unpacking his briefcase and is now looking at me concerned. “I have no idea, to be perfectly honest.” I sit down at my computer and fire it up. As
soon as I log into my work email, there is message from the CEO of my company.
“S**t.” Even though I mumbled under my breath, Shawn still heard and is now
standing close behind me, curious as always. “Meeting with the boss? Wonder what that’s all about.” He
gives me a worried look before heading back to his desk. “8:45 tomorrow morning. It says they have some concerns
about my performance they would like to speak to me about. I’m getting fired.
They are firing me because I’m too f*****g worried about my daughter being
ignorant and disobeying my rules rather than worrying about my job which pays
for all of her crap.” “You don’t know that. They could be giving you a promotion.”
“A promotion, my a*s! I’ve been here for almost ten years
and no one has ever promoted me even a little bit. No one way in hell…” the
phone on my desk starts ringing, “…I would ever be promoted.” I pick up the
phone. “Hello, this is Richard Berker. How may I help you?” “Hello, Mr. Berker. I am calling about Andrea Berker, is
this your daughter?” “Yes, what is going on?” My heart starts racing,
preparing for the worst news. “Andrea didn’t show up for school today.” “Yes, she is at home sick. I forgot to call the school. I
am very sorry. Have a good day.” I turn to Shawn as I hang up the phone. He
gives me a look of disappointment. “Don’t say a word.”
********** 6:00 pm Monday nights are my I
Love Lucy nights until my dad gets home and we watch Friends or my favorite, Whose
Line is it Anyway? These are the best times when we just escape reality and
watch fictional characters cope with their petty problems. My dad walks in the door around the same time he does
every other night. “Dad, you have to watch this for a minute. I haven’t seen
this episode before, but this part is so funny! Lucy just walked in and…” He
slams the door hard, shutting me up. He’s pissed about something. “So I just got a wonderful phone call this morning from
your school.” S**t! I forgot to call up there. Michael and I usually call the
school pretending to be each other’s parent so they won’t call our actual
parents at work. “WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY THIS MORNING?” “Okay, I know you’re mad but it wasn’t my fault!” “WASN’T YOUR FAULT? THEN WHO’S FAULT WAS IT, ANDREA?” He
looks at me, waiting for me to respond. All that can come out of my mouth right
now are just sounds. “I’m done. I’m tired of dealing with this and with you. Go
to your room now.” “Seriously? Come on! Let’s have dinner and just talk. You
don’t have to ground me like I’m a child.” “Oh, I’m not grounding you. You’re way past grounded. Go
to your room and pack your stuff now. I’m sending you to your mother’s tomorrow
night.” Shock fills my body. For a second, this doesn’t feel
real. “You’re kidding, right? This is just a ruse to get me to do better.” “No, this isn’t a joke. Now go. I’m done talking to you
tonight.” I stand there, frozen from disbelief. He can’t kick me
out. I didn’t do anything bad. We stare at each other for a minute before I
decide to break the awkwardness and go to my room. Once I shut my door, I lay
on my bed and replay what just happened in my head, over and over again. Outside my door, I can hear my dad hitting stuff and
screaming. If he’s so pissed about what he said, he must be bluffing. My mom
lives in Michigan. He would never make me move that far. Away from my home and
my friends, or friend. I’ll just go to bed and in the morning everything will
be just fine. I put my headphones on and listen to my CD in my Walkman.
Music will calm me down and help me sleep without thinking about living in
Michigan. It’s so cold there, though. Well, it’s cold here too, so I can’t
complain too much. I love the city too much to move away. It’s alright, though
because I will never move away. No matter how mad he gets towards me, he will
never say no to his baby girl.
