Chapter 15: The dawn
A Chapter by Ellena Restrick
Home, the only place... 
have been riding for about half an hour and that's when I see the
first person. Annie. It's good to see her up and about. She looks
pale and sickly but alive. My handiwork turned out pretty good. She's
using crutches but at least she can use her legs. Oh damn, they've
sent out a damn search party out after me. I'm in trouble. Deep
Where have you been? Rita and Roman have been looking all night,
since you left. Where did you go? Who's that on the back of the
horse? Can I have the horse?”
had some things to take care off; none of your business nosy. It
doesn't matter, don't look at it Annie. Yeah, I got the horse for all
of us so we have to take care of it, okay?”
okay, yay! Shall I go back and tell the others that you're back? I
think you're going to be in trouble though; Rita didn't look happy.”
No. I'm heading back anyway. I know I am. Tell the other kids on
patrol to come back to the camp. I have to say something important,
okay? Don't question it, just do it.”
See you later Elektra.”
course I'm in trouble. I ran away. I did what John did. I knew the
implications of my choice and what my disobedience would bring but I
still went. I'm glad I did or I may have missed the last chance to
say goodbye to the best man I've ever known. I regret nothing. I ride
a little further until I'm right outside. I take a deep breath. I
have to go into this as serenely as possible.
dismount the horse and open the front door. S**t's about to go down,
I can feel it in my waters. The first sight to greet me is Roman.
He's holding a plate or something and he just instinctively drops it.
We just stand staring at each other, like in a Western stand off.
Last Chance Saloon and all that stuff. He runs to me and embraces me.
He's not mad? I escaped from his grip, scared him and he has nothing
to say. Why isn't he saying anything? Why isn't he screaming at me? I
just want someone to blame me. I deserve to be blamed.
ever do that again, you b***h. I have never been so worried about you
as I have been the past month. I need you, don't leave me again.”
he's...dead. John...he's...dead.”
draws away from me. My emotions are deceiving me yet again because I
can feel tears on my cheeks again. He looks as shocked as I've ever
seen him. I shouldn't have sprung it on him so early but I could lie
to him and convince him everything was alright when it's not.
do you know?” He wipes the tears off of my cheeks.
where I went. I found him and he...he...was dying. So I did what he
asked of me. He begged me Roman. I...I...helped him.”
my god. We have to tell the others. How did you help him? I won't
judge you Lex. I'm sure you did what you had to.”
needed help opening pill bottles. I unscrewed the lid. I might have
well as shoved the pills down his throat. What are we going to do?”
was a good man. If he asked you to do something, you did it. Don't
feel sorry honey. Come here, it's going to be alright.”
step back.
the hell is everything going to be alright? He's dead, Roman! Dead!
He's not coming back, end of! How can you say that?”
let out a scream at the top of my lungs. I've needed release. How am
I supposed to keep control when people spout off such bullshit. It's
an insult to think everything's going to be fine; he's called me
callous in the past. The only problem with the volume of my voice:
I'm met with four pairs of confused eyes. S**t, s**t, shittity, s**t,
isn't how they should have found out. I must looked half crazed. I've
never shouted like that before in front of them but do I care? Yes. I
do. Damn. Most of them have run off but one stays, just glaring at
me. David. He's twelve. Twelve with the mind of a forty year old.
He's shown promise as a doctor or a scientist. Rita's taught him how
to produce morphine and basic antibiotics that are easy to produce
naturally. We're all orphans here but he lost his parents when he was
a year old. If what John said is true, then I'm not. My parents may
still be out there, wondering what happened to the daughter. That
doesn't matter anyway. John was the only father I've ever had and
will ever have. As far as I'm concerned, my dad is dead. My
biological father is just blood; it takes more than blood to be a
down Lex. First thing, where is he?”
take a few deep breaths to keep myself from hyperventilating.
on the horse. Outside. I couldn't leave him there...I couldn't.”
have a horse? How'd you swing that one? Anyway, we bring him in and
then we...we go from there, okay? There's no need for a breakdown.”
said everything's going to be fine when it's not. It's not. It can't
be. That's the truth of it all. Lie to me all you want but don't lie
to yourself Roman.”
