Jeffery Snerd Runs for the City Council

Jeffery Snerd Runs for the City Council

A Poem by Elton Camp

He would never tell a lie.


Jeffery Snerd Runs for City Council


By Elton Camp


No doubt, of him you must have heard

The candidate’s name is Jeffery Snerd

He has lived in this State all of his life

And he has a local woman as his wife


Of children, they have produced four

Ten grandchildren and expecting more

Jeff goes to church two times a week

When he sees you, he’ll always speak


Earns his living at the auto parts store

He has never run for any office before

But freedom from the least selfish greed

Is the only qualification that he does need


He is a perfect model of civic pride

By all the laws he’ll faithfully abide

Jeff never had even a hint of scandal

There isn’t anything he can’t handle


When to the city council he does rate,

Snerd will bring new jobs to the state

Federal spending he will get in check

And give President Obama the heck


Nancy Pelosi he will drive away

She will have naught more to say

To abortion he will bring an end

If you will make Jeff your friend


Illegal immigration he will stop

Back to Mexico they all will hop

Osama Bin Laden he will grab

And other terrorists quickly nab


Jeff will lower taxes right away

Public trust he will never betray

Foreign aid need not be sought

Since his vote can’t be bought


Foreign leaders he will soon tell

Very politely, “You can go to hell.”

With paying high taxes we are thru

Agreements with you won’t renew


It will be so much to Jeff’s praise

Politicians will get no more raise

Your tax burden he’ll quickly slice

For it, you won’t have to ask twice


That he’s best, here’s a reason why

Never in his life has Jeff told a lie

And such an excellent person as he

Standing for office you seldom see


Besides, it you take a close look

His opponent is little but a crook

His first wife had to get a divorce

Cause he beat her so bad, of course


And other people, I have heard tell,

Know he is a most wicked infidel

All are aware that he is a sorry fink

A sot, he loves evil liquor to drink


Jeffery Snerd is the man of the hour

Solve our problems.  Put him in power

For this virtuous man of such great note

Please contribute and give him your vote



© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on November 28, 2010
Last Updated on November 28, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
