Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29



Chapter 4

I wake up in my bed, the first time in a week. I spent the past week sleeping at Shaun's, sharing his bed. It's was the first time I slept at a guys house, let alone share a bed with one. It went well though, he was really nice to me, he didn't try anything sexual the whole time. Only thing he wanted off me was to cuddle and kiss, which is nice as that's all I want at this point.

We didn't really go out much, just spent the time watching films, playing games and talking. Well as plenty of making out, oh he's such an amazing kisser. The way he kisses me, and uses his tongue makes me weak at my knees every time.

The only time we really went out, was to meet Ammi and her boyfriend Louie. She seemed unsure about him at first, but now she's totally in love with him. She never stops smiling when she's with him, it's so cute. I miss her though, I haven't had chance to see her on her own, I miss our talks and fun we have. That's why I arranged her to come over in a hour, so I guess I best get up now.

I strip off my bed clothes and walk naked to the bathroom, seen as mum is at work again so I can. I turn the shower on and step in. The warm water feels great on my tired skin. I tip my head back and enjoy the warm water, before washing my hair and my body. I step out and the cooler air makes me shiver, making me grab my towel and run back to my warmer room.

I turn my laptop on and let it load, as I dry my hair and body down. I log on to facebook to see I have a message.

Hey lucy,

I haven't seen you around much this past week, where have you been? Bet you was with that lad, you best watch him he's no good.

Oh I was in school with you, but two years higher than you.

Love you too,


Well that explains where he knows me from, but I still don't know him. But more importantly, what does he mean about what he said about Shaun? I feel anger rise inside me and click reply.


What do you mean about Shaun? He's a really nice guy, and it's up to me who I date not you.
Oh and still have no clue who the hell you are.


I click send, feeling the anger slowly fade out of me. I get dressed, and do my hair, before turning back to my laptop, to see a reply from Jay. I take a deep breath and click to open the message.


I knew his ex girlfriend, she had nothing good to say about him. He's a user, all he wanted from her was sex and nothing more.

In time you will know who I am.

With love Jay.

Okay so is he just jealous or telling the truth? I mean, I don't know either all to well, but know Shaun a lot better than Jay. Plus I spent a week in the same bed as him, and he tried nothing. I think I will have to be careful with both of them, just to be safe.


I don't know if that is a lie or not. I spent a week in the same bed as him, and he tried nothing. But I will find out in time I guess.
We have to see.


I close my laptop, not bothering to turn my laptop off and head downstairs. Mum has the radio on in the kitchen when I enter, dancing along to some old song I don't recognize, at the same time as cooking our breakfast. I stand with my back to the wall watching her smiling to myself, her oblivious to my gaze.

“Didn't hear you come down.” Mum says, jumping as she turns round to face me. “Did you sleep well?” Trying to cover up hear embarrassment.

“Yep, I slept fine thanks mum you? I didn't hear you come in last night were you late?” I happily ask, kissing mum on the cheek. “Oh and nice dancing mum.”

“Oh don't be mean you.” Mum jokingly says. “Yeah I had to work over time again, they are slowly putting me into an early grave. Anyway when do I get to meet this Shaun of yours?”

Damn I was hopping she wouldn't ask about Shaun, I kinda get embarrassed talking about him to anyone. I feel my face go red just from the question, which I think mum notices because next thing she says is, “Oh don't be like that dear, you should be able to talk about him to me.”

“Okay mum, I give in, he will be round later today, should be after dinner. So I guess you can meet him then, but please don't embarrass me, he's a nice guy.”

“I promise to be good, now grab two plates so we can eat this before it burns.” Mum replies, showing me some lovely scrabbled egg in a pan.

I grab two plates, and get the toast out the toaster and butter it, while mum shares the egg out between the two plates. Mum follows me to the living room and we sit down together in front of the television. Mum puts on Judge Judy, a show we both like, we eat our breakfast and laugh and joke at some of the things people are complaining about in the show, most seem their because they spit with a partner and want their things back. To be honest I think some of them do it for revenge more than anything.

The main thing, I am loving this, to get to spend some time with my mum. I know you would think at my age I don't need her, but I do and miss her when she has to work so much. It just seems that when she isn't working she's sleeping, so getting these few hours before I see Shaun is great, a good time to use for catch up.

That's what we do, I tell mum about what I did with Shaun, even though it did embarrass me at first, but after a while I was fine. Mum tells me about various things which happened at work, as well as giving me a run down on a book she is reading, called Fifty Shades Of grey, which you probably heard of. She reads it at work when she has a break and gives me a quick run down when she's home. She says I can read it when she's done, but that will be an while, but I guess I'm okay for now just getting the summed up version.

