My other half

My other half

A Story by EmilynRosee

Magic? Dreams? Love? Andrew see's a beautiful naked woman bathing one day . After she leaves Andrew becomes obsessed with finding this woman . Even though it's a dream. He learns dreams come true



The mystery beneath her eyes haunted me they were blue like the crystal sky , she had a tear in her face as she was sitting on the rock naked her long black hair covered her breasts but she was gorgeous maybe a figment of my imagination . I longed to touch her I would never touch another women if I could just feel her Ivory skin on my course fingers. The more I longed for it the more the dieing passion I felt in my soul ripped me apart . But there she sat on that rock her lushes hands moving swiftly across the water she was my angel . “

I woke up in a cold sweat determined to find her I knew she was real I knew she was closer too me then a dream and I knew somewhere the definition of beauty was waiting for me .

Chapter 1 -

My search for my love started with the passion of a dream I knew where the dream led me .

The streets of Rome were crowed . The smells of sweet treats filled the air . Prostitutes in half naked form came and begged my feet . One stood out from the others her hair had Good looking brown curls her eyes were green like an ripe olive and her voice could lure sailors out too sea , she was wearing dirty white rags . She introduced herself as Lydia .

dear weary traveler you look distressed come into my home “ she said , before I Could answer she took my hand and led me into her house . My feet were dirty from wearing sandals she told me to sit so I did . She took fine oil and rubbed my feet . She was something else but her touch made me uncomfortable but also the tender touch was like a mother's not a lover she sung a beautiful Italian song “ l'amore della donna che si trova dove il cervello non pu™ cercare solo il tuo cuore” which ment

the love of the woman is found where your brain cannot search only your heart “

She sung the toon over and over as she washed my feet , finally she was done . She took her precious hair and rubbed my feet dry with it .

I extended my hand waiting for her so I could help her out . She only shouted no at me . She got up from the dusty floor I only saw the body of an angel , her breasts could only be shaped like they were if a goddess touched her . I couldn’t let my eyes wander anymore . I slapped my knee . Luckily She didn’t see me , She was too busy in the kitchen cooking

so ma'dame” I started to say

no ! “ she replied “ I am Lydia , you are a guest in my home call me Lydia”

“ Lydia “ I started out “ About the song you were singing , I fell in love with this women the only problem is I only see her in my dreams could you help me find her “ I ended .Then I just sat on the wooden chair in complete silence . I looked down at my newly washed feet . “ How could I be so stupid , “ I Thought

Mista- “ she said “ I shall help you find this women , but what would such a debonair young man want in me “

you are beautiful Lydia “ I stood and walked over to her are hot bodies were inches away from each other . I took my strong hand and held the right side of her face , I gazed into her eyes . “ Any man who wouldn’t want you , would not be smart enough to no how to take care of such a majestic women . “ I said I held my grip tighter to make sure she understood .

She ran free from me, back to her cooking . As she stirred her sauce . I Heard a soft whimper among her humming . I stood there for what felt like hours along with Lydia's humming and whimpers , I could see the women of my dreams again. This time more vivid

She got up her body dripped wet only her hair salvaged from her bath . She looked around but this time it was like her eyes had clothe on them. I could not see them but she still had the same beauty , she seemed so confused she took a elegant purple clothe and draped it around her breasts . Slowly she walked with more grace then a wild animal jumping from tree to tree . She stood on her toes , the green grass rubbed against her, the morning dew felt cold on her toes and awoke her further at this sensation . She jumped from spot too spot. She took her hand and circled the trees , she was like a young girl . Under the olive tree she sat . She picked a pink Calla Lilly and put it behind her ear but as She was sitting there in her garment and with the calla Lilly she started to fade away soon my heart ached for her again

dear sir “ Lydia said

ah yes Lydia”

My fantasy was gone . But Lydias eyes were red her voice was hushed like a street at midnight

come sit down sir “ she said

I knew something was wrong but I did as I was told I pulled out her chair for her and sat down across from her . Her table was dressed with a fine white linen her plates made out of wood she had brass candle sticks and a wicker basket full of fruit . She severed me bread with honey and oysters with some kind of Gray sauce .

