![]() Chapter FourA Chapter by EmilyIt was right before sunrise, when the world was caught in a haze of bluish twilight that happened before the sun had risen but after the moon had set. The grass which I walked across was covered in dew and fog covered everything from my waist down with a swirling dampness that clung to whatever it touched and muffled any sound. For a moment I paused and questioned what I was doing. Why was I out in this chilly dampness when I could be asleep underneath the warm blankets in my room? What was the point of this early morning escapade? Then I heard it and continued on my trek towards the woods following the voice that called my name in mysterious yet seductive tones. As I reached the natural border the trees made I hesitated looking back towards the school I hated so much as if it were a haven. But then came the voice again, almost imperceptible but enough to make me continue on into the trees. Selena... I started to hurry, suddenly overcome with an urgency that I couldn't explain. Selenaaaa.... I sped up more, stumbling over tree roots and the undergrowth of the forest. Seleeenaaaa..... I trip and fall but pick myself up immediately because finally I could see the person calling to me in the distance. But just as I saw them they turned and disappeared into the ever-present mist. Seleeennnaaa..... "Wait!" I yelled out, almost hysterical. I sprinted through the dense forest despite the branches that ripped at my exposed skin and clothes. "Please wait!" And I needed for them to wait because suddenly I knew that in those woods was something that wanted me dead and that if I didn't reach that person in time it would tear me to pieces. Selena..... I could see him again and I let out a sob because all I had to do was reach him before it reached me and I would be safe. But his back stayed turned so that he was facing the rising sun. I yelled out his name and he slowly turned so that I should have been able to see his face but the sun was too bright, making it impossible to see anything but his silhouette. I threw myself at him but just as our bodies would have touched, he disappeared, leaving only mist and darkness and It. Completely defeated I sank to the ground and cried, knowing that It was coming for me. I heard It calling my name and felt it shaking my shoulder and as I opened my eyes I saw.... Victoria. Her face was scrunched up in an expression of worry and her voice trembled as she called my name. Blinking, I sat up and took in the bright sunlight that streamed through the closed windows and sighed with relief that it had all just been a dream. "Selena? Are you okay?” Victoria looked scared and I smiled at her trying to calm her fears. "Its okay, I was just having a nightmare." I didn't know who I was trying convince more, me or her. "Are you sure?" Her eyes still held some traces of anxiety. "You were crying." "I'm sure." I replied, my voice stronger than I felt. "It was just a bad dream." She stared at me skeptically for a second before replying, "Do you want to talk about it?" Her voice had a sympathetic tone that reminded me of my mother when she had comforted me after a nightmare. The thought made me grin as I looked at my bubble-gum popping, mini-skirt and boot wearing roommate. Nothing could be funnier to me than the thought of her as a mother-hen. "Nah, I'm okay. I don't even remember most of it." I smiled and lied, while still thinking of the dream in vivid detail. "Okay. But you might want to go get cleaned up." She stared at my arms for a second before turning away and I quizzically looked down and saw that they were covered in bloody scratches. I stared at them in disbelief as they slowly started to sting. I found it odd that they hadn't hurt until I had looked at them so I looked away and listened to what Victoria was saying. "-was going to go get breakfast, but if you want I could wait until you're ready and we can go together." She had the maternal look again which made me giggle as I replied. "I'll be fine Victoria. I'll just meet you down there." "I'll meet you down there then. Better hurry up though they stop serving breakfast at nine." A quick glance at the clock told me it was already eight fifteen which meant I did have to hurry. "Thanks I'll keep that in mind." She was just about out the door when she turned. "It's no problem, and call me Vivi. Everyone does." And then she was gone leaving me alone to contemplate the strange dream and the scratches on my arm by myself. For a few moments I just sat there, my mind blank, before I shook myself out of my daze and quickly gathered the things I would need for my shower and left. My footsteps echoed as I walked in the empty halls. As I looked around I noted the shining hard wood floors, the tightly closed doors, the slightly faded yellow wallpaper that seemed to glow softly in the light coming from the numerous windows, and the utter lack of people. To me it seemed inconceivable that there was no one just wandering around, but there truly was no one there. Though I wouldn't have admitted it to anyone I hurried up because I was creeped out not because of the fear that I would miss breakfast. When I finally reached the bathroom I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were separate shower stalls and not just one giant communal shower. Looking around I realized that once again I was the only one there. Apparently I was the only one in the entire girl’s dorm who had slept in. Though sleeping until eight hardly seemed like sleeping in to me. Ignoring the half formed questions in my mind I quickly got undressed and hopped into the shower, though of course the water was cold. Despite that I lingered in the shower, examining the cuts and bruises on my arms and legs and trying to figure out how they could of gotten there because there was no way I had been in the woods last night. It was just impossible. At that point the water was nearly frigid and I was tired of thinking of impossible things so I got out and dried off and got dressed as quickly as I could, mostly to get warm because I was shivering so hard my teeth clacked together in a rapid tempo. Normally after getting out of the shower I would have blow-dried my hair and straightened it but after a quick look at my cell phone I decided I didn't have time, so instead I just brushed it out and braided it in one long braid down my back. After that I looked critically at myself in the mirror that ran along the length of one wall. I wasn't wearing anything special, just jeans and a dark green tunic top and a pair of beat up black converse. Luckily all the cuts were covered but I didn't have time to put on any make-up so my face looked paler than usual, which also had the unfortunate effect of making my eyes seem huge in comparison, until they dominated my face. My hair being pulled back didn't help. Biting my lip I looked at my cell one more time and sighed. 8:42 a.m. I didn't have time to do anything more. As it was I would need a miracle to drop my stuff back of at my room and make it through the labyrinth of a school to breakfast. Even though I rushed it still took me a good fifteen minutes to find the cafeteria and for a moment I stood just outside the doorway and stared at everyone. All of them had designer clothes and most of them came from old money families. It was hard to believe that any of them would accept me. But then I saw Victoria standing up from her table and waving crazily at me. Smiling in relief I started into the cafeteria and thought that maybe life at a boarding school wouldn't be as bad as I had thought.
© 2011 EmilyAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on March 16, 2010 Last Updated on March 9, 2011 Author![]() EmilyNYAboutI just realized that I haven't updated my about me in two years. A lot can and has happened in those two years. I am now twenty years old. I haven't gotten through college yet but I plan to. Unfortuna.. more..Writing
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