That first line is amazing, and yes it certainly can. I love the analogy here and that the one thing that can turn the tide is an anchor or root. We are meant to have that anchor I think, lest we all be!!! Loved this!
You are right dear poet. Healing must be found for us to be brave again. I liked the honest tone leading to the proper ending. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
What a beautiful, longing poem. Brought so many thoughts to my mind... the loneliness so many face... either because they have been abandoned or they cannot seem to connect deeply with another... not yet. There is an absolute joy in finding someone like this... someone to be our anchor... Such powerful words!
"If you cannot write well; you cannot think well; if you cannot think well, other's will do your thinking for you."
-Oscar Wilde
Hello all, my name is Emily Svetlana!
I am 30 years old and wo.. more..