The Legend of the Laughing Skeleton

The Legend of the Laughing Skeleton

A Poem by Elton Camp

It couldn't possibly be true.


The Legend of the Laughing Skeleton


By Elton Camp


The real estate agent didn’t want to show the place

“The old farmhouse and barn are both a disgrace.

Since nobody has lived there since way back when

It isn’t going to be fit ever to be inhabited again.”


We insisted that we wanted to look at just the same

And then the agent’s reluctance we couldn’t blame

The fields and grounds were overgrown head high

To salvage the house and barns would be a hard try


But in the barn was an old tractor ready to ride

And the house was filled with furniture inside

So to the realtor we looked with shock and said,

“It looks like the family living here suddenly fled.”


He flushed, squirmed a bit and loosened up his tie

“I can explain, but you will doubtless say it’s a lie.”

The agent related how all of them were found dead

And that the farm had become a horrid place of dread


“Neighbors claim to see lights and hear a tractor roar.

But whenever I check, all is exactly as it was before.

Trying to sell this place is a major nuisance to me

So make any offer, no matter how small it may be.”


Then we made a lowball offer on the real estate deal

To get it at the price we offered would sure be a steal

The heirs didn’t even take a single day to think

But accepted the proposal just as quick as a wink


The next day, after the transaction was all closed out

We visited the farm with delight and a loud shout

Suddenly, from the old barn, we heard an engine roar

A laughing skeleton on a tractor crashed thru the door


“Ever since I saw you come here to look one day,

I knew that you would be coming back to stay.

Move right on in, as that will give me quite a thrill

For now I will have yet another family I can kill.”


We jumped into our car and took off up the drive

Reaching the town, we were very glad to be alive

Our frightening experience on that October morn

Is how the legend of the laughing skeleton was born


© 2011 Elton Camp

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Added on October 11, 2011
Last Updated on October 11, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
