Old Gods, New Discoveries

Old Gods, New Discoveries

A Story by Lady Ellen

A third short story of the tales of Archer. Here he writes a diary about his humble beginnings.




August 17th, 2007. Mid-morning.

I have not written in a diary for a long time. Seemed useful ages ago, when all was about education and books, and writing was an art form. But the industrial age came along and the rennaisance era of art and learning had quietly passed the torch. Funny, it gives me a slight chuckle when I see my last entry was the Autumn of the year 1879. I tried to keep up after that, but it just seemed pointless then. There was so much change going on, and it did partly thrill me, and yet it partly disgusted me as well. No balance of education with this new technology and industry. Now, I wish I had wrote all the changes I had seen over time. Many changes had I seen and like no other century before.

For now, I quietly sit here and decide to start writing again. My new friend inspires the educational side in me once more. Not sure where this will all go into history. Quietly, and unnoticed to be sure. But, it is my history and I do love to sometimes go over what I have done to pass through the centuries. Sometimes it was unbearable, and sometimes it was absolute bliss. I do so believe that now, I am quite content and happy with who I am and what I am. I feel so good and alive now. Not sure if from my new lease on this life, or that I am soon to be a master once again, or the delicious feeding I just enjoyed earlier this morning. Ah, I remember every drop of blood so well as it passed across my lips and gave me the strength I so desparately needed and wanted. I should be strong and feeling good for some time, and I long to dive back into my writing once again.

My Introductions

You may have heard some stories about me already. I know this of course, but not from some magic pagan ritual, or from some old mind tricks. I know because of my human friend, Sharon. She has heard some rumors from other's about the legends of old spirits that still linger in the forest surrounding us. She is a librarian, in a large city and has been my anchor so far is this world of change. I have learned from her the importance of staying connected in this ever-changing world of discoveries. I was on the verge of utter boredom as I have seen how much history repeats itself. And yet, now thanks to her I have been seeing a new world of technology begin to open up all around. How fascinating to an old god like myself.

I know that sounds offensive, to refer to myself as a god. Let me explain. First, you know me as Archer. A few rumors have begun about me, due to my mingling in the human world. I do try to keep hidden, because I know that this new world is not ready anymore for one like myself. Hands are open, and humans all rush to their inevitable times of change. Actually, we never die anymore, my kind, we just evolve. Us, the old gods, the spirits or whatever you chose to call us, we go by many so names. But, it seems we are dying out in this new world. There is no room for us, and so we hide away hoping for someone to notice us.

In my time as a human, one like me would of been called a night god. A name I chose and it just means, we live for and love the night, the moon, and it is the best time for us to try and communicate, for the night sky still evokes mystery. I have also seen many centuries of changes, centuries too numous to count. Actually, we did not live by a clock back then, just the seasons. So how long ago exactly I am not sure. I just remember it was before the Roman occupation of the old celtic lands.

Let me better describe myself, so you can get an idea of what I am like. I had not looked at my reflection for a long time, but in this house it can not be helped. My sweet Sharon loves to be vain and see herself, and has the house covered with mirrors. They hang in every room. Looking to see myself was hard to do. Unlike the old stories, we actually do have a reflection in the mirror. I was surprized to see just how human I still look. I do not know if I looked this human or more ghost like when my transformation first happened. I do not know, but I am sure that the longer I am here in the physical world, the more dense my body becomes. Sorry that is the best I can describe it.

First of all, I am known today as a being called a vampire. I know this term is quite used and abused. My librarian friend has quite a library herself at the home that we share. I have seen all the movies and tv shows, and I have read all the books, fiction and non-fiction alike about the vampire race. Interesting to be sure, if you care to believe such imaginations. I can safely assure you I am nothing like that at all. I of course out of courtesy will not name characters or books. We all know them by heart. I do get a good laugh out of them. But one thing is for certain sure. The thirst, is never ending.

I am tall, and have long white hair. The hair is something I inherited from my mother, and something I have always liked. I see it and it brings back the old times and old memories. At least long hair is becoming more acceptable again. My eyes are my mother's as well. They were a shade of light green, and although I inherited her feminine looks, I did inherit my father's strength. I do have a strong, muscular build. And I was a hard worker on my family's farm and loved the outdoors. It feels so good to think of them even now as I tell you about myself.

