The Creepy Old Man

The Creepy Old Man

A Poem by Elton Camp

Bruce loved both boys and girls.


The Creepy Old Man


By Elton Camp


On leaving his house, Bruce put in place

A very extensive disguise over his face

His own identity nobody must recognize

About all anyone could see were his eyes


The clothes that he wore were not his own

Butch had to be sure he would stay unknown

He assumed a fake voice that was very deep

Much the better his own true identify to keep


When he saw little children, he would smile

All the better the innocent small ones to beguile

To Bruce, children trustingly came to draw near

From his looks, they felt there was nothing to fear


He accomplished his goal:  make them feel okay

Then the children would listen what he had to say

He gave careful attention to both boys and girls

Whether they are ordinary or blondes with curls


Old Butch really liked to have them sit in his lap

And then around them his arms he would wrap

If it was offered, he would gladly accept a kiss

From a cute little boy or a pretty young miss


If the childrens’ parents saw, they had no alarm

They were sure their kids Bruce wouldn’t harm

“Why, yes, daughter.  He is just a fine old man.

Spend time and talk with him anytime you can.”


In truth, they had no idea what he was really like

Yet they let him touch just about any little tyke

A few youngsters seemed suspect some danger

And they reacted with fright, tears and anger


And then old Bruce usually reacted this way:

“Don’t be afraid.  Please come over and play.

And then if you want something, ask and see.

I might do for you if you do something for me.”


Bruce well knew most children like to get toys

He talked about what they want to girls and boys

Then, at home, after the shopping mall did close

He removed his Santa suit and put on his clothes. 


© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on November 30, 2010
Last Updated on November 30, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
