![]() ArcherA Story by Lady Ellen![]() This is my first installment for a short story about my character Archer.![]()
The hunt was going to be good tonight. I could sense it in the air. The energy of them was flowing freely to me now. I had made enough contact with them to get the sense of their whereabouts... They had been walking along the beach the other night. Drunk as usual. They saw me standing by the playground. I was enjoying the twilight view of the big lake before me. Thinking I was a woman, they slowly stumbled along towards me. I guess they wanted to talk. They could barely stand, along the rocky shoreline. Clumsily, they staggered as the small rocks scattered beneath their drunken steps. In a comical way they stood before me, trying to hold each other up.This was all I needed. This quiet conversation with them. This casual contact to ensure I had the feel of their energy signature. Even in their intoxicated state I could feel their pulse. It flowed slowly to me as my nostrils breathed in the scent of them. I like to feel every sense about them. The sound of their heartbeats, the scent of their skin, to see every detail of their face, and to drink in their very essense through eye contact. Then and only then could I hear their thoughts open up to me. I answered their ridiculous questions. I let them know I was male and not interested in their filthy talk. Disappointed they stumbled away towards their vehicle. They mumbled some vulgarites at me as they walked away. Disgusted I turned to look out over the water. The moon was nearly full that night. It glowed softly across the incoming waves that softly lapped against the large unforgiving boulders.
Cool and brisk the breeze felt as it blew against my face. So long since I have seen what I look like. I am too afraid to look in a mirror. I remember what I looked like then before he took me. I was a young man, long fair hair which I kept in braids. My father said I had my mother,s cool green eyes. I inherited her feminine looks, which was my eventual downfall. I was tall and slender, but very strong. Father taught me to fight a fair fight. Especially, since I needed to learn to defend myself, against those who thought my feminine looks was also my nature. My mother taught me to always talk things out first before fighting. Since she saw I had father's strength, negotiating would be a good idea. But these are long ago memories. I heard a clap of thunder in the distance. It brought my mind back to the here and now. Lightening began in the far off distance, dancing a light show of color across the dark waters. I took in a deep breath of the electrified air. Soon I knew those young men would hunt for another. The lust in their minds was strong. I felt it deep inside my heart. And I knew what they intended to do. But not this time. I walked over to the waters edge to let the coolness surround my feet. I tried to let it soak into my very soul and soothe my heart. I knew it was time for me to hunt again. I followed them for the next two nights after that, but somehow they eluded me. Not sure how they accomplished such a feat. The thrill of the hunt always heightened my senses. Perhaps too heightened. I became sidetracked while helping another. A young boy had been lost. I spent much of my focus and energy on looking for him. The home was located on the edge of the town, but the woods nearby was large and vast. So easy for a little one to get lost. Finally, I used my sensitive hearing to listen for him. I heard a faint crying, and followed it for several miles into the woods. He was hiding in a hollowed out-cropping of rocks that were nestled against the bottom of a cliff.I found him at last. Sweet little boy of only four years old. He was so happy he ran up to me and hugged me. I picked him up enjoying his sweet innocence. Rare are such times for me. Quickly, I brought him to his home and knocked on the door. The outside light came on and I made a hasty retreat. The little boy jumped for joy as his mother opened the door. she cried and went yelling for the rest of the family. Job here was finished. Nice to help out in such a human way. The sweetness of them together broke my heart. The tears welled up in my eyes. But the tenderness in my soul did not last long. Something I heard nearby bothered me. I knew it was them, and close by.