No, I am not the thin little wraith that seems to be the norm in all vampire tales. I do not go for the outlandish clothes, or capes that describe the way we are. I also do not dress all in black which seems so common with the goths of today, and who we seem to be so well associated with. Sad to see how the goths took on the name of the old warriors from the ancient times. I remember them. They were powerful, strong and always battle ready. They had a love of life, and to see how they turned the tides on the old Roman empire, thrills me, as does the downfall of any aggressive and greedy nation.

As far as clothing is concerned, I prefer to just blend in with average clothes, jeans and a t-shirt. It works well for me. And even someone like me can benefit from tennis-shoes or sneakers. They are very comfortable to wear. Although, where we live it can stay cold most of the year, so coats and sweat-shirts are a must, as well as boots. The cold does not bother me so much. I can wear a sweat-shirt on the coldest day and be comfortable. Mind you I can still feel the cold some, but it is an annoyance more than anything. So my friend has to remind me to put on a parka when below freezing, or I would look out of the ordinary.

Yes, I am a simple person, and I love the simple things in life. Sunsets, music of all kinds,writing,reading,hiking and yes even sunrises. Contrary to popular belief, I do not burn to ash when I am in the sun. Very funny to watch a show where the lead vampire burns to complete ash. Gives me the giggle fits. I am very much in love with mother nature and all her gifts. Especially a good thunderstorm. Such a powerful occurence of nature and it can be so invigorating to my soul. I am very much an earth being, even though I am no longer subject to her laws of physics. That I will explain later.

Enough about the me of today. I think you get the idea of the kind of person I am. My friend Wolf, is bringing a new person here to introduce to me. A young girl of 18. He spent some time watching her grow up and seems to think she may be one of us, and unawakened to who she is or her gifts at all. They will be arriving soon, as I spend some time here in the library of our home.

My friend is a vampire you ask? No, she is strictly human through and through. Although she seems more like an old human soul inside. she is 34 now, and it has been 3 years since we met. You could say I am in love with her. Close we are as any lovers could be. Still we could never have a deep meaningful human relationship because of our differences. She tries to prove that love knows no bounds, but the differences make it way too difficult. I know it sounds like some beauty and the beast story when I word it that way. Maybe that tale was a fairy-tale, but I am sure somehow it was based on a true relationship.

I admit I am a bit nervous about meeting a new person. Never know what her reaction might be. And would she be accepting of her gifts, and would she ever want me for a master? I also worry about being exposed, but not for myself. I worry for my human friend. If I get found out, I can easily hide away for 50 years and resurface, but she is exposed to this life and has to deal with it. It is a risk she is willing to make. She says it is the risks we make for love. I have to say she is a strong soul, and the reason I am so utterly taken with her.

I strayed some from my original purpose, and I did mean to tell you about my beginnings, and how I became who I am. It is a rather difficult story. I remember it perfectly, that is not the problem. The problem is the old pain and heart-ache it brings up for me. Over time I have tried to face it, and put it behind me. And even once, I came face to face with the being who so violently changed me. I was head-strong and angry with him, and it was a terrible fight. One I am sure we both will never forget. The scars ran deep that day, and still do. I mean the emotional scars, the kind that never seem to heal well.

I have heard rumors of him still being around. One of the old ones told me he is still here in this world and hiding out. That he met someone who changed his heart, and he might be redeemed. Rumors though. I would have to see for myself. but no one knows where he hides, and this world is closing in so fast. Where could one hide today? No clues and yet maybe one day we will know the answers to those questions.

It will be a few hours yet before my friends arrive, and I am sure you want to know my humble beginnings. It was a grand time as a human then in the old celtic lands. That is a grand memory for me. I was so very happy. Then he found me. Let me tell you now, it was not romantic, or nice how I was changed into the vampire I am now. It was something I wish I could forget, even though it was so long ago, the scars still ache inside. and I chose the word humble because that is what it was. I was at my most humble and submissive, and I will never be that way again.



