The Sentient

The Sentient

A Poem by Leah

Encompassing whirlpools of lust,

He swam thro’ bludgeoning waves;

Crashing foams of rambling darkness,

Waddling amidst an oceanless enclave.


This fool stretched forth his hand,

Expectant of a lucid manifestation;

But indeed, he became quicksand;

Orbiting dirt, his will fell sullen.


All power then obeyed a halt;

Entirety froze, lingered in lost space;

A lamb came, bathed in wine and salt,

And walked toward the particulate face.


Licking up e’ry tiny grist of the fool,

It took him into its most tender belly;

Whence the man heard its mewl,

A cry to eat of its sprightly body;


Now the man was old and ravenous;

He ran a weaving race of secular quiddit,

For he yearned of sublunary past;

Yet naught a morsel was he fed without a fit.


So eat of the lamb, he didst;

E’ry bite met him at wisdom’s chamber;

“ Like consuming marriage!”, felt he;

And he ate, he ate ‘til what left was its head.


With each taste,

The man fell deeply in love;

No longer canst he bear to take,

Without learning the name of his dove!


“ Tell me thine name for I must know thee!”

Beseeched the fool;

“ I am the Sentient and I am the Lamb.”

Bleated the head.


The man now wholly formed,

Kissed the head of the Lamb and awoke in his bed;

Hastened to his feet and bowed to the ground,

Giving his first praise for his last bread.




‎"For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness." - Psalm 107:9

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" - Mark 8:36

© 2012 Leah

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Added on March 22, 2012
Last Updated on May 9, 2012




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