Their energy flowed to me like a river through the night. I recognized their thoughts and their minds. A flowing of their heartbeats carried across the currents of air. I could follow them easy now. The moon was full and bright, and my inner senses tingled with the excitement. They walked for nearly an hour along the river. I enjoyed this river and the sounds of her. The distant waterfalls were slowly fading away. Finally, they turned for the woods. I stopped by the edge of the tree line to listen for them. I had to smile a wicked smile. The noises they made tramping through the underbrush made it far too easy. Why was I following them, I am not sure. Something I picked up from their minds? A feeling? All I knew was the pull to follow and pursue was very strong. Oh, may the angels stop me, if I am wrong. Sometimes my worst fear is making a mistake. To use my gifts to take down someone who was a victim of my lust for their energy. How I loved to stay here to be the forever watcher. The lone wolf among the sheep. If I was so evil would not the very angels strike me down? And yet after so very long, they have done nothing to stop me. So on I go doing what I can, making the best use of my gifts. Their minds were swimming with such vulger thoughts. Drunk and disoriented they somehow made their way through the woods. It was dark and well past midnight. It was a wonder how they made it. But I knew this woods very well. A beautiful place indeed. Such a wondrous display of the many kinds of trees for this autumn season. The colors were just starting to tinge this incredible canopy of leaves. But it was night time now. The colors shimmered to a soft lustrous of moonlight blue. But, I had a job to do. I had no time now to stop and admire nature's beauty. My most favorite past time is to stare and admire the wonder of this wild place. I knew there would be time enough for that. The wind blew up quietly to caress my face, and send my hair back in a flutter. I heard another heartbeat, carry on its soft wings. This was a heartbeat of fear. It was racing like the heart of a scared rabbit being chased by the fox. Now it all made sense to me. The time had come once again. The time of the feast. I kept following until they stopped. In the bright moon I could see there was a small shack. It was sitting on the edge of a large meadow. The large cedars were enough to keep it hidden in the shadows. It was not much different from the ones that are built for moonshine. There was still those who venture to the deep woods to cook up their brews for drinking. But there was no time for looking at details. It did not matter the thoughts in my wandering mind. And how easily it could wander, amid these tranquil woods. I could hear the fearful heartbeat within. Noisily, the two men entered. Busy talking out loud as if to taunt the scared one inside. Then I heard them open the door. It made a sickening squeaky sound. Like the sound out of a bad horror movie. Then they slammed it shut. Their loud voices had become muffled. The scared ones heartbeat rose to a deafening pace in my ears. My time had come now. No turning back or showing any mercy. For I was cold and swift with the feast. The anticipation was intoxicating. Slowly, I walked up to the door. I was quiet for the woods seem to mask my every move and sound. I could hear the muffled cries of a young girl. She must of been gagged. These men, their minds swimming in such vulgarity. They had no idea what cruelty awaited them. The monster who waited here and hungered for their very soul.
Quickly, I kicked in the door! what I saw sickened me. They had a poor young girl tied to a filthy cot. One of the men had his hand over her mouth to try and make the gag stay in better. The other man was already over the top of her. I quickly grabbed that one and lifted him straight in the air. I held him by the nape of his neck to look at him. I saw he had his pants undone already and his maleness was already swelling from the dirty business of his intended assault. I was disgusted by his appearance as he used his fists to beat upon my shoulders. But to no avail. I was starving and my anger was too great to feel his worthless blows. From behind his partner took a swing at me. I anticipated and grapped his arm. Quickly I swung him around and threw him against the wall hard enough to knock him out. I pulled my victim close to me. I could feel the tightness of the muscles in his body against me. Here was this man who was about to assault this girl, and here I was about to assault him. For a moment I enjoyed looking into the eyes of this man. He was not the ugly goon I expected. He had soft blue eyes. His hair was dark, and thick in a mass of natural waves that cascaded down past his shoulders. His body was average in size, but well muscled. clearly one who took good care of himself. His face was average for looks. nothing to spectacular, but I drowned in the moment of staring into his eyes. They were full of anger. He hated me for stopping him. He was lost to the drunkeness and the lust between his legs. nothing else mattered to him. I had to know what he planned to do. I drew him in very close to me. Then I used all my strength to push him up against the wall. He had no chance. Quick like a flash of light, I laid my lips againt the side of his throat. I could feel the pulse of his veins quiver against my mouth. That was all I needed. The connection was made. Soon I began to draw the energy right from him. I felt it open to me and soon the energy was like a stream of water flowing past my lips and straight into my very soul. He began to weaken in my arms. I tasted his delicious soul and I knew his very thoughts. They meant to spend the night raping this poor young girl and then they would throw her body to the river. The cursed baptism river. It was full of waterfalls on its way down to the big lake. She would not survive such a river. She would be killed and they would have gotten away with murder. Her death would have been blamed on drowning, or a suicide. Monsters such as this walk the earth. And they call me evil? I felt his body weaken. I had to use my body to support his so he would not fall away from me. Soon I called it and the taste of blood slowly trickled into my mouth. That was all I needed to do was call it now. It seemed to hear the voice in my mind and obey. Slowly, it poured through the pores of his skin. This was a sweet delight. I could taste the alcohol in his blood that came over my lips, and flowed down past my tongue. I let it build enough to softly swallow as I felt it rush down my throat like the sweetest honey. Ah, how I enjoyed this little delight. With one mighty breath I drew in every drop of his energy, and I released to let him fall in a slump at my feet. I could taste the few drops of blood still on my lips. How it made me hunger even more for the other.
