The Day I Saw Batman

The Day I Saw Batman

A Poem by Elton Camp

There he stood on the sidewalk.


The Day I Saw Batman


By Elton Camp


When I was walking along in Gotham City

The sight I saw seemed to be such a pity


There stood Batman checking his cell phone

With no Robin about, he was quite alone


Batman’s appearance I certainly did hate

For he had gained a whole lot of weight


The Joker and the Penguin had little to fear

Even if Batman should manage to come near


The arch criminals could simply run away

Lagging far behind poor Batman would stay


The cowl, his millionaire identity concealed

To Bruce Wayne, too much food had appealed


The sight made me doubt that the police chief

Would ask his help in catching a villain or thief


I watched as Batman climbed into his car

Prius, not the Batmobile, would go slow but far


Somehow, it seemed to me to be such a shame

Batman had lost almost everything but his name



(To see a photograph of Batman standing on the sidewalk, go to )


© 2012 Elton Camp

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Cute, lighthearted read. The title caught my eye, hubby is a huge, Batman fan, not a 'huge Batman' fan. The picture was entertaining.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 24, 2012
Last Updated on January 24, 2012


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
