Fireman, Fireman Help Me Quick

Fireman, Fireman Help Me Quick

A Poem by Elton Camp

A fast response to a desperate call.


Fireman, Fireman Help Me Quick


By Elton Camp


An old lady called the fire department to say

“Please hurry over to my house right away.”

To save her, the dispatcher then does strive

“M’am, get out of your house till we arrive.”


He imagined the flames licking at her heels

So for speed the dispatcher firmly appeals

“I know, for you, this may be extremely hard,

But leave everything and go out into the yard.”


“There’s no reason I should do a thing like that.

I’d take care of it myself except I’m old and fat.”

Despite how hard to reason with her he did strive,

She insisted she’d sit on the couch till they arrive


“Hurry, fellows, and get the fire truck on the move.

Even seconds of delay may a disaster come to prove.

A poor, senile old woman is in a most terrible plight

But if you hurry, perhaps you can still make it right.”


The fire truck raced down the road to save the day

Speeding and running traffic lights, come what may

An ambulance was roaring along, very close behind

Paramedics apprehensive at what they would find


When in her driveway the vehicles skidded to a halt

Coming out the front door was the woman they sought

“Well, you boys surely took long enough to get here.

By now, my cat up in the tree is shaking with fear.”



© 2011 Elton Camp

My Review

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I'm not, in any way, a poet. So dismiss me out of hand, if what I say sounds dumb or wrong to you.
I tend to throw every single thing that I can into every story that I write. I repeat things that I think are funny. I use every trick in the book. My language is often superfluously overwritten. I repeat repeat things that I think are funny.
When it comes to editing, though, I'm one nasty fellow. I think that you could tighten this, and a lot of your other stuff, up.
That being said, I really like what I've read. Actually, especially because I like it, I think you can polish it up and your writing would be phenomenal and more-than-likely profitable!
I'm surprised to find you in the "Newest" category.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 26, 2011
Last Updated on May 26, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
