The Terrible Waitress

The Terrible Waitress

A Poem by Elton Camp

What can I get for you guys?


The Terrible Waitress


By Elton Camp


The hostess met us at the door

We two had been there before

Thanks for coming again today

We have a table over this way


Menus she placed as we sat down

“Mary Lou will soon come around.”

The waitress had long, stringy hair

Dirty uniform showed no hint of care


We had sat there for quite a long while

But for customers, she showed no smile

To us, Mary Lou promptly began to yak

While her chewing gun she did smack


Tell me how are you guys doing today

Were the first words that she did say

We were annoyed at her way to greet

An elderly couple at their café seat


“You guys” might be okay for some teens

Who were wearing tee shirts and blue jeans

Mary Lou didn’t seem to think it was funny

When she said, “What will you drink, honey?”


“Honey” might be OK for a two-year old child

But at such familiarity I was really was riled

To the waitress I commenced right then to say

Please never speak to a customer in that way


Under the table my wife gave me a hard kick

I knew well the meaning of that little trick

It was a clear warning to me that I be nice

And I certainly didn’t want to feel it twice


When we both ordered the golden fried fish

Mary Lou said, “Oh, that meal is so delish.”

When customers give that order I delight

On the way from the kitchen to take a bite


It was an hour before she brought our food

I don’t want you to think that I was rude

But the call for your plates wasn’t clear

I finally saw them and brought them here


Your food may not be warm and fresh anymore

I know because this has happened to me before

The cooks working the kitchen are pretty lame

It’s not my fault.  They are the ones to blame


We had little time to eat when she spat,

“Are you two guys still working on that?”

Mary Lou appeared at our table very soon

Did I tell you that I only work until noon?


In only a few minutes my shift is complete

If you’ll give me my tip now, it will be neat

And next time in this joint you happen to be

Tell the hostess that you want to served by me



© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on November 20, 2010
Last Updated on November 20, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