brush past him and walk up the stairs. I can't deal with this. I
thought I could be strong and keep my emotions at bay but no. I'm not
strong enough to deal with this. I've never been strong enough to
deal with this. I can only see one positive, well two. John is at
peace and if I can let John go, I can kill anyone if I have to. I can
say that with confidence. Roman will go outside and bring him in. I
just want to sleep. I've done my part. I just want to be on my own
right now. I was there when he died, that is on me. I'm the only one
who knows what it was like to watch John die. Only me. I think I've
earned the right to wallow.
collapse down on the bed. I want to feel numb. That's all I want but
I can't. I drank that vile liquid to be lost in an alcoholic haze but
nothing. Nothing. This day has been the worst of my life. How can I
cope with this? How can he expect that of me? He can't. He can't. Why
would he do that to me? The b*****d. Why did the only thing he asked
of me have to be the toughest thing I've ever down? I can't even feel
this way about the man I murdered but I do about just opening a
bottle. I can't be detached. I want to be. I don't want to feel loss
or pain but I guess I don't have a choice. Nobody gets the break from
that. No one can be that detached. That's life. Bastarding life.
am exhausted.
am in pain.
just want a release. I want sleep.
hear the door open. Then a few minutes later, it closes. I feel sick.
I hadn't realised how sick until now. I rush to the bin and release
the contents of my stomach. I can't control it. Like I can't control
the tears coming out of my eyes. My insides are burning, just like my
outsides. Bile and out of date whiskey. That's all there is in my
stomach. I just want an end to all this. I have no dignity left. I
could die like this. Folded over a cheap, decrepit paper bin. The
inside of my nostrils and throat burn like someone has shoved a
flaming torch down my windpipe.
am sick. I am tired. I just need to go to sleep. I just need to
had hoarded Valerian at one point. I have my own supplies. Sometimes
my kleptomania is a good thing. I chew the root, begging for relief.
I am a hundred percent done. I done with all the bullshit. This is
never getting better. Just when it looks like it is, some other s**t
or piss comes raining down.
can feel myself getting more and more light headed but I can't let
go. I hear the door open. Oh my god, why does he not get the hint? If
I wanted human company, I wouldn't have come up here. I desire to be
left alone. Why does no one understand that? I hate it.
can I talk to you?”
Piss off.”
walks in anyway and sits on the ground next to me. He begins to rub
my back. If he doesn't get his hands off of me, I will break his
hand. It's been that kind of day; it wouldn't be hardship. I feel
more bile rising in the back of my throat. I'm about to bring up the
Valerian. Damn it. I regurgitate the contents of my stomach again.
okay, bring it all up. Sh...that's it. Come on, get it all up.”
can't stop vomiting. I don't know why. There is nothing for me to
throw up and yet it keeps coming up. I don't want Roman here. I want
to be left alone to wallow in self pity. I don't need a bloody
get Rita, see if she can get you anything for the sickness. Don't
the hell am I going to go? Mars?
a stupid bloody thing to say.
at least I'm alone again. I can hear a the girls next door sobbing; I
would say it's pitiful but they have a right to grieve. We all do. I
do need something. The Valerian must have irritated my stomach. If I
felt like death before, now I feel like death on a crap day.
can hear footsteps. It's probably Roman again. If I take the bin back
to the bed with me, I may be able to sleep or something. Sleep
deprived and chucking up. Damn. Damn. Damn.
have peppermint, ginger and spearmint. It's all she has. They should
ease the vomiting. Here.”
gaze up at him and, cautiously, accept the herbs. I chew the
spearmint, I cannot stand peppermint. The smell of the spearmint is
almost refreshing. Still making me gag but I'm willing to do anything
to make the regurgitation cease. I feel slightly better. I'm trying
to hold down the mint. That and the whiskey would be a gag worthy
concoction. This is taking my mind off of things but my injury feels
like fire. It feels like it's burning me. Ah.
walk over to the bed. I place the bin by the side of the bed and I
lay on my side. It's the only way I can get somewhat comfortable, if
that's even possible. Roman comes and sit next to on the bed. He
continues to rub my back as if he is winding a baby. It's really not
thinking about how we deal with John. Whether we bury him and cremate
him. When you're ready.”
don't need to think about that now.
cremate him, Roman. It's what we always do. Why should it be any
you sure you're okay with that? I mean-”
I'm sure.”
