if I were to be eaten by a tiger or give up writing for good these would not be the words I would leave behind, my legacy's a little lumpy and this is not useful at all
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Not useful? Makosica is right; who among us really finds our work useful? And yet, you are greater than most. I can only second what Makosica has already said. When I read this, it reminds me of the piece you did for "The Poet's Voice", hearing you read it aloud. Very well done, Emily Burns. We stand in awe.
Still it's sweet, as i would leave nought behind, an empty space, that would be filled almost the very second i left, so to leave something behind, must mean you have touched peoples lives.
Dear Emily you have a great gift of getting inside emotion and bringing it to vivid life thank you for your eloquent brilliance.
And so the evolution of self continues as we grow and recognize with time we can be more than we imagined.
Well i beg to differ this is quite useful!!!!
We always do want to be much more..which is good..aspiring is always good but Emily you to me are a beautiful soul as you are what i see from your words..i can not imagine better than you already are...:)
This writing is honest,beautiful and with a subtle hint of melancholy in it.
Can't be all you want..but what about being just what the other needs..well long to do better..few of us are ever satistied..also, how can one know just how well another can survive without them..lola nd God bless..Kathie
lol...you are way not too gone to leave your last words but emilys do that,we all know...
these words are a world of serenity and this is what everyone will remember Emily Burns for.:-)
well..if this is your last... i will be reading it for ages...
a wonderfully written peice...very deep and touching...
hope this end is a new start to many more writes...
to the Lost Boys
I am no Wendy;
but my voice brings you back to me.
And you sit around my feet,
anxious for a story
or a kiss.
Listening to my words
spinning adventures,
like so much g.. more..