Amen- such wisdom that more need to learn- the flesh the outwards appearance is just a cover for the spirit which has no form- what we allow to occupy that fleshly existence is what comes from the heart- so true- and I think the message has been put across- sometimes we get it or we don’t- die to the flesh to be able to live in the spirit- wonderful words- 🌹
Amen- such wisdom that more need to learn- the flesh the outwards appearance is just a cover for the spirit which has no form- what we allow to occupy that fleshly existence is what comes from the heart- so true- and I think the message has been put across- sometimes we get it or we don’t- die to the flesh to be able to live in the spirit- wonderful words- 🌹
I'm thinking my friend what's that You will add, because as it's now I see it perfect, I know what You are speaking and what You mean, You are speaking of those whom are obsessed with their outside beauty and plastic surgeries, ignoring working on their inner beauty, it's all come from within then comes the outside, the inside beauty reflected on our appearance, not the opposite, of course we are not saying "not to care" about our shapes and looks, our bodies, they are all still parts of us which need our care, and Your message is clear and one should take it into its right place.
Thank You for sharing Your wonderful and thoughtful thoughts.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you so much. This is exactly what I mean. It's not wrong to care about your body but it is wro.. read moreThank you so much. This is exactly what I mean. It's not wrong to care about your body but it is wrong that it's what you value most about yourself.
I posted this because I thought it worked as a stand alone but I do have more thoughts to add, which I hope you like too.
7 Years Ago
I will wait to rear Your longer piece, I'm sure I will like it too :)
Wonderfully brought forth.. Love the ideas that spring out. Are you planning on adding to this? If so I would be interested to see what you bring. As far as what I read, I have to say very well crafted....
Mags xo
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you. I am about to post a longer version of this, but it is actually completely different from.. read moreThank you. I am about to post a longer version of this, but it is actually completely different from what I was working on when I posted this. I hope you like it
7 Years Ago
I can't wait to read it...
Love your work...
Mags xx
I think I tried to write something similar to this that you already reviewed 😊 your point of view is much more intentional and poignant.bravo to you!!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you. But if you mean 'the woman in the mirror' I'm going to have to disagree, because that poe.. read moreThank you. But if you mean 'the woman in the mirror' I'm going to have to disagree, because that poem was incredibly intentional and strong. And I think it's such an important message that everyone has fallen victim to that it should be expressed everywhere.
Your poem is a strike at today's social media and our obsession with all things pretty and well shaped. You're so right in your message. We should look much deeper, behind the hair, skin, teeth and shape.
Your poem reminded me of this Maya Angelou quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." It's the stories, as you mention, that convey meaning and allow us to touch others. Well said here, Emma!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you for sharing that quote. I have had her book 'I know why the caged bird sings' sitting on .. read moreThank you for sharing that quote. I have had her book 'I know why the caged bird sings' sitting on my shelf for the past month so I will make sure it's the next one I pick up.
A quite despair echoes within the wording yet screams at the reader to wake up, well done, good read.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you, I think it's making people pause to think not aggressive point making that is most effect.. read moreThank you, I think it's making people pause to think not aggressive point making that is most effective
Would it surprise you if I told you that Ted Kaczynski and you have a lot in common?
Without the bombs he was actually a pretty profound fellow. In a different vein than your poem but I see a very similar approach. That sounds bad but really it's high praise.
The self aware super hard core genius folk usually tend to call empowerment things like terrorism or something similar to that in nature with varying degrees of real or perceived violence. (I drink fancy scotch whisky on Wednesdays, apologies if this wasn't very coherent)
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Firstly I love you have a designated whisky day, that is fabulous.
Yes I was quite surprised .. read moreFirstly I love you have a designated whisky day, that is fabulous.
Yes I was quite surprised by that comparison. But after a quick wiki search then I can see what you are saying. Scrolled past all the bomb stuff and saw about his views that industrial society will lead to lack of individuality and 'artificial goals'. Which is literally the topic of my poem modern idolatry. He could have been a pretty inspiring guy if he hadn't done the other stuff.
I agree with the message poetically shared - and - would note that even the most 'beautiful reflections' can hid both danger and evil! We are warned; Ezekiel 28:12-13 describe how beautiful Satan was, God created him to be perfect in wisdom and beauty, a spectacle of flawlessness and gave him special capabilities in music and voice. But inside he was rotten - thus kicked out! The inner self dictates the 'image' we project to this complicated world we live in! Great write - look forward to the extended version (as you mentioned above) :=)
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you. You have a brilliant point there that reminds me of my GCSE study text:Frankenstein, whic.. read moreThank you. You have a brilliant point there that reminds me of my GCSE study text:Frankenstein, which I absolutely loved. The innocent and originally benevolent monster cursed by his outer appearance can also be reversed and someone beautiful is destroyed by inner ugliness, of greed or jealousy etc.
Nice quoting by the way, impressed by that bible memory.
I agree with you on that point... its the little things that jog the memories and cause us to think about that person or this person, and their face comes to mind only after their deeds
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Yes that's exactly it, it's the excessive pride or concern over appearance and belief that it is a s.. read moreYes that's exactly it, it's the excessive pride or concern over appearance and belief that it is a success to be remembered as beautiful that I think is so wrong
I am currently at college, and hoping to go into a career in the performing arts industry. I love writing scripts and am enjoying exploring poetry on here and expressing my opinions through my own.
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