The Wonderful Sandwich Spread

The Wonderful Sandwich Spread

A Poem by Elton Camp

It was the hit of the party.


The Wonderful Sandwich Spread


By Elton Camp


Our housekeeper little English could speak or read

We were having a party and her help we did need

“Isabell, please go get the can of sandwich spread

And put some of it between these slices of bread.”


The wife and I our guests went out to entertain

While busy in the kitchen old Isabell did remain

The sandwiches she brought out laid on a tray

“Everyone have some of these, we began to say.”


The sandwiches were good and folks all had a fit

They demanded where more of the spread to get

In the kitchen for the name from the can’s label,

I looked about, but to find it at once I wasn’t able


“Where did you put the can for the spread, Isabell?

Because all of our guests said that they like so well.

When, at last, my request she came to understand,

Isabell pointed under the sink at the garbage can


When I reached in and the container pulled out,

I was barely able to suppress a horrified shout

I couldn’t believe she did something like that

What she’d put on the bread was food for a cat


To our guests my voice did quiver and hands shake

How could I possibly explain about such a mistake

I suddenly thought of a lie that well might explain

“It’s Isabelle’s secret recipe and so it must remain.”


© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on December 3, 2010
Last Updated on December 3, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
