The New Sheriff

The New Sheriff

A Poem by Elton Camp

The new sheriff was a tough character.


The New Sheriff


By Elton Camp


The election had been just the week before

Sheriff Johnson now held the office no more

Some the new sheriff didn’t know how to take

“I just hope we haven’t made a big mistake.”


On the very day the new term was to begin,

Sheriff Roberts entered the office with a grin

“Since none of you deputies voted for me

Now you’re every one out of jobs you see.”


With a voice and actions just that rough

The new sheriff was going to be tough

Crime would never again come to pay

Sheriff Roberts had now come their way


The sheriff then strapped on a black gun

“I’ll soon have all the crooks on the run.”

It took Sheriff Roberts only a little while

To hire new deputies with a sneering smile


“Every one of you boys will do what I say

Or I’ll fire your tails without any delay.”

The sheriff had been in office only a week

When a fight started at the bar by the creek


Sheriff Roberts roared up in a big cruiser

Inside the bar stood an enormous bruiser

The sheriff rushed right on inside

And slugged the guy hard in his side


When another fighter the sheriff saw

It was wham and pow right to his jaw

The sheriff looked around with a sneer

Quick as a flash, the room did clear


When to law and order there occurred a threat,

The sheriff was there to curse, fight, and sweat

All could see that the crime rate went down

From the time the new sheriff came around


Each day when the office did close,

The sheriff put on her dress and hose

She rubbed some rouge onto her face

At home, husband and child to embrace



© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on November 7, 2010
Last Updated on November 7, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