New entry
My humble beginnings

I have never written down how I began my human existence. Never did it really seem important. Must be the old celt in me. We did not see the need for the written word. We had of course seen it and heard about it. But, we were so into our way of life that there was just no need of such a thing. There was so much already to teach the young about survival. Why did we need to bother?

Now, I feel inclined to write it down, for future reference. I still remember it very well, and I have no idea how long I will exist this way. Eventually, I fear I will live too long and my memory will suffer, from having so much information of the ages inside my mind, that I will have a hard time recalling it clearly. Even now I do not really know what year it was or what timeframe I was a human being. I only remember we were a free people with no system of government or a system of religion. No Romans occupied our lands yet. I remember the Roman occupation happened much later after my transformation.

Our village was central to a small cluster of villages. Money was unheard of as well. We had no printed coins. Some of the more adventurous of our tribe would go on trips and come back many months later and would show us the decorated coins. They were very pretty and shiny, and our companions would tell us how important these things were in other places. For us it served no purpose. The world around was going forward, and we still lived by the seasons.

Each tribe had a cheiftain or a leader, and then there were elders, male and female. They were the ones who helped to keep the peace among the neighbors. If anyone had a gripe against another, the elders would get together to use their experience and wisdom to decide the best route for all, and to keep it as fair as possible. If anyone was accused of a crime they would also get together to decide if the accused was innocent or guilty and decide their fate. Most times it was settled, and a few rare times it would end in a banishment. Even more rare was to be punished by death. It did not happen often, and only once I can recall that event happened in my youth. Otherwise it was very beautiful and peaceful in the region we lived.

I do not remember much of the place anymore except that it was located in the central highlands of what is now called Scotland. It has changed so much over the many years, and back then there was a lot of trees. The terrain was rough and rocky in a lot of places and there were several rivers. One was quite lovely and had a nice waterfall, where us lads liked to travel to do some fishing. Although fishing was a bit different then, than it is today. We had a village to provide food for, so we used nets that were woven and handmade with wool. the nets being made of wool were heavy so we did not make them very large. It would be only about the length of two men across. Two of us would stand in the river and stretch it out, and some more would find some fish and school them into our nets. Then when we snagged one we would toss it up on shore. The young ones would go around and pick them up and put them in our baskets for transport back to the village. We then would use a horse and cart to load up the baskets to pull our heavy load.

Life was simple and it did follow the seasons. We had no knowledge of clocks or time. Food, was essential and that is what was important to us. The village where we lived had a nice quiet meandering river close by. It was perfect for swimming, bathing washing clothes, or just to get together for campfires and tell old stories. The elders told us grand stories of their lives, and about their gods and goddesses. Not to mention it was a great place for gathering together for festivals and celebrations. We were big on drums and dance. We would drum and dance into the night and on into the dawn. It definitely was a time of freedom and I thoroughly enjoyed that part of my life.

My father was the cheiftain and my mother was the village healer. She was a scandanavian beauty. Her family had come to the territory to do some trading. Father was a young adult and a leader in training. They fell in love instantly and since she was of age, father asked her to stay. She decided to stay with my father, and after a large celebration and hand fasting they were mates. Her family stayed for a while, but being wanderer's they decided to move on back towards home. I inherited a lot of my looks from her and my strength from my father. I also had two younger sisters, and they were being trained in the ways of my mother. Eventually they would take over as healer's if anything happened to her.

Father was in charge of the protection of the village. Being strong and well built there was no question at all about his warrior abilities. His reddish brown hair was long and often braided. He had very rugged, handsome good looks and was tall. His eyes were dark and piercing, adding to his looks all the more. One of his tasks would be to take in the strongest and smartest to train as warriors to protect the village from bandits. Also, he would train the best hunters to go out and make sure there was plenty of meat for all. He had quite a good system, and when he was older he was asked to become cheiftain and an elder. A great honor for him, and I being the only son would follow in his footsteps. Once I came of age I would begin training first as a warrior, and hunter, then eventually be prepared for leadership.

