A Convict Is On the Loose

A Convict Is On the Loose

A Poem by Elton Camp

Somebody was pounding on our back door.


A Convict on the Loose


By Elton Camp


It was eight o’clock and we’d settled for the night

But little traffic was passing so our street was quiet

One of our favorite movies was just about to begin

When Eye Witness News abruptly came breaking in


“It’s a serious announcement that we interrupt to tell.

A convicted murderer has just broken out from his cell.

He was seen heading for the residential neighborhood,

He has sworn that to escape he’d do anything he could.”


The newsman explained he was dangerous and armed

And that, while escaping, two people he had harmed

“We don’t want too much the public to disconcert,

But everyone should remain cautious and on alert.”


My wife and then exchanged some worried glances

“I’ll check the doors.  There’s no use taking chances.”

The doors were locked and all seemed secure to me

So I walked back to the family room to watch TV


The old movie had just barely gotten underway

When a noise at the door a presence did betray

The unexpected sound made me cringe with fear

After dark, nobody to our house should come near


It’s got to be the evil criminal they warned about.

Of that scary fact, I didn’t have the least doubt

To the door it would be extremely foolish to go

I felt a sense of total terror beginning to grow


I lifted the receiver and quietly dialed 911

“Send a policeman to our house on the run!

It’s just awful how dangerous this is sounding.

As on our back door a vicious man is pounding.”


Very soon, there was a siren and a flashing light

Outside our door we heard yelling and a fight

A bullhorn called, “We have caught the crook.

Now please come on outside and take a look.”


On the ground, hands cuffed behind his back,

Was our next door neighbor, young Joe Black

The man was angrily cursing and having a fit

“To warn of danger I came.  This is what I get.”



© 2011 Elton Camp

My Review

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I really enjoyed this witty poem. Your subject matter diverges from the norm, which is a good thing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 4, 2011
Last Updated on March 4, 2011


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