If you're sure Lex.”
want to be alone but I also want him here. I want comfort. I need
comfort or reassurance. I want blame but I want reassurance.
let my eyes close. If I will for sleep, maybe it will work. Roman
sits, staring at me while stroking my back. John was right; he's a
good man. Decent. I don't deserve him at all. He begins to trace the
line of my spine, drawing patterns across my back. I feel safe with
Roman. I can let myself fall asleep, I think.
doesn't take his eyes off of me. The last time he did, I escaped. I
ran to a dying man. He's not going to let that happen again, I can
tell. I have to let myself go. I'm too tired to cry. Shittest day of
my life so far.
go to sleep Lex. It'll look better in the morning. Somehow. You've
been through a trauma. You've been traumatised too many times in the
past few weeks. I will never let anything bad happen to you again,
Lex. I swear to you. I'm going to protect you, if I can. Will you let
me? Will you let me protect you Lex?”
thinks he can protect me. How naïve is he? There is nothing in this
world that can keep any of us safe. He thinks there is a choice to
safety and protection, as if by muttering an answer I'll be exempt
from all harm.
the offer does make me think. He wants to be there for me. Why? Why
does he want to protect me? Why does he even fancy me in the first
place? I'm
a stubborn, spiteful, vindictive venomous b***h with no control over
my emotions. I can't chose not to feel because the day I do is the
day I lose the right to call myself human.
don't deserve the offer of companionship. I don't deserve
companionship full stop. The thing is I can't stop thinking about my
I mutter.
I love you Lex.”
© 2014 Ellena Restrick
Author's Note
Please let me know what you think.
Chapter 15
I have been riding for about half an hour and that's when I see the first person. Annie. It's good to see her up and about. She looks pale and sickly, but alive. My handiwork turned out pretty good. She's using crutches, but at least, she can use her legs. Oh damn, they've sent out a damn search party out after me. I'm in trouble. Deep trouble.
“Elektra! Where have you been? Rita and Roman have been looking all night, since you left. Where did you go? Who's that on the back of the horse? Can I have the horse?”
“I've had some things to take care off; none of your business nosy. It doesn't matter, don't look at it, Annie. Yeah, I got the horse for all of us, so we have to take care of it, okay?”
“Oh okay, yay! Shall I go back and tell the others, that you're back? I think you're going to be in trouble though; Rita didn't look happy.”
“No. No. I'm heading back anyway. I know I am. Tell the other kids on patrol to come back to the camp. I have to say something important, okay? Don't question it, just do it.”
“Okay. See you later, Elektra.”
Of course, I'm in trouble. I ran away. I did what John did. I knew the implications of my choice and what my disobedience would bring, but I still went. I'm glad, I did or I may have missed the last chance to say goodbye to the best man, I've ever known. I regret nothing. I ride a little further, until I'm right outside. I take a deep breath. I have to go into this as serenely as possible.
I dismount the horse and open the front door. S**t's about to go down, I can feel it in my waters. The first sight to greet me is Roman. He's holding a plate or something and he just instinctively, drops it. We just stand staring at each other, like in a Western standoff. Last Chance Saloon and all that stuff. He runs to me and embraces me. He's not mad? I escaped from his grip, scared him and he has nothing to say. Why isn't he saying anything? Why isn't he screaming at me? I just want someone to blame me. I deserve to be blamed.
“Don't ever do that again, you b***h. I have never been so worried about you, as I have been the past month. I need you, don't leave me again.”
“Roman, he's...dead. John...he's...dead.”
He draws away from me. My emotions are deceiving me yet again, because I can feel tears on my cheeks again. He looks as shocked, as I've ever seen him. I shouldn't have sprung it on him so early, but I could lie to him and convince him everything was alright, when it's not.
“How do you know?” He wipes the tears off of my cheeks.
“That's where I went. I found him and he...he...was dying. So I did what he asked of me. He begged me Roman. I...I...helped him.”
“Oh my god. We have to tell the others. How did you help him? I won't judge you, Lex. I'm sure you did what you had to.”
“He needed help opening pill bottles. I unscrewed the lid. I might have well as shoved the pills down his throat. What are we going to do?”
