Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Emily

I woke up slowly feeling groggy, disoriented, and cold. Without opening my eyes I reached towards my fan to turn it off and found only empty air.

For a moment I was confused. Had my fan been knocked over? Or had I moved it? And if I had why was it so cold? Then it came back to me. I wasn't in my room. I was at a boarding school; one that obviously had heating issues.

Moaning quietly I opened my eyes and sat up, blinking to bring the now dark room into focus. The first thing I noticed was that my new roommate still hadn't returned even though a quick glance at her alarm clock told me it was already eleven thirty exactly. The second thing was that the window on my side of the room was open, pale curtains fluttering gently in the cold breeze.

Shivering I got up and went to close the window, my boots making clomping noises with each step in the seemingly unearthly quiet. I reached up and started to pull it closed when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head I saw a shadow darting away from the building towards the forest. The figure was too far away for me to tell its gender, only that they were human; and even that seemed doubtful as I watched it glide smoothly across the ground. I continued to watch until it reached the far off woods. I thought that it would continue into the cover of the trees but instead it paused and turned. Despite the fact that it was impossible at this distance for whoever it was too see me in the window it felt like they were staring at me and I was caught in the unseen gaze. The moment became suspended into a small eternity. I couldn't look away, I didn't want to. I was too curious about the enigmatic person who glided among the shadows as if they were part of them.

But the choice was taken away from me as the person turned into the woods and was gone. Almost as if they had never been there.

Wait! Come Back!

I wanted to say it and I almost did despite the fact that I knew that they would never hear me. Instead I reluctantly closed the window and turned, looking at my bags dejectedly.

Sighing I glanced at the clock and was stunned to see that only two minutes had passed. It seemed incredulous to me that the entire encounter had taken so little time. My mind racing was as I turned on the light then organized and put away my things, including a box that my dad had mailed to the school before my arrival that contained my purple paisley comforter, sheets, a few of my pillows, and my iPod alarm clock. The whole endeavor took maybe fifteen minutes and when I was done I changed into my pajamas then flopped back down on my newly made bed and stared at the ceiling.

My thoughts were still centered on the strange figure in the woods as I fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up it was to the giddy giggling and shushing coming from the door to my room. Glancing up I saw that it was 3:17 a.m. as I heard the faint snick of the lock being unlatched. Next the door opened to reveal a tall brunette girl, who I assumed was my roommate Victoria, walking backwards, dragging the dark-haired boy who had stared at me when I arrived into the room with her. I stared at them, completely stupefied as they started to make out in the doorway as if I wasn't there.

Extremely annoyed I cleared my throat until they looked around. The boy noticed me first and as soon as he saw me he smirked.

"Hey, it’s Red." he said in a lofty voice that immediately put my teeth on edge.

"My name isn't red. It’s Selena. And it seems to me that you're not supposed to be here." I glared at him but he just laughed.

"So you're a goody two-shoes aren't you, Red? I like good girls. They're more fun to corrupt." He leered at me and I immediately flared up and was about to cuss him out him when Victoria suddenly came out of her stupor and realized I was there.

"Heeeeey! You’re my new roomie aren't yaa?" She was slurring her words and she smelled like beer giving me no doubts as to what she had been doing.

Awesome I thought sarcastically as she lurched away from him on three inch heels. I have a drunk for a roommate. Looking at the boy leaning casually against the doorway I amended it to a boy crazy drunk.

"I have waited sooo long to get a roommate and now here you are!"  Her words were nearly incoherent as she sat on my bed, gushing continuously. About what I had no idea as I stared in horror. Slowly she trailed off then leaned against me and promptly passed out, snoring ever so slightly.

I stood up immediately and she fell back onto the bed and curled up, not disturbed in the least by the sudden movement.

I stared at her incredulously for a moment before turning back to the boy, whose shoulders were shaking with suppressed laughter.

"Aren't you going to help me move her?" I demanded when he stayed where he was.

"Nope. I think you can handle it." He grinned maliciously while he looked at me and then her obviously seeing the difference in size, before continuing. "Besides guys aren't supposed to be in the girl's dorms, so I should probably leave. Catch'ya later Red. Nice pajamas by the way." He stared insolently for a second at my gothic Tinker Bell pajamas before winking at me and leaving, closing the door before I had a chance to protest.

I continued staring at the door for a minute in shock before I turned around and looked at the drunken girl sleeping on my bed and contemplated ways to move her.

After several attempts to wake her up I gave up and went to sleep in her bed, but sleep evaded me for a long time while I thought about the strange figure in the woods and my roommate. But the last thought I had before succumbing to slumber was I don't even know his name. And in my head I had a perfect picture of his arrogant smile and piercing blue eyes.


© 2011 Emily

My Review

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A drunk boy crazy roomie. Nice....not.

Posted 12 Years Ago

LOL this is really good....I like how the students totally disregard the rules.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Lol I had never heard of Fallen until I read your review so any similarities are not intentional. The idea for this stoy actually started out with a picture I drew a few months ago of 3 girls standing next to eachother. They were all the same person but one had angel wings, one devil wings, and one was normal. After that I couldn't get the idea out of my head that she could turn into either one depending on her choices. The prologue just came naturally after that, and though i know basically what I want to happen It will take a while for me to get there and hopefully the story will be fully my own by the end.

Posted 15 Years Ago

i liked it it kinda sounded like Fallen though with the angels and boarding school but its only the beginning. i think you should carry on

Posted 15 Years Ago

haha i like the drunk girl, sorta sounds like kris or rach lol maybe less kewl but you know what I mean lol Keep going! Youll make it past 15! hehe : )

Posted 15 Years Ago

I like this chapter. Meeting new people can bring us back to life. I like the description and the conversation in the story. Made me laugh. A very good chapter. Thank you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on March 6, 2010
Last Updated on March 9, 2011




I just realized that I haven't updated my about me in two years. A lot can and has happened in those two years. I am now twenty years old. I haven't gotten through college yet but I plan to. Unfortuna.. more..

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