Building a House on Sand

Building a House on Sand

A Poem by Elton Camp

How much longer will this foolishness be tolerated?


Building a House on Sand


By Elton Camp


Alabama has some frontage on the Gulf Coast

Where the risk of storm damage is the most


People with money will build right on the beach

Instead of where a hurricane isn’t likely to reach


Then for all of us, house insurance rates will rise

Because they have acted so foolishly unwise


We live way up north, a long way from the shore

But due to those dolts we are forced to pay more


I’d also enjoy having a beach and ocean front view

But don’t as it’s a totally irresponsible thing to do


On such construction there should be a total ban

Or else let insurance rates there rise as they can


Now, when a hurricane comes and blows them away

At our expense rebuild so it can happen another day


Life insurance to a skydiver might rightly be denied

To some houses, that same principle should be applied


Maybe for existing construction exception can be made

But building new houses on the sand should be forbade


A beach dweller reading this may scream and curse

I don’t care as I’m tired of your reaching into our purse


© 2011 Elton Camp

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Added on October 26, 2011
Last Updated on October 26, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
