![]() No HeroA Screenplay by Good King![]() A boy is tormented by his past. WARNING: There is blood, and may be graphic for some viewers.![]() INT. WHITE ROOM - UNKNOWN The walls are a piercing white. A young boy of fourteen sits in the middle of the room with his knees pulled to his chest and arms around them. His brown, curly hair falls to his ears. LUKE's eyes are closed and his forehead lies on his knees. LUKE (quietly) Mom, dad- gone. I told her to stay home... that I would make things right. O.S. How does revenge taste? Sweet, like how you imagined? Luke's fingers dig into his skin. LUKE Shut up. O.S. Or is it bitter? LUKE I said shut up. A laugh echos in the room, but not from Luke. O.S. You can't hide your feelings. I see the deepest crevices of your heart. Luke violently shakes his head and quickly places his hands over his ears. LUKE SHUT UP! O.S. You're glad those men are dead, even at the price of your sister. It's bittersweet. More emphasis on the sweet. Luke's fingers dig into his skin. Scratch marks appear. LUKE (mutters) It's not like that... if she had stayed home... I told her to stay home. His sobs become louder. His fingernails dig deeper into his flesh. The skin breaks, allowing a deep crimson color to flow from the opening. LUKE (cont'd) Wanted her to feel safe- Wanted her to feel like I'd always be there for her. O.S. You're no hero. It's your fault. LUKE No no no no. It's not like that. Never was supposed to be. O.S. Can you remember the light leave her ten year old eyes. LUKE Stop it! Shut up! Just shut up! O.S. (mimics Molly's voice) Big brother- His hands cover his ears again. LUKE Stop it! Just shut up! O.S. Do you remember my dying wish, Luke? LUKE Get out of my head! O.S. I forgive you, big brother, because I know you'll never forgive yourself. Luke's legs push him off the barren floor. He slams against a wall with fresh tears. His head rests against the wall as his fingers force more blood to emerge on his arm. He begins to beat his fists frantically on the wall. LUKE Let me out! His breathing quickens as he searches for a way out, but there is none. He looks to his arms and the blood drips calmly to the white floor. LUKE (CONT'D) No... there's too much blood. Too much. He wraps his arms around himself, wiping the blood onto his shirt. O.S. Just like Molly's blood. Luke's breathing becomes uncontrollable. He takes his middle and index finger and wipes it across his blood soaked flesh. He takes those two fingers and writes on the white wall. During his process he mumbles: LUKE No hero... Should have stayed home... I can't forgive. Once he finishes, he takes more blood and repeats the same letters over the former. Again and again. His eyes fall to his arms that still seep crimson blood. He hides his arms on his stomach and sits in the corner, in between the two words: YOUR FAULT.
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