“John was a good man. If he asked you to do something, you did it. Don't feel sorry honey. Come here, it's going to be alright.”
I step back.
“How the hell is everything going to be alright? He's dead, Roman! Dead! He's not coming back, end of! How can you say that?”
I let out a scream at the top of my lungs. I've needed release. How am I supposed to keep control, when people spout off such bullshit? It's an insult to think everything’s going to be fine; he's called me, callous in the past. The only problem with the volume of my voice: I'm met with four pairs of confused eyes. S**t, s**t, shittity, s**t, s**t.
This isn't how, they should have found out. I must looked half crazed. I've never shouted like that before in front of them, but do I care? Yes. I do. Damn. Most of them have run off, but one stays, just glaring at me. David. He's twelve. Twelve with the mind of a forty year old. He's shown promise as a doctor or a scientist. Rita's taught him how to produce morphine and basic antibiotics that are easy to produce naturally. We're all orphans here, but he lost his parents, when he was a year old. If what John said is true, then I'm not. My parents may still be out there, wondering what happened to their daughter. That doesn't matter anyway. John was the only father, I've ever had and will ever have. As far as I'm concerned, my dad is dead. My biological father is just blood; it takes more than blood to be a father.
“Calm down, Lex. First thing, where is he?”
I take a few deep breaths to keep myself from hyperventilating.
“He's on the horse. Outside. I couldn't leave him there...I couldn't.”
“You have a horse? How'd you swing that one? Anyway, we bring him in and then we...we go from there, okay? There's no need for a breakdown.”
“You said everything's going to be fine, when it's not. It's not. It can't be. That's the truth of it all. Lie to me all you want, but don't lie to yourself Roman.”
I brush past him and walk up the stairs. I can't deal with this. I thought, I could be strong and keep my emotions at bay, but no. I'm not strong enough to deal with this. I've never been strong enough to deal with this. I can only see one positive, well two. John is at peace and if I can let John go, I can kill anyone, if I have to. I can say that with confidence. Roman go outside and bring him in. I just want to sleep. I've done my part. I just want to be on my own right, now. I was there, when he died, that is on me. I'm the only one, who knows what it was like to watch John die. Only me. I think I've earned the right to wallow.
I collapse down on the bed. I want to feel numb. That's all I want, but I can't. I drank that vile liquid to be lost in an alcoholic haze, but nothing. Nothing. This day has been the worst of my life. How can I cope with this? How can he expect that of me? He can't. He can't. Why would he do that to me? The b*****d. Why did the only thing he asked of me have to be the toughest thing, I've ever done? I can't even feel this way, about the man I murdered, but I do about just opening a bottle. I can't be detached. I want to be. I don't want to feel loss or pain, but I guess, I don't have a choice. Nobody gets the break from that. No one can be that detached. That's life. Bastardy life.
I am exhausted.
I am in pain.
I just want a release.
I want sleep.
I hear the door open. Then a few minutes later, it closes. I feel sick. I hadn't realised how sick, until now. I rush to the bin and release the contents of my stomach. I can't control it. Like I can't control the tears coming out of my eyes. My insides are burning just like my outsides. Bile and out of date whiskey. That's all there is in my stomach. I just want an end to all this. I have no dignity left. I could die like this. Folded over a cheap, decrepit paper bin. The inside of my nostrils and throat burn like someone has shoved a flaming torch down my windpipe.
I am sick.
I am tired.
I just need to go to sleep.
I just need to forget.
I had hoarded Valerian at one point. I have my own supplies. Sometimes my kleptomania is a good thing. I chew the root, begging for relief. I am a hundred percent done. I’m done with all the bullshit. This is never getting better. Just when it looks like it is, some other s**t or piss comes raining down.
I can feel myself getting more and more lightheaded, but I can't let go. I hear the door open. Oh my god, why does he not get the hint? If I wanted human company, I wouldn't have come up here. I desire to be left alone. Why does no one understand that? I hate it.
“Elektra, can I talk to you?”
“No. Piss off.”
He walks in anyway and sits on the ground next to me. He begins to rub my back. If he doesn't get his hands off of me, I will break his hand. It's been that kind of day; it wouldn't be hardship. I feel more bile rising in the back of my throat. I'm about to bring up the Valerian. Damn it. I regurgitate the contents of my stomach again.