I also had a love of animals. Father said I was housing so many orphaned animals that he had to set aside a special place in our animal hut for them. I made cages out of the strongest wood I could find to help keep them separated from each other, so they could heal in peace. I often went out to find any animals that were abandoned young or sick so I could take care of them, and eventually release them. Neighbors sometimes brought their animals over to me to see if I could heal them. Soon I was making the rounds and sheep and horses were also brought over for me to make better. It was what I enjoyed doing. We also had sheep we tended to everyday. Not only for food, but for clothing as well.

We often let the sheep out of the pens, or fenced in areas, during the day to graze and would herd them back in at night. My sisters and I often took turns going out to watch over them, and then bring them back. Well, at least we had to take turns. I was also expected to go out with the other lads my age to go catch fish. We all were split into groups and we would take a turn every few days so the burden did not fall on just a certain few. That is the way it was. We all had to work together to survive, or the coming winter we would starve and freeze. It seemed close knit and we had to be. Any differences were put to rest immediately so no grudges were left to smoulder. We depended on each other so much we had to be at peace, otherwise so many would perish.

It seems to sound a harsh and rough existence. But in reality as we lived it, we knew no other way of life. But it was not the dirty, crude existence that so many would seem to think, or as it was rumored in the history books. In fact we prided ourselves on cleanliness, and mother nature and respecting her. Yes, in a battle we were quite vicious and I admit even barbaric. But we were protecting our lands, our families and our way of life. Of course we were going to fight and win. We had no choice. The elders sometimes told us stories passed down from their families about old battles against raiders from the north. If they did not stand and fight these raiders would take everything, and even us for slaves. I was fortunate it was still a time of peace during my lifetime. I do not remember father ever having to lead the warriors to a full scale battle. Oh, sometimes he had to fight a raid of bandits once in a while, but that was not often. they scared off easy, when they realized we were an organized village. So banishment into the wild was not very safe. Bandits often looked for slaves to sell. "But a well organized village was a safe village." father would always say.

So that was my simple human existence. I was born, I grew up, and became a young man. I was training well for being a good warrior, since I inherited my fathers strength. Training with the other's who would become warrior's was a lot of fun. And father did not care if you were male or female. If you were strong in body and spirit, and was very well rehearsed with a sword and dagger, you were in. We never saw women as the weaker sex. They always stood by our sides in battle or to chase away raiders. There was one I had grown quite fond of, and we loved to practice together. I hoped someday she would stand by my side as my mate. she was strong, healthy, beautiful and could handle a sword and dagger as well as any man. She was vicious in a mock battle and it made me love her all the more. As I got older I could no longer hide my feelings for her. She loved animals as much as I did, and she often came over to help me care for my orphans and sickly animals. More times than I can count we could not resist a quiet walk alone to the woods or a nightly swim in the river to revel in our youthful pleasures. Of course nowadays it would be considered wrong, but we knew nothing of sin or what they call premarital sex today. No such thing existed in our time. It was just love and nothing else.

So you know some of my human life. Not much to tell except that it was simple, quiet, peaceful. Life by the seasons, and I often tell my human love Sharon about it. I love to tell her stories about the old days of my human life, especially at night around our backyard campfire. It brings back such lovely memories. It was a grand time to be human and live. Then one night, it just ended. So quickly it ended. I had no idea, I had peaked the interest of a vampiric being, and that he had watched me for some time. My people knew of such beings, and we called them parasites. Only this one was different, powerful and very ancient already.

I often asked, why me? Why was I chosen out of the many people across this huge Earth? It is something I will never know or understand. I was not a healer or magical in any sense of the word. I lived a very human life and took no time for the understanding of spirits or the gods. Then so quickly I was taken by a night god, and my lovely human life was over. And the emotional scars still hurt from that fateful night. Even now my heart aches for those wondrous times. I lived life to the fullest and appreciated it. But that time is now long over.



Entry 2007
My inevitable ending, to my eternal beginnings.