Awake now and in his frightened state he could not move. My prey was paralyzed with fear. He was crouched down whimpering in the darkened corner. I could not feed on one who was so frightened. So I walked over and sat on the floor next to him. I put my arms around him as he tried to push me away. " I will not harm you." I softly spoke to him. He kept shoving me away. " Get away from me! What the hell are you, you f*****g freak? I do not believe in you. You can not be real." He kept repeating this as I kept trying to soothe him over. After some time he calmed down, thinking I would not hurt him. Yes that is what I wanted. His heart slowed back to a normal pace. This one I felt compelled to show mercy. I felt such pity for him. I stayed on the floor by his side saying such sweet nothings to make him feel secure. I took my hand to hold his face towards mine. I looked deep into his eyes. Yes he would of assaulted and raped this young girl also. This young one in my arms. He must of been no more than 19 or 20. His was quite lovely to behold. He was no wraith of the street. He seemed to be quite well to do. His clothes were very sharp and modern. His hair was short, but soft to the touch, and a lovely platinum blonde color. His eyes were the softest green. His face was very pretty for a male. Ah, such a waste of beauty. I almost hated to do what I was going to do. I felt tears in my eyes as I lunged for his throat to take in the lethal draw. Quickly, he relaxed in my arms. There was no fight left in him. I held him tight in my arms as I felt the very life of his essense fill me to my very core. Soon the drops of blood came to my lips and I drowned in this wicked intimacy. He was all mine now. He so easily gave up his life to me. One slow draw of blood entered my mouth, slowly filling in to trickle down my throat. This was my Heaven, my most sweetest ecstasy. I could feel his muscles relax, and his body start to slump over. His heartbeat had slowed to just a few pumps. His breath was very shallow. I took one more last long draw to drink the last breath of him into me. I watched as his eyes glazed over, and his breath became still. I wondered what he was seeing now. Could he see the very Heaven that I put on hold to stay here? I laid him down across the floor where we had been sitting. I turned around to check on the girl. She had fainted. What a relief. I went over to her to put my lips against her throat to take just a little. I wanted her to stay asleep, and rest. Hopefully she will forget about me. As I drew some energy from her I dived into the core of her mind and gave her an image of someone who looked different than me. Hoping that if she remembered her rescuer, then she would describe someone totally different. Quickly I untied her from the cot and carrying her, went out into the night. I left the door open. I could not deny the hungry predators fresh meat.
The place I looked for to take her to rest was not far. There was a visitor's center where she would be found quickly by the crew who comes in to clean early morning. Within minutes I was by the entrance doors. I laid her down. She was exhausted from the terrible night. I left her there to go look for something to cover her. The night was cool and she could easily become ill in her delicate condition. I found the janitor's quarter's. I broke in through the door and found several coats left behind in the lost and found box. Perfect for her to stay warm and keep her from going into shock. I quickly went back to where she lay sleeping. Still as the night I checked on her. I stayed to watch over her. Soon I heard the sound of a car approach. I went to go hide. From my hiding spot I saw someone get out of the car. A man and a woman, were busy talking about the day's schedule of cleaning. I could hear them joke and talk about their crazy weekend. Then I heard running. They ran up to the bundle lying in front of the door. The man went in to call an ambulance while the woman tried to awaken the girl. I was glad she would be alive and alright, physically. Emotionally, I knew it would be hard for her to try and forget this night. I vowed to check on her from time to time. Be like a guardian for her until she felt more safe and secure again. Then I would disappear.
Such is my life. The life of Archer, the wanderer, the lone wolf, the guardian of the night. I like these new names I have been given. Finally, those who do find out about me give my kind the respect we so want and long for. Of course, we have been called by other names. Monsters, daimons, demons, incubus, succubus, lamia, parasites, leeches, blood drinkers, and the worst of all, blood suckers. Words made up out of fear and misunderstanding. Words that truly hurt.
I walked away to go watch the early morning twilight begin to color the waters of my favorite lake. I sit above on a small cliff to enjoy the energy I feel now. Ah, it will last for a while this time. I almost feel human sitting here looking out over the great Lake Superior. I could hear a ship. But in the dense fog out over the middle of the water, I could not see, only hear the soft rumble. The poem was definitely right to describe them as great canoes of thunder. I smile at the thought. I love her this great body of water. So many fear and misunderstand her as well. We understand one another, her and I. We both are old souls, still here on the earth. I press my hands to my lips, and blow her a soft kiss. I stand to turn and walk away. The sun is full up and gives a soft golden color, to the quiet shoreline. I laugh as I feel the sun's warmth. Fills me with good thoughts and I smirk to myself. To all the stories and movies about us turning to ash in the sunlight. Ridiculous To think a natural, earth loving being as myself would burn up in the sun. I laugh as I walk home. Soon, my love, we will be here again. I will hunt and she will be here to give me peace of mind, and sooth my old tired soul.
© 2008 Lady Ellen |
1 Review Added on February 6, 2008 Last Updated on April 6, 2008 Author![]() Lady EllenMNAboutI go by the name Ellen. I am 41, been married to the same wonderful man for 24 years, and we have 5 children. I like swimming, hiking, riding atv, sword collecting, and I love fish and have many tank.. more..Writing