“ My husband was very wealthy “ she said taking a bite of her oyster “ but he was murdered my whole family was my baby too the men payed me after he died they’ve been paying me since I do not know why they murdered my husband and my baby , why didn’t they murder me ? I through myself in front of the dagger crying kill me not my baby but did they listen? No . And now I am alone. The riches will not solve the loneliness in my heart I still wear the clothes that I wore that day very faintly I can smell the soft new smell of my baby and the smell of wine that deodorized my husband “Lydia stopped speaking. Soon tears welted in her eyes . I could not bare too see this . I leaned over the table I grabbed both sides of her face this time

beautiful women “ I said too her , “ quit these tears your coming with me , too the magic place where the souls of loved ones rest you shall find your husband , I'm sure he's looking all around this earth for you”

And that was that soon we left to find the place of are loved ones .

Chapter 2 -

I knew there was something magical about Lydia I could not explain it though , She was a goddess and not the metaphor I think she was the daughter of a god long ago now she was sent to find my bride .

“Dove è l'amore” she said over and over “ where is love” is what she was saying I finally replied

only real love is in dreams “

she stopped dead in her tracks she pivoted on one foot so her body faced mine

oh dearest sir you are so blind , it makes me laugh , True love may exist in dreams but if we only dream we may loose sight of the love that’s in front of us “ She turned back and continued too walk .

I too had lost my loved one to death we were arranged to get married one afternoon her mother called for me though she was sick , she didn’t have much time I remember the urgency in her mothers voice I ran to my fiancee She was on her dieing words , she lay ed there pale like a ghost ,

oh dear Andrew “ she said too me . She took her favorite purple ribbon she kept in her hair and gave it to me she cupped it in her hands I took her hand . It was cold . Tears streamed down are faces . Id never seen her cry till today and I’ve never cried till today . “ ill see you in heaven Andrew” she said

no dont go” I begged I cried but it was too late she closed her eyes and fell into an eternal sleep . “ I shook her body Getting on top of her crying . I screamed her name but it was no use I knew the truth but in my youth I was in too much denial to admit it. I sat by her body for hours clenching the ribbon in my hand . Mourning her . But I Remember one night we were sitting by the sea holding each other this was just as she was getting sick she turned to me and looked me straight in the eyes she said if I ever get too ill to live and you happen to find another women marry her let her make you happy . Those memory’s were so faded now . But I still Kept that ribbon tied to my wrist . I was almost in tears thinking of Sarah again . I Shuffled my feet in the sand . Now it was fully dark out . Lydia suggested taking cover underneath a tree I agreed . I got some tree bark and two rocks and rubbed them together . I sat on a rock and so did Lydia , She sat there patiently her hair was pulled back to one side she had her knees up to her chest and her head cocked to one side . Finally I got the fire started . She stared at the flame her eyes widen mystified as if she had never seen fire before . Her eyes told a story but she started too sing a gorgeous toon her voice soon found the perfect melody . She was talking about good and evil and the fight for her child’s life.

broken wood please kill me save him save him from his misery . the knife it's dangerously close to me . don’t push me away no save the baby “ Her voice gets musty I can feel the evil intensify with every word .

the baby cries evil stirs see you in hell sir” she stops and her body falls into the tree she weeps

salvare il bambino” she weeps , “ save the baby “ she repeats it over and over “ salvare il bambino” the tears shocked her . Her words now sounded more distant then ever . She takes her head and bangs it into her lap “salvare il bambino” she screams ..

I run to her side and put my body close to hers . I embarrassed her with a hug . Her tears , turned to sniffles she said “salvare il bambino” one last time I took my finger to her lips and said

ssh beautiful Lydia you’re baby is happy now and so should you “ She stood silent . I felt like I should take my advice but I needed love too make me happy at least I thought .

Lydia's body was cold I remained hugging her throughout the night .

Chapter 3 -

She was dieing I saw her laying on the ground someone taking a knife to her she stood back the pink flower in her hair had fallen out now she just layed there I couldn’t tell if she was naked or not men circled around her laughing and pointing at her dismembered form I tried to save her the harder I tried the more it failed I was chained to the tree forced to watch her get stabbed, Kicked and touched . I tried to turn my head and close my eyes but she screamed my name . “ Andrew she said save me from this night mare

This is the first time she spoke to me her voice was like something I knew someone I knew I just didn’t know who . I tried calling out her name . Soon everything went black . I saw her kneeling next too me rubbing my head with water on a rag . Her eyes were still covered in clothe they no longer had color much like her hair she had lost all pigment too herself . She dipped the clothe in the water slowly rubbing it on my head , her touch was like an angel . I closed my eyes once more too see the unthinkable I knew who she was .

