A Late Morning's Dream

A Late Morning's Dream

A Story by Leah

This was actually a series of impulsive tweets. I haven't really bothered with re-writing the whole piece so.... TA-DA~


I was found flawless, on a high-rised rosy bed, made entirely of large, crystal staves. The "beds" were vast in numbers. A domain of haunt. There were beasts, as saccharine as the structures. In a slow-mo pace, they were my sleeping hunters. And I am the hunted. Their sole prey.


These freaks, as though they were formed by the very hands of Giger, leapt from bed to bed, some fell, slashed and shredded to their end. One selectively finished its race.


My necrosis had eluded every stake and was now ready to be crowned. However, its mass was just as lithe… Instinctively, I lifted the monster with both hands and flung it effortlessly over my edge. Yet this being, was reborn…


By fluke… they fell to oblivion. But by my hand, shall they be reformed? A fresh head thrived from its first gash as it dangled, mid-air. This new face, new head, new set of fangs much like the mouth of a leech, elongation of its neck t'ward me, line of flight t'ward its mark. Leaving its body where it remained slashed, this radical head shot up, fast forward, then languidly dripped above where I was glued.


For whatever remarkable reason, I was shocked calmly by a mundane revelation that I alone inhabited this domain, my world, my Earth.


What seemed like a manual drilling instrument used by old rednecks and hillbillies alike, manifested, readily gripped by my right hand. And I held Time within my cranium. Drilled, drilled I did, a way of escape, a hide-out, mayhaps...


Into the staves, I manually penetrated. Constructing a grave fit for a babe, merely to find an infestation of rats. A Kingdom of Rats.


My sweet city was home to the worm... The beast was reaching its final checkpoint when I rose to a melodious aria...

You rang, Mother?

© 2013 Leah

Author's Note

Do click on 'aria'.

Seems raw. But this is one of the dreams I've had when I sleep into the late mornings.

Note: I haven't a clue on how to embed videos on a submission. The embedded codes tend to show up instead.

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Added on June 10, 2012
Last Updated on May 4, 2013
Tags: surreal dream fantasy




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