Dancing with the Moon - The End

Dancing with the Moon - The End

A Poem by Yani De Los Reyes

The ending...

This night I love so much
Besides the cold breeze
You were here with me
That's all I ever want

The sounds of beauty weakened
I knew it was about to end
Feeling sad, I had to let you go
Yet you had to hold on tight

You told me to never let go
Because you promised me
"I will make us a portfolio
Full of our love so glee"

But I had to, I need to
I don't want to let go too
But I have so much in mind
If I get lost, it's you I can't find
Trapped in the vines of the trees

Mom and dad will get mad, I said
A situation like this, I can't run
Or else I would be dead
I want our love to shine like the sun
But I had to end this moonlight sonata
And go home with a guilty heart 

I'm sorry my love

© 2010 Yani De Los Reyes

Author's Note

Yani De Los Reyes
I didn't do this to anyone. I don't even know how to.

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Good ending..good flow and glow.. xxxx

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow, a very tragic ending. I could feel the regret and loss in your words, and it made me sad to think that after such a vibrant scene in Part 1, it all had to come to an end in this poem. Although I personally liked Part 1 better, I thought this was also beautifully written, and that you perhaps reminded us all about the sad yet realistic nature of relationships. :) Nice work,

Posted 14 Years Ago

I did not expect this. :( Good job! :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

hmmm I didn't see this sad ending coming at all.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Nice conclusion!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Second part love had to end? I read the poem a few times. You took me on a wild trip with your words. A very good poem. Made me think.

Posted 14 Years Ago

haha...this part was better than the first.
loved both of them
keep writing!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2010
Last Updated on March 9, 2010


Yani De Los Reyes
Yani De Los Reyes

Quezon City, National Capital Region, Philippines

I'm a 12 year old girl turning 13 after 3 more months. I'm a person just like you. Ordinary yet special in the eyes of the Creator. Making Art is my passion and writing is one of my most favorites. An.. more..


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