“It's okay, bring it all up. Sh...that's it. Come on, get it all up.”
I can't stop vomiting. I don't know why. There is nothing for me to throw up and yet it keeps coming up. I don't want, Roman here. I want to be left alone to wallow in self- pity. I don't need a bloody audience.
“I'll get Rita, see if she can get you anything for the sickness. Don't move.”
Where the hell am I going to go? Mars?
What a stupid bloody thing to say.
But at least, I'm alone again. I can hear the girls next door sobbing; I would say it's pitiful, but they have a right to grieve. We all do. I do need something. The Valerian must have irritated my stomach. If I felt like death before, now I feel like death on a crappy day.
I can hear footsteps. It's probably Roman again. If I take the bin back to the bed with me, I may be able to sleep or something. Sleep deprived and chucking up. Damn. Damn. Damn.
“I have peppermint, ginger and spearmint. It's all she has. They should ease the vomiting. Here.”
I gaze up at him and, cautiously, accept the herbs. I chew the spearmint, I cannot stand peppermint. The smell of the spearmint is almost refreshing. Still making me gag, but I'm willing to do anything to make the regurgitation cease. I feel slightly better. I'm trying to hold down the mint. That and the whiskey would be a gag worthy concoction. This is taking my mind off of things, but my injury feels like fire. It feels like it's burning me. Ah.
I walk over to the bed. I place the bin by the side of the bed and I lay on my side. It's the only way I can get somewhat comfortable, if that's even possible. Roman comes and sits next to me on the bed. He continues to rub my back, as if he is winding a baby. It's really not helping.
“We're thinking, about how we deal with John. Whether we bury him or cremate him. When you're ready.”
I don't need to think about that now.
“We cremate him, Roman. It's what we always do. Why should it be any different?”
“Are you sure you're okay with that? I mean-”
“Yes, I'm sure.”
“Okay. If you're sure, Lex.”
I want to be alone, but I also want him here. I want comfort. I need comfort or reassurance. I want blame, but I want reassurance.
I let my eyes close. If I will for sleep, maybe it will work. Roman sits, staring at me while stroking my back. John was right; he's a good man. Decent. I don't deserve him at all. He begins to trace the line of my spine, drawing patterns across my back. I feel safe with Roman. I can let myself fall asleep, I think.
He doesn't take his eyes off of me. The last time he did, I escaped. I ran to a dying man. He's not going to let that happen again, I can tell. I have to let myself go. I'm too tired to cry. S****y day of my life so far.
“Just go to sleep, Lex. It'll look better in the morning. Somehow. You've been through trauma. You've been traumatized, too many times in the past few weeks. I will never let anything bad happen to you again, Lex. I swear to you. I'm going to protect you, if I can. Will you let me? Will you let me protect you, Lex?”
He thinks, he can protect me. How naïve is he? There is nothing in this world that can keep any of us, safe. He thinks, there is a choice to safety and protection, as if by muttering an answer, I'll be exempt from all harm.
But the offer does make me think. He wants to be there for me. Why? Why does he want to protect me? Why does he even fancy me in the first place? I'm a stubborn, spiteful, vindictive venomous b***h with no control over my emotions. I cannot chose not to feel, because the day I do is the day, I lose the right to call myself human.
I don't deserve the offer of companionship. I don't deserve companionship, full stop. The thing is, I can't stop thinking about my answer.
“Yes,” I mutter.
“Good, I love you, Lex.”
Well, that was a grand opening coming back to base camp...she just blows to pieces and just takes it all out war with the emotions...seems there is a rift in "E"...after all...but a lot has happened to her in the last few chapters...I would have put more effort into the she is coming back...the reaction of the children seems a bit in the back drop...put more feel with them in the big picture and not just "E" outburst to the death of with the others...the reference is above for you to look at and deem to use or not to make this more concrete...
Posted 10 Years Ago
Ellena RestrickBEXLEYHEATH, KENT, United Kingdom
I am a sixteen year old girl from London who loves writing. I have always loved English every since I was a little sproutlet and I would really appreciate any feedback you could give me :) more..