Charles in Waiting

Charles in Waiting

A Poem by Elton Camp

Being a prince can be overrated.


Charles in Waiting


By Elton Camp


He was born into a life of obligations

Required to meet others’ expectations

Because the day will come to be king,

Constant scrutiny this duty will bring


His life couldn’t be his own to live

All, to the family business must give

As a child, he couldn’t freely play

Since he would be king some day


All around him centuries of tradition

Because of an ancestry so patrician

“Charles don’t ever dare sit there.

That is Queen Victoria’s own chair.”


To live in such splendor might seem

The fulfillment of everyone’s dream

Stay in a castle, treated with deference

Servants galore to ask for his preference


“Just give your orders, little sire.

Anything your heart may desire.”

All to him did scrape and bow

And to his every whim kowtow


But in reality his choices were few

Duty constrained what he could do

He could never write his own story

Charles was born destined for glory


Even his religion was dictated

To the Church of England fated

Even if he found something wrong

With Henry the Eight’s old song


When to marry young he didn’t care,

Charles was pressured to make an heir

“Why are you still fooling around?

Your child will inherit the crown.”


But acceptable choices were few

She is required to be a virgin true

And young enough to reproduce

Fulfill her duty�"an heir produce


Camilla, the love of Charles’ life

Was not so suitable to be his wife

As his mistress she would be fine

But to be queen she must decline


Diana Spencer was judged okay

She fit British tradition all the way

Love her Prince Charles did not

But he was in an awkward spot


He was expected to do his duty

And to marry the blonde cutie

One flighty and far too young

Who also had a scathing tongue


When any person like her dies

It becomes bad form to criticize

But she had to know what’s expected

And that as a wife she’d be neglected


Charles wouldn’t put Camilla away

Marriage vows he was sure to betray

Male members of royalty always play

And the wife must look the other way


Although most folks would agree

A marriage is crowded with three

And few would be willing to extend

Charles’ rights to his special friend


Diana put up with such stuff

Until she had quite enough

It was only a matter of course

Until the two would divorce


The People’s Princess is now gone

Charles is still in line for the throne

How long will he have to wait

Will he come to fulfill his fate?


Will his mother live longer than he

So that the kingship he’ll never see?

Such a life he surely must be hating

Frustration to old Charles in Waiting



© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on October 26, 2010
Last Updated on October 26, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