I feel like I should ask mum for advice on what to do with Jay, I mean he seems harmless, but also scares me sometimes. I don't know if there is truth in what he says, or if he just wants me to be with him. But I don't know him, in the end I decide not to tell her, I mean she would only freak out and phone the police, saying that he could rape me or anything, seen as he seems to know everything about me already, even before I say.

I hear a knock at the door and jump to my feet, moving as fast as I can, my feet hardly touching the floor I am moving that fast. I unlock the door and swing it open to see Shaun smiling back at me. Behind him is Ammi and her boyfriend Louie, at first she wasn't keen on him, but now they seem as happy as Shaun and I, which is great because we all get to hang around with our best friends still. I close the door behind them and lead them to the living room to meet mum.

I introduce Shaun first, he shyly smiles at her, stuck what to say, and just simply nods to any of the questions she asks. Then I introduce Louie, who unlike Shaun is not nervous and happily chats to my mum about anything, strangely getting on quite quick. When mum finally lets us go, I lead Shaun, Ammi and Louie to my room, happily explaining when various photos on the walls was taken.

In my room we all sit at the top of my bed, Shaun sat behind me cuddling up, and Ammi and Louie sat the same way. I put on some music on in the background and Shaun and I start kissing, I feel his soft lips cover mine, his sweet warm breath warming my lips. I lose myself in the moment, forgetting where I am, and what is around me until I hear Ammi's voice breaking the silence.

“Hey Lucy have you read this?” Ammi asks, passing my laptop to me with a message from Jay up. I feel my heart beat faster, I haven't yet told Shaun about him, I hope he doesn't think something is going on.


He is a f*****g loser you will see. Just because he didn't then, doesn't mean he will not in future. I tell you as soon as you open your legs, you will see the true Shaun. When you do, don't come crying to me.

Love Jay

“Who is he?” Shaun asks, reading the message over my shoulder.

Ammi and I try our bests to explain what has happened the past few weeks with this guy. That he just added me one day and since become obsessed with me. I tell him how it scares me how he seems to know where I always am and that he knows what I look like, but I have no idea what he does. After what seems hours, but in reality only minutes he finally believes me.

“Okay babes I believe you, I read all of them now and can see it's not you. All I can say though is don't believe anything he says. I mean I may know him, but I don't know any Jay or anyone who goes under that name. Let me send him a message.” Shaun seriously says, kissing me softly on the cheek


This is Lucy's boy friend Shaun. Look I don't know what your problem is but I don't know you, unless Jay is a fake name. Leave Lucy alone now, she doesn't want you she is with me. Go find someone else to stalk you sick freak.


Before I have chance to say no, Shaun sends the message, I feel my heart race again. I know Shaun only means well, but I don't know if I really wanted to be mean to the guy. Ammi tries to assure me it is the best way to deal with him, but I still don't know. I don't fancy him that's for sure, I love Shaun like mad, but I don't think been nasty to Jay is right.


OH Shaun, Shaun, Shaun. But you do know me, and I know you well. You are wearing a blue t shirt and Dark blue jeans. You left your house an hour ago, with that b***h Ammi and her best buddy Louie. See we are closer than you realise mate. As for you calling me a sick freak, ah well maybe I am. Just you wait though you will see what this sick freak can really do, and when you do Lucy will be mine, and we will have the time of our lives. Try and stop me I dare you.

Your best pal Jay

All four of us sit in silence reading the message over and over again. I try to figure out what it could mean. I start to feel scared and worried about the safety of Shaun, I mean how could this guy know so much about him? Is Shaun telling the truth I don't know I hope in time I will find out the truth, and that it will not be after something bad has happened.

We all decide it's best to sleep at mine tonight, safety in numbers, main reason is Shaun and Ammi want to make sure I am okay, and no harm comes to me. Shaun and I share the bed, while Ammi and Louie sleep on the floor, mum agreed but I didn't tell her about Jay, she would freak. And the rest of the night we just sit and watch movies, and talk, forgetting about Facebook and Jay for the night, just enjoying our time together.

© 2013 EllenMichelle29

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Added on February 1, 2013
Last Updated on February 1, 2013



Lincolnshire, UK, United Kingdom

Hey, my names Ellen Michelle and I'm 19, from Lincolnshire, UK. I love True Blood TV and books, WWE and TNA wrestling. I love playing Red Dead Redemption, The Sims 3 pets and WWE13, all on PS3. If a.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29