We Couldn't Believe Who We Saw

We Couldn't Believe Who We Saw

A Poem by Elton Camp

We heard a car in our driveway.


We Couldn’t Believe Who We Saw


By Elton Camp


The crunch of gravel in our drive

Announced a visitor had arrived

The curtain I then pushed aside

The car with amazement eyed


“Oh my, what could be worse?

It’s somebody in a black hearse.”

Wife:  “I see what you do mean,

But I think it’s a big limousine.”


The back door swung open wide

Toward our house a man did stride

His appearance took me aback

For he was most surely a black


A shock that caller just had to give

In the neighborhood where we live

To be fair people really do try,

But old prejudices are hard to die


Had the man come there to rob?

Or was he looking for some job?

But with his car and fancy clothes,

It’s hard to think he’s one of those


So when I heard him knock,

The door I did warily unlock

Standing just outside the door

There was a man I’d seen before


“Hi, Barack Obama is my name

I guess you wonder why I came.

This is not some senseless trick.

Your house was a random pick.”


“Opinion polls are my undoing.

My popularity misconstruing.

With regular people I try to chat

To speak about this and that.”


“I don’t know just what to say,

But please come in right away.”

We had a visit of about an hour

With that man of great power


And just as soon as he was gone,

We quickly got on the telephone

“You won’t believe who came today

And all the things we heard him say!”


With laughter they all did choke.

They thought it was only a joke

But we both know it is not a lie

The president truly did come by


© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on October 23, 2010
Last Updated on October 23, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
