You Know

You Know

A Poem by Elton Camp

You know that you know a person like this.


You Know


By Elton Camp


The conversation has only begun

When I realize it is with a moron.

On every thought he does bestow

The foolish phrase, “You know.”


Just how could I possibly know

Until he proceeds to tell me so.

“I really like sports, you know.

They just put my heart aglow.”


“I met Joe Montana two years ago.

It was just such a thrill, you know.”

How could I know just how he felt

When with his idol he had dealt.


“I like baseball pitches, fast or slow.

That’s the throwing speed, you know”

To learn that I simply couldn’t wait.

On word meaning he kept me straight.


Then golf he includes among the rest.

I learn that it is the sport he likes best.

“I just love to hear Tiger Woods crow.

In playing golf he’s the best, you know.”


His praise of sports continues to flow.

About all he may say, he thinks I know.

“Once, to the World Series, I got to go.

And there I had so much fun, you know.”


For sports tickets, I spend lots of dough,

But it’s well worth it to me, you know.”

I wonder if it is well-spent to his wife.

And how about the children in his life.


Into all of his chat, he continues to throw

His favorite phrase, one that I do know.

“Well, I guess that it’s time for me to go.

It’s been great meeting you, you know.”



© 2010 Elton Camp

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Added on October 6, 2010
Last Updated on October 6, 2010


Elton Camp
Elton Camp

Russellville, AL

I am retired from college teaching/administration and writing as a hobby. My only "publications" are a weekly column in our local newspaper. Most of my writing is prose, but I do produce some "poetr.. more..
