I like the idea of this figurative perpetual fire, where we can simply toss all our baggage, all our fears , everything that holds us back, that has that potential of separating two souls. while there may be those moments where this occurs , I am not sure we can ever really turn the things we carry from our pasts to ashes. We do have that ability to move past them, to gather our courage and go on despite them, and yes, sometimes we find someone who can share the burden of them, making them not quite so heavy, not quite so scary, leading us into those shining moments when, however briefly, we are able to set them down althogether.
Cheers!! *enter roar of applause* Incredible write. Very visual, excellent symbolism. The vision of throwing your inhibitions, your doubts, your fears, and every layer of separation upon the fire of desire and thus feeding it, making it grow stronger, is a touch of genius. Love it.
I like how you introduce fire as a cleansing agent. As also a destructive force, and how those things can be exactly the same thing. That sort of complexity can only come from someone wise enough to know the difference and who cannot care.
Sahar is right about your warmth - and 'dusted off in doubt' says it all... I like the sudden shift, when all restraint is abandoned and the moment of truth arrives...
wow..Em,you seriously are awesome ...every time,i'm confused i read your writes and there is the answer...and we all saw your love glow crystal clear, dusted off of doubts...
This is well-crafted poem: intense, powerful, wow. You make new the symbol of love and passion as fire in such a masterful way. And there is such a command of sound here:
and now my fears.
Flicker and flare.
That especially shows the highly skillful alliteration.
to the Lost Boys
I am no Wendy;
but my voice brings you back to me.
And you sit around my feet,
anxious for a story
or a kiss.
Listening to my words
spinning adventures,
like so much g.. more..