Visiting the Home Place

Visiting the Home Place

A Poem by Elton Camp

A poem of sadness, not one of my typical humor writes.


Visiting the Home Place


By Elton Camp


I went back to see the old home place this year

For no location on earth is, to me, nearly so dear


My grandfather built the house with his own hands

Despite the passing years, I have heard it still stands


Its grounds he tended and trimmed with loving care

I hope that his shrubbery and flowers are still there


That it wasn’t the finest around I now understand

But in my memory, it was roomy and quite grand


The wide front porch where the family sat at night

The day’s work done, all seemed calm and right


Parlor with stuffed chairs, piano against the wall

How fondly, and with such detail, I recall them all


Baking prizes my grandmother won at the state fair

Now in my house and preserved with greatest care


My mother’s bedroom when she was a child

It’s where she slept, played, read and smiled


Master bedroom where my grandparents slept

All these years, their carved bed I have kept


Then the dining room with its massive table

To seat family and many friends it was able


Its shiny marigold carnival glass bowl

Was by my mother trusted to my control


I protect it on display in my house still

And, if possible, hope that we always will


The country kitchen, of treats a treasure trove

I can vaguely remember a black wood stove


The people I so loved are no longer alive

By my visit, to honor them, I will strive


The once-familiar road I drive with care

Knowing that very soon we will be there


Perhaps the ones who reside there now

Will allow us to tour the house somehow


Then, in the distance, its outline I can see

Coming closer I cry, “This surely cannot be.”


For the place that I once had loved so well

Is now an abandoned, collapsing empty shell


Where are all the flowers and shrubbery gone?

A massive oak, slowing dying, stands alone


The fine old barn where, as a child, I’d play

Has, long ago, fallen into ruin & rotted away


An old adage springs into my mind right then

One now seen true,  “You can’t go home again.”


So I drive slowly on by with the greatest regret

Yet, for the memories, I remain forever in debt


© 2011 Elton Camp

My Review

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Nicely done sir. I'm not a fan of rhyme but i really liked the story that you told here (except that it has to be so sad?). The attachment that we have to places growing up is very strong and you conveyed that nicely here. thanks for the smiles and the pang of sadness as i remembered my own boyhood home.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 26, 2011
Last Updated on December 26, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
