They Were Hit By Falling Space Debris

They Were Hit By Falling Space Debris

A Poem by Elton Camp

All but one lived to tell about it.


They Were Hit By Falling Space Debris


By Elton Camp


The only death from falling objects up to now

Was suborbital junk that killed a Cuban cow


Cow nor its owners were available for interview

So we can’t be certain that the story is even true


A report that’s reliable and very well authenticated

Took place in Oklahoma and in 1997 it is dated


While Lottie Williams was taking a walk in a park

A fragment of woven material hit her out of the dark


A report from Shaanxi Province in China is also true

Falling satellite debris struck a young boy in 2002


As to his injury, the boy’s father saw the reason why

Thundering sound and piece of metal fell from the sky


It was extremely fortunate that Wu Jie wasn’t dead

Space junk broke the child’s toe & grazed his head


Now another satellite is lowering & about to fall

But there is probably nothing to worry about at all


© 2011 Elton Camp

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Added on September 10, 2011
Last Updated on September 10, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
