![]() ConfinedA Story by Emaginem![]() The silence between us stretches the seconds of time to their maximum limits, slowing everything... A girl and a boy confined to a stoop, the rain wanting them to stay.![]()
The icy wind slashes my face pulsing a chill down my back. I push my head deeper into my hood, anticipating the warmth it might bring to me. I can hear the rain around me, playing the school's roof and windows like mini drum sets. The wind just seems to be orchestrating this thunderstorm in all of the ways it can to confine me here. The stoop of which I am sitting on isn't large, but big enough to allow me some dry space provided by the roof. My back is leaning against the cold bricks of the building as I wrap my arms around my legs trying to conserve the heat that's left. My backpack, with my homework packed inside, lays in front of me, looking soaked. A streak of light flashes across the sky, appearing to touch the ground behind the towering trees in the distance. The rumble of thunder that usually follows reaches my feet with a loud, uncomforting roar. I feel my hair whipping my face at every angle and my damped socks within my soiled black shoes.
I huff, acknowledging the fact that I am officially stuck, unless I plan to get drenched by the dirty water droplets pelting the ground. It's days like these that are judged with ugliness, and hatred by the outdoorsy type. But for me, it's more like a longing or a wanting. I could care less about the cold weather or the water; it's the scenery that fulfills my imagination enough that makes this oh so soothing. It is what plants a smile onto my face. The school door to my right, slowly groans open, and out pops a boys head. He frowns at the falling tears from the sky, but grins once catching sight of me. "Hey," He greets. I stare at his hesitation on letting the door go, his knowledge contemplating its locking. He observes my being, and then decides that the inside will no longer help him. The door bangs against the stops that restrict it from going past the entry way as the boy plops himself right next to me. "Hi," I respond after those couple of seconds. His light jacket is a dark gray, simply zipped all the way up, not allowing others to view the shirt underneath. His washed-out colored jeans seem worn, and the edges at the bottom are layered with white strands of de-threaded strings. He folds his muscled hands and places them on top of his knee caps which are kept closely to his chest. "It's cold," He comments. His breath flowed through the air, but soon evaporated. I shrug my stiff shoulders and he chuckles once. "You're tough then." He appears calm and content with being outside otherwise, making my heart race. His skin is lighter than most guys, but out of all of them he has always been the nicest. He is that type of person that is so easy going, and relaxed at all times. The kind of person who doesn't have a single trouble in the world. He is the person everyone wants to be around, not because they are lured by his looks, but because they want to be. My brain goes down the list of girls who are waiting for him, who have a crush on him, and who love him. The silence between us stretches the seconds of time to their maximum limits, slowing everything. "What are you doing here so late?" I allow this to start a first grade conversation, hoping it will take us somewhere of a higher level. He raises his right hand and brushes it through his dirty blonde, hair. His dark chocolate eyes move over to me, making the sight of my own squint a bit. "Detention," The corners of his full lips shift upwards, the pink of them beginning to blue, due to these outside conditions. Of course, he was joking; one of our many inside jokes. "And you?" His own voice creating a negative temperature of its own. I bite my chapped lip and I tilt my head toward the flooded parking lot to the left. He nods his head at my little problem portraying his understanding. My numbed hands squeeze the cloth of my sweatshirt tighter. "I know what you mean," He pauses, "we can take you home if you'd like," He suggests. I give a polite smile. "No thanks, I'm good." His eyes have a hint of disappointment at my response, but cheer when he notices me eyeing the beaded bracelet I gave him freshmen year, circled around his left wrist. "You've kept it?" He touches it gently, rolling the beads between his fingers. "I've always liked it. It reminds me of the good times. You know?" He says. He gracefully places it back firmly on his wrist after caressing it a little while longer. "When everything was simpler," I add. He shakes his head up and down in agreement, his rosy cheeks turning a ghostly color. "Yeah." His adventurous eyes quickly dab into a paint can of desire. I can only imagine mine doing the same, practically becoming the mirror to his. He blinks a couple of times, exiting his mind, and coming back to me. "It's funny, just the other day I was thinking about the day I met you." My body shivers from the frozen air surrounding us. His smile widens as he unzips his gray sweatshirt, revealing a dark blue shirt, with random splashes of black. He kneels in front of me and softly places his jacket over my shoulders. I can sense the heat radiating off of his body, and some redness returning to his perfect skin. He takes a step back and looks at me with satisfaction. "We've really grown since then, huh?" "For the better," I answer. He leans a bit closer and closer, our lips practically touching as he gazes straight into my eyes . A car horn commands noisily, and I can hear the wheels separating the water as it treads the empty parking lot. He quickly turns his head to the right, recognizing the car pulling up to the sidewalk. "That's my ride," he explains. The grin on his face shows happy, but yet his eyes and lips appear discouraged. We both stand up on our feet, the downcast getting worse, wanting us both to stay put. His eyes scan me up and down, a secret behind those teeth. He leaps down the three-step staircase with ease, and rushes to the dulled, golden car. "What about the jacket?" I shout. He turns towards me, his facial features drenched as well as his clothes. He opens the car door, and hops in, waving his hand as it hurries away, taking a right at the corner. The rain continues to fall down hard. I take a seat in the dry spot once again, pulling his jacket closer, making sure I was comfortable. For the better, I repeat. The idea of him thinking of me puts my mind on edge, like flying, along with my soaring heart. The wind shoves me, and the rain pierces my frozen face as the thunder argues with the speedy lightening. I once again summarize the lists for him, realizing that the only person on the list that loves him is a girl I have known all my life. Our relationship quiet fond of each other, for the years have brought us ups and downs, allowing the chemistry, between us, to grow. One identity inside the other, one for the both of us. That's when it clicked, that's when his secret peeked before me. He was about to kiss me, out of the love he has confiscated within him. All and all saying that he feels the same. Oh, it only excited me more, that I had his jacket, meaning I would have to return it, where we could try that kiss and our love once again, come Monday. © 2009 EmaginemAuthor's Note
Added on October 25, 2009 Author![]() EmaginemYeah, not going to tell you..., ILAboutWriting is a way I escape the conflicts of my own life, or to become someone I'm not. It's my way of expression, to let out my own feelings and emotions. I guess I started writing when I enter.. more..Writing