********** 8:00 am I sit at the kitchen table drinking hot coffee, my second
cup this morning. I didn’t get any sleep at all because all I could think about
is what I said to Andrea. She sits across from acting as if nothing happened
last night. Just eating her bowl of cereal before I drop her off at school to
make sure she doesn’t skip. “Hurry up and finish eating. I’m taking you to school
today.” She looks at me confused. “Why? I’m perfectly capable of
getting myself to school.” “Obviously, you’re not. I told you to go yesterday and
you didn’t. I said I was fed up with you and I mean it. How much stuff did you
get packed last night?” “None because you’re insane! I’m not living in Michigan
especially with mom!” “Yes you are because I said so! If you won’t listen to
LAST TIME!” “NO! The Judge granted me sole custody, which means I get
to choose where you live. As long as your mother is taking her meds, she isn’t
a threat to anyone. Maybe that’ll give you some incentive to be responsible.
You’re turning 18 in a few months and you can get your own place once you
graduate.” Tears start welting up in her eyes. “She almost killed
me. Do you want that to happen again? Do you want her to kill me this time?” “Andrea, you and I both know she didn’t mean it. She is
sick!” “Grab your bag. We’ll talk more tonight when I pick up
from school.” She grabs her bag and we walk out the door together. ********** 8:45 am Standing at my locker, trying so hard to fight back tears
and make it look like nothing is wrong. I don’t usually cry, but the thought of
living with that monster again scares the crap out me. I just keep telling
myself it’s not going to happen, just forget about it. Sometimes I wish I could
believe myself. Michael walks up to me, all corky as he usually is.
“WHOA! Looks like someone finally decided to come to school!” His smile fades
into a frown. “Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I look up at him. “It doesn’t matter! Let’s just get to
class.” We walk into our first hour together and notice that
everyone is gathered around the television. I’m too short to see over
everyone’s head, so I attempt to push myself to the front. All I can hear is
whispers of “Oh no!” and “Oh my gosh!” “What’s going on? I can’t see the T.V.” The tall brunette
girl moves aside to give me a clear view of the screen. My teacher turns the
volume up so that people in the back can hear what the woman from the news is
saying. “This is unbelievable!” The newscaster exclaims. “If you
are just now watching, I will repeat what happened. Something, people are
saying a plane, has just crashed into the top of the North Tower of the World
Trade Centers!” My eyes go wide and new tears start flowing down my
cheeks. “Michael! My dad works there! On the 96th floor! My dad is in that
building right now!” 9:00 am I sit in one of the desks in the back of the room, not
bearing to watch the news any longer. My body is visibly shaking and my eyes
are so dried up from crying that I just stare at the floor. I can hear other
people crying from other classrooms, as well as every person in this one. Michael comes back and sits in the desk right next to me.
“You don’t know whether or not your dad was in the building. And even if he
was, he could’ve been in the lobby or on a lower floor!” I know he’s trying to
be comforting, but at the point, it’s slightly irritating. “My dad gets to work every day by 8 o’clock, except
today. He dropped me off here at 8:15 and it’s about a 10 minute drive,
including traffic. That gave him 30 minutes to get there and park in his spot, walk inside, and take the
elevator the 96th floor. I know you’re trying to be helpful, but
don’t. Please.” Before he can get another word out, a girl staring at the
television releases this high pitched, blood curdling scream. I run to the
front and see the south tower looking just like the north, only lower. “OH MY
GOD! IT WAS A PLANE! IT JUST HIT THE SOUTH TOWER!” My heart sinks to my feet
and I can’t hold my weight anymore. I fall to ground, burying my face in my
hands, still unable to cry. The only thing running through my head right now is my
dad. The conversation last night and this morning. What if that’s the last time
I see him, or speak to him? I try to think of something happier. I remember
sitting on the floor with my dad when I was about 14, just after my mom left.
He held me close to his chest, telling me that everything was going to be
better soon. Then he turned on some classical music until I fell asleep in his
arms. That’s the safest I have ever felt, when my dad would hold me. © 2017 Emma S RetzerReviews
2 Reviews Added on January 21, 2017 Last Updated on January 21, 2017 Author