Where or how to start, something that happened to me so very long ago. I remember it clearly, because it had such a profound effect on me. I will try not to bore with a long dramatic introduction about it, for it really is not nescessary. It happened quickly, and then I somehow became the being I am. How it worked is not totally clear, for I was out of it for part of the time during the transformation, or is transfiguration a more appropriate word? Not sure and I do not pretend to know or understand it because I do not. Even after all this time it is still a mystery, as is anything that is not a normal part of this physical world.

As I mentioned before we had a farm full of sheep, and orphan animals I cared for. One evening I went outside to enjoy the lovely night sky with my father. We talked and joked around some. He grew tired and headed for the door to go in. I wanted to give one last check on the animals to make sure they were alright. I watched as he disappeared behind the closed door. I took one more look at the sky, and believed it to be a most beautiful night. I wondered at the sunrise and how delightful it would be. The weather had been so nice lately. Warm sun, cool refreshing breezes, just perfect.

I quit dreaming off into the stars, and headed for the animal hut. The moon was a sliver, but it gave a nice light. I entered and at first the animals made their little stirrings as I walked through. I was nursing a young wolf cub, that had lost his family, and went to check on him. He seemed much better as I bent over to pet his soft fur. He whined softly, apparently glad to be someplace with others around. I planned on keeping him around for a friend. I knew that him being alone, if I released him into the woods, he would have a tough time.

Then a funny, yet strange feeling gave me a chill. The animals became very quiet. Much too quiet for comfort it seemed. Something was not quite right. I stood up and looked around, but everything seemed in place and the animals seemed fine, just quiet. A hush fell about the place, and I began to shiver. The air seemed heavy and it felt like a weight around my shoulders. I could hardly breathe, and the deeper a breath I took, the harder it got to take it into my lungs. It felt like I was gasping for air. On and on this feeling went and soon I began to feel dizzy. This was very alarming, but I had no time to think. What was wrong with me?! I tried so hard to breathe. What seemed forever must of been only a short time. Then suddenly I fell back faint and weak, when someone caught me. "Father? Help. something is wrong." That was all I could whisper. Then a sudden stinging sensation burned at my neck, and I felt like the very life was being drained out of me. The pain became more and more intense, and when I could take it no more, I let go and fainted away. I can remember feeling like I was being picked up, and I vaguely thought, father found me and was taking me to get help. Then darkness. I fell into what seemed a deep, dark relaxing sleep. Oh well, I thought at least the pain is gone for now.

I slowly opened my eyes and my head felt groggy and heavy. I thought I was severely ill. As my eyes slowly focused I realized I was looking at what was left of the night sky. I could see the deep dark blue that indicated early morning before sunrise. I felt so dizzy I thought I would be sick. I tried not to vomit, and I tried to move just in case I did, but I found out I was too weak. All I could do was lay there and wonder what happened to me. Did I become ill, and so faint that I walked away somewhere without realizing? And what about the stinging pain? Did an animal attack me? All I wanted was answers but the quiet breeze was my only response.

There was the sound of slow heavy foot steps and heavy breathing behind me. I tried to turn my head enough to look, but it hurt too much. Would this never end? This kind of physical suffering was too much for me to endure. I rarely was ill and to feel this way was miserable. I was not use to my body being in such a weakened state.

Finally the noise from behind made itself known to me. A tall figure of a man stood by my side, with a big grin on his face. His features were blurry to me right now. I was too weak and tired to focus on his face. He squatted down close to me and his face turned to that of concern and he reached out a hand to touch the surface of my forehead.
" Are you a healer, friend?" I softly spoke. He just quietly smiled at me. Unnerving his quiet behavior. For now though, I hoped he would help me get better.
" Did I wander off ill and you found me? I swear I became so suddenly ill, and now I remember nothing. Please, tell me who you are?"
He just kept smiling and seemed to have a look of remembrance on his face. Then he looked at me, with such an array of emotion it made me dizzy to look at his expressive face.
" You are very ill, young one." He said in a very deep, yet soothing voice. " You are very warm, and your heart beat is non-existent, and soon you will become even more weak." I could not focus on his words. I thought he was being lyrical.
" Please, take me home so my mother can care for me. She is an experienced healer."
" I am sorry young one, but that is not possible. You are a long way from home." He helped me to sit up, and I looked around, and focused as the sky turned a bit lighter.
" where am I?" I asked breathlessly. " I do not recognize this area." I began to feel dizzy and he helped me lay back down. Then I wondered, why are we out here in the open woods? Why is he not helping me to a warm place indoors? I began to remember some things. A bit fuzzy it was, but it finally dawned on me that I might be facing the very one who caused me to be in this condition.
" You did this?! You attacked me while I checked on my animals. Why?! For what ungodly reason why?! I do not know you, and where are we?!"

