Conspiracy Theorists - Get a Life

Conspiracy Theorists - Get a Life

A Poem by Elton Camp

It's all a big cover-up?


Conspiracy Theorists:  Get a Life


By Elton Camp


Conspiracy theories are merely illogical rot

That says most events are due to some plot

But they never explain just how or why

The conspirators are so powerful and sly


Scholars generally don’t believe such a thing

Because conclusive evidence they don’t bring

Contradictory evidence is explained away

It was planted by the conspirators they say


Outlandishly false such beliefs are seen to be

Cranks or the lunatic fringe only can them see

“But our views are being coved up,” they claim

They’ve convinced others to believe the same


As true theories, these claims don’t go very far

Actually, it is only wild speculation that they are

The mainstream report always works just as well

And these “theories,” nothing useful do they tell


How many people to the conspiracy must adhere

And a whistleblower they never seem to fear

But someone’s conscience would be in fright

And he or she would bring the conspiracy to light


If they should read this, I know what they’ll do

“Look at that.  He is in on the conspiracy too.”

Conspiracy theorists are people we should avoid

They are mixed up and likely some are paranoid



© 2011 Elton Camp

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Added on May 7, 2011
Last Updated on May 7, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