Chapter 4 -

She held me in her arms she was dressed in new clothes my head layed on her lap she rubbed her fingers through my knotted hair the only other person who did that was Sarah , I opened my eyes to see Lydia . She had a flower in her hair a calla lilly to be exact . She hummed a soft toon . Her olive eyes reflected the sun making them twinkle .

oh Sir you’re awake i'm sorry “ she said she got up so fast my head it the ground thud It went . She ran back to me and got on her knees

oh im so sorry “ she kept saying she swore at herself .

I laughed and demanded it was ok . I really hadn’t laughed since Sarah's passing .

I got up and brushed the dust off my clothes we both burst out laughing .

She showed me where to find water she knelt by the river she picked up her dress to her knees . She lightly cupped the water and threw some on her face I came next to her and Did the same . Little did she know I was looking at her . She played with the water she lightly threw it up some hit me I took some and hit her the water was cold as ice , She took a whole bunch and got me all wet . I ran to her picked her up and went into the water with her carrying her in my arms I dunked her in once she screamed and kicked her feet

ok ok im done “

but it wasnt done I felt that heat we felt the first night we met even though the water was cold are bodies lust intensified . She was again inches away from my face . The world tuned out for a moment . I got my face closer and closer she leaned her are wet bodies touching each other felt so good but it was so wrong I quickly dropped her in the water and coughed a bunch I walked out and so did she , We sat down to dry off . I found a stone to start a fire with . When the fire started she let her dress fall off her body, I watched it fall I was mesmerized by it , it fell too the ground I looked up she was naked , She told me to stand up . She came close to me , she put her hand around my waist and took off my wet clothes then she walked to the fire her hips swayed like a gentle wind she let are clothes to dry . I stayed sitting I had nothing on but a shirt and jacket she was wearing nothing though she sat next to me and played with her hair I hushed her came up from behind her I took her beautiful hair and brushed it with my fingers It was soft like Touching a baby animal . I took her hair and braided it . I Looped it once then twice and again and again and took the purple ribbon off my wrist and gently Tied it in her hair like Sarah once did . I took my head and nuzzled it in her neck . She was warm and maybe for the first time ever she was silent she didnt have a song . I knew whatever I felt in my heart wasnt real . It was her magic I was falling for but she was Sarah and I did not want Lydia or did I want anyone close to Sarah too take Sarah's place but I was confused . As I watched the sea and rested my head on Lydia I could see Sarah, I could smell her , I could touch her .

It was dark again the sound of the tree leaves wisped against there trunks I sat behind Sarah her hair smelt like a sweet flower , her skin was soft like velvet but she was cold . I hugged her from behind . We didnt talk for so long I reasured her everything would be ok , that she'd get better she tried to trust me but I saw deep in her eyes that saying she trusted me was just a lie . She knew Id never let her go or did she I know ? She was my first love . As I sat there I thought of us as children we've known each other forever , She was throwing rocks into the water and I said Id marry her one day if I made the farthest shot I knew I would and I did since then we were in love . But sitting there watching the ocean with Sarah Everything felt different she was tense . My memories end at are last kiss in the moon light that night . Everything changed a week later she died ..

I stared into space for along time I was determined to find that women in my dreams me and Lydia were heading to Athens so we could summon them from the gods . I got up and told Lydia to get dressed we both headed by the fire, are clothes were dried we got dressed and walked too the docks

Chapter 5 -

The city was more majestic then I imagined. Lydia and I looked scared I felt alone , and I missed her voice , she hadnt sang in days , I begged her to sing but she just stared at me angry . The women in my dreams had not shown up either soon it was time to get on the ship I felt my nerves shake more . Me and Lydia were sent to the bottom room . We just sat in utter silence I hated it .

“ Lydia” I said “ I was a stupid fool for trying to make a move on you , you just reminded me of someone”

“ I cannot forgive you “ she said , then she took out the ribbon in her hair “ here I dont want this “ She said .

Tears almost welted up In my eyes, I finally relised she was the women that was in my dreams and I lost her forever .

Chapter 6 -

The world kinda numbed as I held her body again everything I touched wilted like a flower first Sarah , Now Lydia , She was deathly ill her body was so warm as I held her she hummed a soft song . Her face was green .

But she finally let me talk “ Lydia , You mean more then the world to me , and if you dont make it you'll see your husband once again ,But if you do and you ever feel alone ...” I stopped in my tracks the words stung my tongue “ I Love you” the words came out

“ I love you too” She said but then her breathe stopped

to be continued 

© 2013 EmilynRosee

Author's Note

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Added on November 23, 2013
Last Updated on November 23, 2013
Tags: beauty, Italy, Romance, Love, Women, Magic, Fantasy



My name is Emilyn I've always been passionate about writing . I love music and reading more..