He put his fingers lightly over my lips, and gently told me to be quiet. This was an odd situation and I worried for my life. Suddenly he laughed out loud, and his eyes shined with a glowing fire.
" Your life is something you do not have to worry about anymore young one." Then he carefully helped me sit up again and he turned me around. I saw something that made me scream, out of complete anger,fear and utter frustation! There lying on his back, several feet away was me! I was looking at myself! I fell over from shock and weakness and cried tears, if such a thing was possible in this state. How was this possible? I was dead! He killed me this person, or whatever he was. He held me as I sat there and cried and cried out of anger and hate, and for the life that was taken from me. No longer to enjoy the future I had planned for myself. All gone from me. I hated this and I spent the sunrise, mourning over my dead body. No one around to find me, and no one around to bury me, so I could find my way to the next life. No rituals, no family, no friends, no lover. Just my cold body decomposing in the open, exposed to all the elements of the earth.

Now what? I thought to myself. Am I stuck here? All I could do was cling to the very being who did this to me, and look to him for comfort. I was in a strange land and a strange way. He was the only one right now who could help me carry on. He was good and patient as I went through the process of mourning and trying to cope with all this. 


He cradled me in his arms like I was a child, and for now I accepted his comfort for there was no were else to turn. He seemed like he wanted to help me feel better, yet I did not trust him in any way or form. He was just there. Then I felt tired and sleepy and my eyes closed with a welcome relief from the pain I felt.


    I awakened to see myself in an enclosed shelter. Where I was I had no idea and as bad as I felt I had no care. All I knew was I ached, my head pounded, and the pain seemed never ending. Yet, when he was close to me I felt a little better. It was an odd feeling, but caring about anything right now was beyond my reasoning. Then he came over to me, and leaned over close to put his throat close to my face. He told me I needed to strengthen my new body now. I had no idea what he was talking about. Suddenly I felt a strong urge come over me and by instinct alone I leaned in to his throat and pressed my lips against the side and began to feel the need to drink in, but not sure of what. I felt thirsty, exhausted, and the pain inside me was so bad. But as I began to move my lips I instictively began to drink in something that seemed to fill me with such a nice healing feeling. I held him close and drank in more and more and soon the pain subsided. I felt an electric sensation pass over my lips, and a warm feeling slowly trickle into me and fill every inch of my soul. This was bitter sweet, and he seemed willing to give, so I drank in more of this energy I seemed to be pulling from him, and my head felt better, and I felt stronger, and warm all over. Then realizing what I was doing I stopped and let him go. But I felt so good and relaxed that I became very sleepy, and dozed off again soon afterwards.


    On this went for how long, I do not know. I had no idea where I was or if it was light or dark, and I did not care. I just stayed here in this small shack lying on this bed and I would drink in his essence when ever he offered. Soon I felt no more pain, and I began to feel like I did before I was taken away. I felt no different than when I was alive in my physical body except that I was no longer having to go answer the call of nature and I no longer was craving food or water. My new body craved for something different. Energy was what it needed and wanted and I wondered are we all just slaves to our bodies, whatever the form?

 My master soon walked into the shack and the sun shined bright behind him. I now could see him in all his magnificent glory. He was amazingly beautiful and I became enchanted by his looks. His hair was tossled and windblown, dark as a new moon sky, shoulder length, and his face could easily be male or female. His eyes were dark and peircing, yet glowed with confidence, and an inner fire. His nose slender, and his jaw was feminine, yet his face had a fuller masculine look, and his lips were full and enticing. He was tall, taller than even me, and he was dressed in the old fashioned celtic style, only he sported a black kilt, with a simple wool long sleeve shirt, with an animal skin vest. Taken I was with his beauty, and yet, I still was in fear of him.


