Why It Is Better To Have Dogs Than Children

Why It Is Better To Have Dogs Than Children

A Poem by Elton Camp

There are undeniable advantages


Why It’s Better To Have Dogs Than Children


By Elton Camp


(Any who follow my writes regularly know that I’ve posted many poems against dogs being kept in the house and even being treated as if they are humans.  This has generated a number of outraged comments from dog lovers.  This one tries to placate them somewhat.  My actual beliefs are unchanged, however.)


Getting a dog may cost some dough

Not as much as having a kid, though

Decide you don’t want a dog around

No problem to drop him at the pound


With cost of everything being so high

It’s rather nice, Pampers not to buy

Neither mother nor any one of the rest

Insist feeding should be from the breast


Fido will usually come when you call

But a child may not do like that at all

A dog hasn’t a speck of financial greed

A constant supply of money doesn’t need


A dog can be fed on scraps from the table

To do that with a child, you aren’t able

Your clothes a dog will never ask to wear

And she lets you decide how to do her hair


Even if your dog should decide to go far

He will never once ask to borrow the car

And you don’t have to worry you’ll choke

Because no dog will ever decide to smoke


For a college education you needn’t save

About the latest fashions, a dog won’t rave

Another reason that a dog makes you smile

If she gets pregnant, you can sell her chile



© 2012 Elton Camp

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Added on January 6, 2012
Last Updated on January 6, 2012


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