    He sat down on the bed where I had been and asked me to come sit beside him. I could not and would not. I still had my memory of what he did to me, and I refused to humor him.

" So my young new apprentice, you have questions?" He asked so matter of factly.

" Yes I do. Just who are you and what happened to me?" I asked with a bit of annoyance.

He smiled at me and I saw something that frightened me. A small flash of his teeth revealed that I was not dealing with a human of any kind here. " Do not worry now young one." he said. " No one can harm you now."

" Are you going to dance around the subject or are you going to answer my questions?" I began to remember my strength and wondered if I could get away from him.

" My name has no meaning, for I have many. I am known as the one of many. And I lead such a lonely existence, and I saw you and found you interesting and wanted you for a companion. Unfortunately, you had to go through some changes to be a long term companion."

" So you murdered me, and that is your reason for it? To have a companion? That really goes against the laws of free will I would say!" I was angry at his reply, and yet I tried to keep it under control. He was powerful, this I knew.

" Do not be angry with me." He said with sarcasm in his voice. " I helped you answer the one question every human asks. Is there life after death? Well now you know."

" Well, thank you very much!" I shouted. " I am glad you can so coldly justify killing me!" And then I broke down as I remembered my family and what they must be going through, wondering what happened to me.

" Quiet young one and do not mourn for your short physical life." He gestured a small wave of his hand as if my life meant nothing.

That angered me even more. " Who do you think you are?! You take everything from me and I should thank you? You dare to anger the gods by interfering in my free will and it is because you were lonely? What a liar and how you contridict yourself by saying that. I thought you just said you were the one of many?!" I yelled in a cruel manner at him.

Soon I regreted my anger and faster than I could blink he stood up grabbed my hair from the back of my head and threw me down onto the bed! He sat over the top of me and held down my arms! He was definitely powerful, and he was going to show me just how strong he was. He opened his mouth wide to show the full extent of his teeth, and viciously lunged for my throat! I could feel his sharp teeth somehow penetrate my ethereal flesh, and within a matter of moments he drained so much energy from me I soon felt that awful stinging pain once again, and I felt very weak. Then he stopped got up and picked me up and carried me outside. I passed out again from weakness, and feel asleep.


    I awakened to a powerful stench! It was awful the smell and it seemed unbearable. Then I was lifted up and thrown towards the source of the smell. It was my decomposed physical body, and it was still in the same place and position. Only now it was badly decomposed and had little nibbles from starving animals here and there on the limbs. My new master laughed a terrible laugh. " There mourn over this filth if you must. But soon it will be gone completely as if it were never there. The earth will swallow it up, and you cry tears over it."

I realized he was absolutely right. But mourn I did, for deeper reasons than I ever thought possible. I knew now what he was trying to help me understand, and yet it hurt to know that I was now considered non-existent in this world now. I turned around and my master lifted me up and tilted his head back for the offering. I gladly held him close and drank in what I so desparately needed. I noticed it did not take much for me to feel better. I began to realize that the more I was this way the stronger my etheric form became. I was now my master's humble apprentice. I had no choice in the matter. I needed to learn all I could from him about this new body of mine and how to survive. He held me close and we disappeared back to the shack where he helped me to bed to rest more. I had a feeling we would be leaving this place and my education would begin.




Old Gods, New Discoveries


© 2008 Lady Ellen

My Review

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"Now, I wish I had wrote all the changes I had seen over time." The word "seen" in this sentence is a bit awkward. Try to start new paragraphs where new ones are needed. And some punctuation corrections are needed as well. This is very intriguing. Also, If this was in chapter form, it would seem less daunting to the online reader and would maybe attract more attention. It deserves it. Good work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 6, 2008
Last Updated on May 18, 2008


Lady Ellen
Lady Ellen


I go by the name Ellen. I am 41, been married to the same wonderful man for 24 years, and we have 5 children. I like swimming, hiking, riding atv, sword collecting, and I love fish and have many tank.. more..
